General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh Bracket : Win Percentage Threshold?

High Bracket : Win Percentage Threshold? in General Discussion

    I usually solo queue on normal matchmaking (not solo matchmaking).
    I have around a 52 percent win rate and around a +30 win-loss differential.
    Additionally, I usually have high kDA.

    My games are still not in the high bracket unless I queue with friends/stack.

    Does anyone who transitioned from normal->high remember what win-percentage it happened at?

    There are different variables but I think I'm controlling for them...


      its not about percentage. im in the very high bracket for a long time.

      Овај коментар је измењен

        It seems as if you play with a stack most of the time though


          bump 10char


            wow thx for sharing the website. But my statistics are pending, will they update that soon?

            @TS going up to high mm is not about winrate at all. I had 1 acc I created that went 1-7 and was in very high mm. Recently valve also made some changes to the mm as well, but winrate is not really a factor.

            Chen Centaur Challenge

              That website is very buggy. Lots of people have multiple large errors in their stats.

              Only a tiny handful of people play a game in Very High solo queing. Nearly every game will be a stack with 2 or more players with a Very High rating on each team. The others will get in by stacking with their Very High rated friends.

              High works the same way but at a lower level. People solo queing into High will almost certainly have over 50% win, but not much over. However a stack with a couple High rated MMRs will go into the High bracket even with some very low winrate players qued with them.

              What really matters is the quality of your wins/losses. Did you beat difficult opponents?

              Take a look at your last ten games in High bracket with your friends. Did you win them? Also, when you shifted back to solo queing and had a higher MMR did you keep winning or go back on a loss streak? You need to win about 5 games in a row on an established account to go from Normal to High. 5 more in a row to go into Very High.

              Once you get to High or Very High you must keep winning over 50% to stay there.

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              Penis Monkey

                nothing about win rate, it's far more complex than that, it's about your actual abilities in the game, your item progression, your cs at certain times, of course your kda will come into it but it will also be relevant, for example if your entire team stomp and go like 15-0 and you only go 5-0, despite having a great kda of 5 for that game you would have actually done relatively bad, it also takes into account the role of the heroes you play, like if you do that 5-0 on a support it's relatively better than 5-0 on a carry, from looking at your profile you play majority carries so your kda SHOULD be better than average because simply you are on the hero who should get the kills.

                Chen Centaur Challenge

                  ^none of that goes into the MMR equation, it is purely win/loss and strength of the opponents vs weakness of the allies.

                  These sort of in-game stats impact your rating on Dotabuff, but not your MMR that determines the skill bracket of the game in the dota 2 client.

                  However it will make a difference in whether you win the games.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    it is about win rate instead of wins nowadays.
                    whenever i queue with my smurf, i end up vs 1k wins and shit.

                    it's hilarious


                      When I started do get matched on high bracket I had +18 wins, ~52% wr. I never got queued on high mm with less then +17 wins, but on high/very high there were constantly people with 49% wins in my games.

                      However, on very high things were quite weird: at +27 wins I was getting on very high like 1 game of 6. at +36 wins I was getting there like 1 game of 4.


                        You either are in very high or not.If you get in to very high 1 game out of 4 it means you are at the border from very high to high.

                        2 people with 52% win rate and 1k games are probably not the same ranking.So you cant put a number on your win %.If you go on 10 game win streak youll reach high probably with 20-30 games win streak you are prob very high...

                        I played about 5 games out of 800 with a friend...all others solo.Last 400 games prob are in very high only mb more i don't know.

                        From my experience getting from normal to very high with 55% win takes about 200 games. With 52% prob 500.

                        This system is retarded for casual skilled player with 5 games a week.You have to be pretty good to get 55% win rate solo queing yet i am still not placed in a bracket with people on my same level.I will prob have to play 500 more games with 55% to reach top of very high witch is basically another year for me...


                          Maybe I was on border, but still, after winning a game on very high, next one was on high; after winning it, next one was also on high.

