General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople + Dota + me = Interesting game

People + Dota + me = Interesting game in General Discussion

    Does anyone know how bad one person can get at this game?


      watch game from tinker perspective .. :D


        Honestly, I'm roshing before 10 min and getting 10+ kills but the teammates are dumber than bricks




            what about him?


              Holy shit ^^ 94% Win rate with ursa LOL

              dookie daddy

                Chris is a pretty damn good ursa and supported by a pretty damn good stack as well.

                The level of bad is also based on your level of what your perceive as bad. Some make better plays than others and some farm better than others etc. I have seen some terrible players in my time but all of them come around if they have a willingness to learn and listen to the their betters.

                There are noobs that are new to the game so show some compassion.
                There are trolls who will wreck your game if things don't go their way.
                There are also just bad games where people just aren't in their game.

                Autism is great

                  well it may be hard 4 you to believe

                  kills dont win game


                    ^^^ agree


                      not ro that but to havoc

                      dookie daddy

                        @zushBB your are absolutely right. One of the things I have noticed in the last 3 months is the emphasis on over farming where not necessary. I saw some game where a Medusa had like 800cs and 38-4, stuff like that is totally unneeded and most games I feel shouldn't be going over 35-40 mins unless you have a really good game and its a fight for like 60-70 mins. Simply prolonging a game because you can, getting 5 kills then waiting for them to respawn and then killing them again is a mistake made by so many unskilled people in this game.

                        You had a good start? - Group up and push that bitch-ass base down as a group
                        You have killed the whole team? - Push a lane down don't go back to farming you little shits.
                        Destroyed a lane? - Kill another lane or end it, don't hang around in their God damn base trying to get more kills.

                        I have seen so many games where it wasn't even a comeback it was just stupid plays where the enemy or even my team have just dicked around and accidentally died but shrugged it off cause we were so far ahead. Then the enemy, being more focused cause they are losing just straight up do what we should have done 20 mins ago....FINISHED THE DAMN GAME!!


                          I don't see that too often anymore.

                          But what do you do when you are on an offlane against a dark seer pushing all the time while your bot trilane feeds an alchemist 10 kills or so. I am everything but great at this game since I haven't got the experience but what am I supposed to do then? Give up my lane and try to kill with a windrunner all fed and high-leveled enemies? Its just not possible - stun, stun and you are dead (2nd stun since you survive the first with windrun against the right-clicks) and there is nothing I see I could do about it. Happened to me.

                          Or a lone druid on offlane: I'm mid. Saying miss, saying him to go b, pinging the Huskar 12 times (we got ward and Hus took invis rune) and he just doesn't go b and play careful until Hus appears again. So what to do? Lone Druid dies 3 more times or so, Hus became unstoppable since we got that lovely patch from Valve. With windrunner no chance to kill him then. You stun him one time then you can go home or die. Your team deals 0 dmg and gets stunned or insta-killed (low levels). I'm not able to fight against this foolishness. Needless to say he went random 2nd time Lone Druid not seeming to know his spells. Nethertheless plays not careful at all. MUST feed. Bot lane went 0/3 and more in no time too for some reason.

                          These 2 games are the reason I am still not over 50% winrate :(. I would never say I did everything right in these games though.

                          Sometimes you are almost powerless and can't win a game. Thing to accept in pub games.


                            @zushbb watch any EG game loss to verify

                            Autism is great

                              : DDDDDDDD


                                Iv had similar issues with solo que ursa, even if u go 15-5 u cant end the game very easily with this carry on very high without support heroes, hes very slow farmer and cant push fast. When ppl split push you and start building anti ursa items(ghost/force) he falls off.

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                                  maici anti ursa itamz, veri mani

                                  dookie daddy

                                    The way I feel about Ursa is he is a one man storm. If you roam him picking up all the kill (which you can do from the get go) then 3 members of the team are free to do what they want with Ursa being such a heavy match turner early game.

                                    The trouble is that as soon as the other team can farm items or anti items he falls out and if your team members are dickbeef then you are basically screwed cause you are still going to be focused heavily.

                                    Take this game I ran around assraping while they 2-4 man pushed. So right at the point where I may have dropped out we had already secured a lane and the team had an advantage cause they were so pushed back. Holy shit I should play Ursa more, he is defo a stomper.

                                    Again had to go offlane with Dazzle and Clock which is ok but not the best but ended up doing well so told the team to fuck the farm and 5 man it up, the other team just gave up and game over in 19 mins.