General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a team

Looking for a team in General Discussion

    Fairly experienced player here, had a team with a bunch of my friends but a couple of them don't really DOTA anymore.

    Just wondering if there are any teams out there looking for a player or two.

    I play on US East server, I have played a lot of different heroes, some well, some not well.

    Just want to play this game more competitively and really have some fun.

    Obviously this post will get trolled. If you got a team, just add me on steam or comment here

    King of Low Prio

      add meh

      Ples Mercy

        srsly people dont like 1hero players. If you play in a team, they usually expect someone to play multiple roles or heroes, you only seam to play Naix (dont even know how u can suck that much as OD lulz)

        Josh  :D

          Blunt is a jerk.

          My guess is you're not going to find many folks here, you might just want to make nice with the folks you queue with when you solo queue, especially in compendium matches. I've met a lot of folks that are fun to play with that way.

          Ples Mercy

            people rather dislike someone pretending to be good but clearly isnt. Looking at your thread to far noone was saying that i was wrong but more that you are wrong.

            But yeah, im a jerk. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!

            Josh  :D

              You're the type of individual that helps keep a place like this from developing a steady group of contributors. Dotabuff did themselves a solid by enabling a report function, though I'm not sure how well they're implementing it. Although it is the internet and folks do say mean things on the internet, comes with the territory, that caustic tone kills forums. This could be a great place for folks to share thoughts and ideas and help improve the dota community, but when folks see how it's more or less a bunch of folks beating their chest calling each other names, they don't participate or contribute.

              Yes, you're a jerk, or a cyberbully if you prefer.

              Ples Mercy

                lulz, now im your bully? Poor little thing.

                nob go buy aghs on every hero.


                  you have 36% on invoker and 46% with pudge. don't complain about someone having low win rate on OD please.

                  Josh  :D

                    You're not my bully, you don't like me that much, you like stomping around here being a bully. Bad for dotabuff, but that's their problem.


                      You can add me, If you'd like to.

                      Ples Mercy

                        HOLY SHIT

                        Zeus - 14.29%


                        Овај коментар је измењен
                        Josh  :D

                          How is your invoker worse than mine?

                          Ples Mercy

                   - you

                   - me

                            I lose bcause i play with feeders and noobs, you because you are a feeder and noob.
                            Thats how. Call the bully police!

                            BTW: I dont troll you bcause i dislike you, i troll you bcause your crying alot.

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Josh  :D

                              look at your win rate sweetie.

                              Your a jerk because you're a jerk. Maybe you have nothing better to do, maybe your dad touches you in your no no spots, maybe your just lonely and bored, but you're a jerk because of decisions you make, not me.

                              Ples Mercy

                                yes its higher than urs, whats your point.
                                Your running out of arguments. Kinda sad. Cmon boy you can do better. Take the dick out of your ass and write like a man!


                                  7 games are too many to judge with.
                                  82.61% win rate on visage, invite me to TI3 please.

                                  Josh  :D

                                    Blunt, no it's not. Your invoker win rate is 36%, lower than mine.

                                    Penis Monkey

                                      Blunt is a trash player, I've played with him a few times through mutual friends and every time he has been a hindrance to my team. Yes he can control his own hero but his actual team plays and awareness are terrible, and it is what stops him from being a genuinely good player. To see him troll and abuse so much on here is painful considering his own shortcomings.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        You mad?

                                        Odd, many of your 'mutual friends' tell me that you are anoying, flaming and a trashplayer. Mh, but hey, i alrdy told your 'mutual friends' that they dont even have to invite me when your around since you are quite bad, thats why we didnt play anymore, OH DAYMN HE REVEALED IT!

                                        but yeah, im more of a solo player and like to play more pick of / gank based, rather than 5mendota.

                                        Want to suck my wiener and cry me a river?

                                        Penis Monkey


                                          I'm not mad in the slightest, just throw me ANY proof that I'm trash, particularly compared to you (I'm looking at our KDA's right now...)

                                          Yes I flame idiots in game, and fuck it if they think I'm annoying they won't play with me, so I don't know why you are calling these people my friends. We don't play anymore because you can't take it that when we played together I said you sucked because you, funnily enough, sucked. As for your bluff about my real friends saying that about me, I'd like you to call any one of them forward to say it publicly, almost guaranteed you'll only find other trash-bags like you who I no longer play with because they suck.

