General Discussion

General DiscussionRecent Win Not Recorded.

Recent Win Not Recorded. in General Discussion

    I played 3 matches today and won all 3. However, the first and the third seem to be the only one's that are showing up.

    I'm presuming this is a bug.

    Donald Duck

      Nope, it's not.
      I can't watch the games now, but i noticed that the second one is on the "Non-Real games", those where one player of your or enemy team leaves the game.


        That's interesting, I notice that myself now, but I have another game that had the same issue that was a loss that got recorded, seems strange it would work out that way.

        Edit: Scratch that. I think I know why that one got recorded, it kind of makes sense to me now. Even though Dota 2 isn't recording either match in my profile.

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          takes time to apear sometimes