                          With normal/high the border was quite clear: after winning a solo game on high, next one was also on high.

                          Woof Woof

                            people only need 60%winrate after 30wins to get matched with/against me its so fuckin depressing How bad can i be
                            high bracket is bullshit + when ua rre stuck in one bracket just create new account or play as 5 and rape - point is you need huge winstreaks to break out of your low rating shell

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              im am far from a great player. I mainly play support most of the time and try to do it as best as possible for my team.
                              I try to die as less as possible but sometimes its inevitable.
                              Anyway that's not the thing that bugs me. What bugs me unfortunatly is that i am not able to find some cooperative and fast reactive players.
                              If anybody feels like giving it a try, without any stress, but by playing focused and try to achive something, add me up on steam.

                              again, im a far from a pro, but i consider myself cooperative and decent.
                              It's just that its depressing to get stuck at this spot all the time.

                              i am currently around -20 games difference and whenever i am about to reach the 0 to be even, i start to go down again.
                              my mistake (but not really) was to have several games with friends who are new to the genre and wanted to try the game, result ofc losing. But apart from that i constantly get queued with very bad players and i cant seem to grasp why.

                              Maybe you can help me to understand what i am doing wrong.

                              Anyway, thanks for the read

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Woof Woof

                                I miss those tekken days


                                  what tekken days lmao

                                  its still up they still releasing games tekken 6 was the latest

                                  theres also mortal kombat komplete on steam for pc

                                  Woof Woof

                                    tekken 2 and 3 <3 4 life


                                      @illuminati i apsolutly understand you mate
                                      very same feeling here :)))

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        i have seen people with a 51% winrate and yet still in the normal bracket and i saw people with 49% winrate in high bracket. So tehere is no win threshold


                                          I'm in the same boat as the OP (Though I have a higher WR because I have less total games played :P) And I've only played 1 game recently that was in High(as a wisp), excluding all the games I played stacking with my Ukrainian friends.

                                          What's weird is that games I've played after that high game are still ranked as normal, even though I've been playing just as well (IMO). A dev on the Dota 2 forums said that the "Normal" "High" and "Very High" are tags assigned to replays after the game is played, and don't necessarily have to do with the skill of the players in the game, which means if this statement is true there's no real accurate way to know how we place


                                            @Yoshi I feel your pain man, I play support in most of my games and sometimes I feel like I couldn't be supporting bigger idiots


                                              think of it as what roles you play 1-5 and how well you play them. there is a "bar" requirement to move from normal high and very high. it isnt reflected in your in game stats at all but more of a tracking device. loke say you play a typically support hero and you choose to go mid, and you dominate the game that will count towards your mid hero progression in skill cap. also what you buy aff will hlp uyoects thid growth too. buying items like necro book dust n wards and using them effectively


                                                oknsry fornmyncomment becoming incoherant. im trying to explain this on a smartphone XD.


                                                  and gave up after it wouldnt go back to the correct spot to continue the message


                                                    I dont think the very high skill bracket means much. Maybe a few months ago it did mean something. I realized when I play a very high game in the rare occasion, I do so bad due to being outplayed etc. Now, for some reason I queue in very high so often, yet the quality of the game doesnt seem like the very high games a few months back. I know too that I'm no where a good player, so I don't know why I'm in very high which doesnt seem a very high game if you know what I mean haha. :s


                                                      I was in very high since my first 100 games after bringing with me experience from Dota 1. It has nothing to do with games played. As Valve Devs have already mentioned on their forums, matchmaking is based on an Elo system. Presumably the replay rating is based on the average Elo of both teams, and one may be above or below it based on your teammates, resulting in games that could be at the bottom of Very High followed by a game at the top of High despite a win. The fastest way to get to Very High is to stack with better teammates, and adapt to that level of play - once you can win half your games with those teammates, your Elo rating will start climbing (as you are constantly winning games against players of much higher Elo, being the 'burden' on your team).