                                          But actually there's no need to be so aggressive, I just said your not bad you just suck in a team, but if you really want to go down the route of who's 'trash' then it won't take any time at all to find the proof we need.

                                          My favourite being the fact that in all 3 games we played together my stats were superior to yours in EVERY game regardless of which roles and heroes we played (a quick plus look will prove that), I had higher Last Hits, XPM and GPM in all.


                                          but yeah, im more of a solo player and like to play more pick of / gank based, rather than 5mendota.


                                          this is primarily why you suck, you don't like playing '5mendota' in a game that is 5 v 5. Watch any pro game to see why you suck.

                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                          Ples Mercy

                                            thats why i put them in '', durr.

                                            So you show us matches where we lost and where u failed mid 3 times, your point is that you failed mid or what?

                                            Basicly your 2 retarded 2 gank, call and take runecontrol. We lost those 3 games bcause you failed so hard at doing anything mid. So yeah, sadly the demos are not avaible, that would have been hilarious.

                                            But OK, show us your afkfarmn00bskills. Gud player. You suck, but ill give you credit for trying to sound better.

                                            For the players who are interested:

                                            Matchid: 248263926
                                            Well i dont blame him for losing mid hard here, since OD > Puck, but it didnt help that he didnt do shit. He basicly did camp at his tower, waited until OD got rather fed. OD began to gank lanes and thats when we totally lost the lanes. Noone warded (teamcomp 4tw). Since our enemies were terrible they did give me a short time to farm up again. So thats when the scrubplayer tped to my freefarm lane and took all the farm with his q + silence with the reason: 'I need blink, i need items.'
                                            End of line, he lost mid, he took carries farm and did not gank at all. He did ok in teamfights, but that was about it.

                                            Matchid: 245810085
                                            Well this is alot faster to explain, somehow he lost lane to pudge, got killed twice (1st kill was first blood) and then pudge just snowballed. GG mid.

                                            Matchid: 245787004
                                            Nyx & sven bot agaist me. I fed them fb (yay promove). So yeah, he somehow lost against rubick mid (dont even know how that happened) and yeah, rubick had some fun times gank bot.

                                            [Offtopic: SPACECOW @ Liquid against Alliance! Hopefully win to show the spacebwalls :D]

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            Penis Monkey

                                              LMAO Blunt you're just making these stories up as you go along?! stop smoking crack kid! I didn't lose mid in any one of those games and I did gank with puck! granted I didn't with Invoker because he's not a ganking hero.

                                              Wow boy you are as disillusioned as they come! Watch the replays if you need a reminder of how things went down.

                                              I didn't steal your farm with Puck until you refused to partake in team fights and refused to stop farming despite the fact they were team fighting and we were missing a carry. Why would I keep losing team fights just so the shit tier scrub can get one more item before we lose the game? you were as useless as a broken condom, but don't hate the game, some people just aren't cut out for it.

                                              dookie daddy

                                                Match ID 248263926

                                                Actually was winning this game as an offlane night stalker but I had to grab a package and they unpaused and pushed a lane in my absence.

                                                Match ID 245810085

                                                This guy is an incredible pudge and just played extremely aggressive and well early game.

                                                Match ID 245787004

                                                Amazing player on rubick, actually surprised we lost this but don't remember how it actually went to shit.

                                                Its no one persons fault and having played with both of you I think that you are good players in each your own right. Everyone has different play styles and some people are better in groups and some better in solo play.

                                                I honestly don't feel that this will go anywhere so let me, from a neutral stand point tell you how you are.

                                                Blunt - Very aggressive player which pays off quite a lot if backed but a similarly aggressive team or team heroes. Not particularly good at the turtle game and tends to make rash and hasty decisions that either get him or his team killed. Good with heroes that can be left alone but not so much with heroes that the team rely on.

                                                ULF - Plays a lot of "strats" which unless queuing with the same 5 people over and over can tend to backfire. Expecting random friends to somehow come together and pull of amazing symphony of skills just doesn't happen. A good mid with a sound enough mind to play in a group effectively with early game failure not controlling his late game play too much.

