General Discussion

General DiscussionHelpful Tips/Suggestions

Helpful Tips/Suggestions in General Discussion

    Hey guys was wondering if I could get any helpful tips/suggestion to help improve individually as a player, i'm not new to Dota nor am I any good as can be seen from my terrible WR on my heroes (QOP in particular) anyway I welcome any criticism that would help improve my playstyle and maybe give me something to work on. Cheers!


      1.Pick Spirit Breaker.
      2.Get Every last hit in lane.
      3.Get Shadow Blade
      4.Kill everyone

      Rinse / Repeat


        @Tz: Ermm, don't really fancy SB tho the new patch did up his popularity :) Thanks tho!


          i was gonna say pick SB get level 3 and kill everyone but looks like it was covered


            sb is w/e he will die down since ppl dont know how to play vs him atm. play warlock he is op early/mid and is still relevant late game just build midas first item (if you can manage to stay alive the first 10-15 mins of the game) and just sit back and. farm when your ult is down


              and honestly if youre gonna play him that fatal bonds move is imba as fuck in teamfights