                                                        And ultimately all these mean very little - I consistently end up on page 1 - 5 when solo queuing, but end up with people who either don't know what they are doing, trying unorthodox builds or just messing around.


                                                          i solo queue at high, winrate been around 51-52


                                                            I currently soloQ in very high, although I often play with friends so my statistics don't show VH, instead I end up in high.
                                                            My winrate is 51%, winrate doesn't really matter at all, since the more matches you will play, the closer to 50 you will get. (in most situations, Pro players aside.)

                                                            Kai no Kiseki

                                                              Wut Very High is not that hard to achieve at least on American servers. I've found SEA servers to be much tougher.


                                                                As I see many times on this forum, and also specifically on this post, most of us are like minded
                                                                I suggest then to join forces to improve together.
                                                                That doesn't mean getting stressed by playing of course, but just having maybe finally somebody to play with that is more cooperative.

                                                                If you guys need a decent support (at least i buy wards ha ha :-) ) hit me up on steam.
                                                                the account name would be Yoshimitsu88

                                                                as for everything else, we can just hope it gets a little bit better, we need a challenge, a true competition on every game, win it or lose it it's the same.
                                                                I prefer to lose a game but have a great play of 60 minutes with good cooperative people and wonder how we can improve next match, than get stomped before even starting because we didn't know "what does this invoker character do and how do i play it?".
                                                                The main problem is that people don't like to inform themselves (or sometimes are too young of age for it :-) )

                                                                If you are playing and you see there is something wrong (or you are being told so), try to read up on tactics, what items and why to pick them, etc. etc. that is i believe the key to success. That i believe will improve much more the various game brackets like normal/high/very high thus improving your game enjoyment, but most ppl don't do it

                                                                anyway, sorry once again for the spam wall of text


                                                                  I feel for you yoshi hahaha same prob can't seem to break the 50% winrate curse. Everytime I get into 5 - 10 range faster I go down to 20 - 25 its so hard Its been like this since forever Im stuck with my winrate. I think Im not improving or just plain noob.


                                                                    Indeed! kind of sucks :(((

                                                                    it's like they make you feel the pussy perfume but when you get close she runs away lol :-)
                                                                    Kinda a bad comparison but that's the idea

                                                                    let's feed

                                                                      Both my accounts are in high solo. I have never reached the V.High though :( Most of the time I have around 51% winrate. When I loose 5 consequent games I drop to Normal after 2-3 wins I am but to High again. Also I've noticed that there is no 1:1 correlation with the wins/loses ration. If I loose 1 game and drop to normal for example I may need 2 games to go back to high etc..


                                                                        trust me its all about winning rate, and winning rate can tell a person skill


                                                                          its increasing with every single game i played 200 games 80% 300 games 90% maybe it will reach 100% at 500 games

                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                            !-! you need solid winstreaks to overcome frozen rating for example look up my account record i drop 23 games in a row on purpose and it drop me from very high to high

                                                                            sadly dotaholic isnt around so i cant rly show you any legit graphs ={

                                                                            but from my overall experience it takes like 12 to 20wins(my bad 17wins with 3 losses here and there) with very few losses to break from frozen rating and move up to vh
                                                                            dunno about other streaks like +3 -1 +3 -1

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              got around 51% win rate and every single game im playing solo is very high. on my smurf acc i just got 20 games and im already queued in vh solo, so no its not about the winrate

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                just if i stack with friend who usually play normal/high im in high as u can see in dota match history


                                                                                  @majin true i 1st 10 games already in very high. but its the % tat matters. if u stack wif noob fren ur game will drop u stack wif higher mmr fren ur game standard will rise. so, the best to see your skill is to solo queue. i got normal game because i play with my fren


                                                                                    make a smurf and make sure you win 30 times and lose 1-5 times

                                                                                    have fun being in the highest bracket


                                                                                      how do u know wich game was in high or wich was in very-high bracket?