                                                You both play completely different DotA to each other and each has your strengths and weakness. Blunt, you played in a stack which I feel in my opinion is not your strong point. You can queue effectively with 2-3 players but even more and it can fall apart. Tonks is like this as well and you were just out of your zone in those games we played.

                                                TL;DR Both are good players just get over yourselves you are both different kinds of players.

                                                Josh  :D

                                                  @havoc: If blunt is a solo self-proclaimed solo player, that's ignoring in it's entirety that the game heavily rewards teamwork. A team of players of average skill that are coordinated could easily win against a team of self-proclaimed MVPs that may be talented individually, but ignore teamwork. Those are the matches you end up having five carriers and no courier, or no stuns, or no team fight.

                                                  Penis Monkey


                                                    I never claimed to be better outright in my own personal abilities when compared to Blunt (if you read what I already posted) I just simply stated he's an ass hat with no team skills so I find it funny that he insults people who are searching for a team based on their apparent inabilities in the game.

                                                    Essentially Blunt, get back to your troll cave and let others do what they wish on this game.

                                                    And Havoc, a quick throw back to the game we were winning. Yes you had to leave, but if you remember when we had these team fights we were constantly lacking a certain PA. If Blunt was in the fights from the start we would have wrapped that game up about the time you had to leave, and you know that. Our entire team was complaining about the lack of plays from him.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      I completely agree, however 50% of the time reckless picks and gameplay can sometimes win out a more coordinated team hence the 50% cap on most peoples who solo queue or dual queue's winrate. Group stacking and good team coordination tends to move players into the 55-60% which is why it is the preferred method of game play amongst the hard core winrate seekers.

                                                      Penis Monkey

                                                        It's not even about winrate seeking.

                                                        You don't start a game to lose it. Just like when I play I prefer to play in 5 so that I can rely upon my team to play as a team. Win or lose, I would much rather be with friends than solo. If Blunt is happy going solo then whatever, but the point here is that he came onto this persons thread who was looking to start a team/stack and outright insulted him.

                                                        The actual shortcomings in both mine and Blunt's play are second to the fact that he's a pure asshole coming out here to troll people who are trying to improve their own game and I'm amazed that you can't see that here Sam, given that you more than most give everyone their fair share and move away from the blatant trolls of this world.

                                                        dookie daddy

                                                          Blunt is not too helpful on dotabuff I will agree, I was just hoping that in the haze of faults and success trumpeting I would provide a insiders view on how I see it to be.

                                                          Also I wanted to hopefully put this thread to rest and end the constant stat pulling to try and better ones standing in a forum community that will never improve.

                                                          Penis Monkey

                                                            Oh I don't really care where I stand within this toxic community, I'm just doing my best to silence a few trolls.

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              All the text above, holy shit, TL:DR :D

                                                              Havoc, y u make textwall? :(

                                                              and Ultimate Life Form, you still suck, and you still got raped every game and lost the match for us. GG WP NO RE

                                                              Penis Monkey

                                                                Well we all know that's complete garbage - go back to your cave, troll.

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  You are rly mad. Did you lose again like a scrub or whats the matter?

                                                                  uhh the good old feeding lion. gj

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    I will play with you one night Havoc badger, one night, the stars shall align, the God's shall sing sweet harmonies and we shall team up on the dota battlefield...then, and only then, you'll complain about your teamates...well, me. Then you shall become Blunt, and the world shall stop spinning.

                                                                    Ples Mercy



                                                                        Wait a my web cam on? Can you see me!? WTF!?

                                                                        STALKER!!!!!! CALL DA POLICE!


                                                                          blunt will stop trolling when the world stops spinning.

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Dat insight

                                                                            Penis Monkey

                                                                              Blunt, those games I had bad internet connection because I've moved house and haven't set my own up yet (hence very few games recently) but you should be careful when you have these gems lying around on your own profile...


                                                                              anyway, I've had enough of this, whatever I did to piss you off before let's just drop it and move on, just don't troll noobs it's not cool.

                                                                              Ples Mercy



                                                                                "blunt will stop trolling when the world stops spinning."