General Discussion

General DiscussionKaipi Taking Down Alliance 2-0

Kaipi Taking Down Alliance 2-0 in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...


    Ples Mercy

      You want us to give ya a cookie or something?

      Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

        rarelarımı ver lan :(

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          Kaipi picked up tri-core lineups with SF both games.

          Game 1 SF Mirana Naga Nyx SD
          Game 2 SF Gyro Clock Visage Bane

          I thought they would need to much farm but they pulled it off. 1st game they got to a point where Kaipi could solo kill Mag or NP making split push impossible, they just had so much offense there was no need to group. Triple early bkbs 2nd game...Kaipi just had so much gold...when Bane has a bkb you know you are in trouble. Satanic on SF and Gyro there was no solution for breaking their team, no matter who you focused they still had the power to fight.

          Drafting always seems to be done with heavy emphasis on synergy but these Kaipi drafts just went for each individual hero being strong. There was no need to protect the SF because Alliance was planning to farm. I really like the strong carry-SF builds here too. The weak blink or shadow blade builds are just to easy to counter.

          Овај коментар је измењен
          Ples Mercy

            what exacly made u write a small report? :D


              19 rares :D


                @Blunt He always does that and it's pretty nice to read, isnt it?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Relentless just spends half of his days thinking about what to write here on the forum.

                  Ples Mercy

                    well if someone didnt see the match, sure, but its still weird as fuck.


                      I for example didn't watch them, now I got a summary of those games and I feel informed, if you don't like it ignore it :) that's how you should cope with stuff in the Internet.


                        was pretty good and entertaining games, respect to kaipi for pulling it off :)

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Yeah. That was a huge rape. Actually all TPL quarter final matches were stomps. Expect A vs mouz. But even that was kind of one-sided.