General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Кривые руки

    Good variety of heroes
    Low kda as pudge

    The  Penguin

      Good: 54% win rate
      Bad: Nothing really, inconsistent plays I guess.


        Good: Top 3 heroes mid and offlaner.

        Bad: Rubick needs love.


          Good: GO SUPPORTS!

          Bad: Carries need more love <3

          Penis Monkey

            Good: some pretty nice WRs going on there
            Bad: only a smurf, so can't tell


              Good : Winrate
              Bad : Negative winrate on most played hero


                Good: NICE KDA
                Bad: 48% winrate rubick

                Quick maffs

                  Good: Nice name , 450 games with ogre :D

                  Bad: 825 games with spirit breaker, 40% winrate with necro :/


                    Good: Awesome scores on last ranked matches
                    Bad: Meepo needs love

                    Bone Chilling

                      good: huskar winrate
                      bad: invoker =\

                      Запах котячих лапок

                        good: high void winrate
                        bad: a lot of pudge

                        COYOTE CÓSMICO

                          Good: Gyro Zeus and Lina winrates

                          Bad: Agg Drow... also very low kda


                            Good: 73% winrate omni nice
                            Bad: 33% invoker lol


                              Good: high win rate with main heroes
                              Bad: Mid heroes need more love </3


                                Good: Offlaners and mids. Clinckz player.

                                Bad: Top hero with negative winrate


                                  Good: Supports NICE

                                  Bad: treant :x

                                  Сука Spirit

                                    Good: holy crap 4.4k games, good wr
                                    Bad: you play only a few heroes these days, 800 spirit breaker games ._. And you seem to be dying more than usual with some heroes


                                      Good: dat EMBER
                                      Bad: smurf


                                        Good: you must land every skillshot you try with those 5k games
                                        Bad: You should try more meepo, since you are good with Chen and Prophet


                                          Good : clinks and weaver 's winrate
                                          Bad : Invoker , pudge and tide

                                          Bone Chilling

                                            good: carry wr
                                            bad: carry kda


                                              Good: Nice dazzle

                                              Bad: Below 50% with lich?


                                                Good: Spirit Breaker winrate after so many games!
                                                Bad: Terrible builds for Abaddon and therefore most games are lost

                                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                                Penis Monkey

                                                  Good: Abaddon and Cent WRs
                                                  Bad: Plays Abaddon, can't play void for shit, 0.94 KDA on Huskar, lulwut?


                                                    Good: Kda and overall winrate
                                                    Bad: Plays Legion Commander and Slark, One of the easiest heroes (Bristleback) 20% winrate, Naga 12.50% winrate, lolwut?

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                    Penis Monkey

                                                      Good: Has balls
                                                      Bad: nothing. I retract all. I like balls.

                                                      GENERAL CHO

                                                        Good: Winrate
                                                        Bad: Nothing :)

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                        Penis Monkey

                                                          Good: Those lips
                                                          Bad: My toast is wet too now.

                                                          GENERAL CHO

                                                            Good: likes my lips
                                                            Bad: Said nothing about my games.


                                                              Good: Supports seems to be your type, and you use them well
                                                              Bad: No variety of heroes, maybe with some more games


                                                                Good: nice clinkz winrate
                                                                Bad: so many invis heroes.

                                                                Anthem Blue Cross

                                                                  Good : MMR
                                                                  Bad : No MMR record in Dotabuff ;)


                                                                    Good: Lots of recent Crystal Maiden games :D

                                                                    Bad: Lost game where you dealt your highest damage.


                                                                      Good: Warlock winrate!
                                                                      Bad: Your most played hero is Lich - you're a jerk :P

                                                                      Penis Monkey

                                                                        Good: Your name
                                                                        Bad: KDAs


                                                                          Good : Nicewinrate
                                                                          Bad : winrate on invo (most played hero)


                                                                            Good: KDA on top heroes and overall winrate is good.
                                                                            Bad: 761 highest GPM? wat


                                                                              Good:Have a high average kills per game, plays well with carries
                                                                              Bad:Morphling winrate, no support love

                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                really good master of the beasts
                                                                                drow neko ranger needs some love


                                                                                  Good: KDA & WLR
                                                                                  Bad: I assume 5 man stacks only

                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                    40% winrate on weaver


                                                                                      Huge win rate/kdr

                                                                                      All around asshole to most people on this forum

                                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                                        Good: Nice Venomancer and supports generally. Also you speak the truth :p
                                                                                        Bad: Your Lina seems to be suffering :(


                                                                                          good : Furion
                                                                                          bad: Shadow Fiend


                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                                                            ^ What?


                                                                                              Good: Nice Stats on AM and Ursa
                                                                                              Bad: Pudge stats


                                                                                                Bad:Axe,dragon knight

                                                                                                Sup m8

                                                                                                  Good: very good kda on lots of heroes
                                                                                                  Bad: stacks a lot? I dunno


                                                                                                    good:actually manages to win with troll.
                                                                                                    bad:storm spirit :(
                                                                                                    BTW:i have stacked in only 7 matches till now.


                                                                                                      bad few games played
                                                                                                      good positive win rate

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