General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinion on Slark Item Build

Opinion on Slark Item Build in General Discussion

    yo guys i've been observing that most successful slark players here usually go shadowblade first. what's your judgement on using this? isn't armet/sny a more viable choice? what's the most successful build for slark in your opinion?
    just played this guy and yep he is a boss (like mad cow guy

    Autism is great

      Slark pickers = homosexuals
      I bet each one of them is in relationship with other male

      King of Low Prio

        in pubs shadow blade is good on any hero because pubs dont use detection well............................


          Sampson gtfo no1 gives a flying fuck about ur opinion.

          Ples Mercy

            Its a good thing bcause its giving you abit more burst and the movementspeed to gank n snowball like a baws. Lotchars on slark is a very good item choice.


              you buy items depending on enemy heroes and game progresion there is no specific build


                ^nah i've seen good slark people here that goes about shadowblade every game so it doesn't really vary that much but i would say it is sometimes situational

                What to wear?

                  treads drums sny mkb


                    Ugh I play slark a lot and the only way I build him is boots>bottle or wand>yasha>heart>to what ever is needed but by that time usually it's a win. Yasha gives you max move speed as long as they can't see you at 11 and heart allows you to get 200+ regen as well so jump in tank everything jump out regen go back in clean up with all the damage from the stats you stole the first time.


                      I don't really understand the Heart... isn't your regen already high enough when out of sight? SB can get your regen going as well, plus it has the ability to set up a more successful gank.


                        Heart allows you to tank t3 towers without losing any health and it takes about five seconds to regen back to full hp as well as giving the extra health to tank any abilities they throw at you without being to worried but in a perfect game you should be tanking towers and letting your creeps live to push non stop after the tower is down just back up heal and keep pushing great for split pushes and really nothing the enemy can do besides 5 man you and even then you can 1v5 them with the right maneuvering and enemy item awareness


                          If I doubt just give it a try you'll never build different again


                            Oh but be warned if your up against a bad lineup getting the heart is hard to do unless your team can give you space to farm mid game. Bad team= qop Nyx any surprise your dead hero or clinks with a orchid and when they are picked I usually don't pick slark unless I know they are for lack of a better word "noob" but if you manage the heart it dont matter anyway


                              doesn't matter what enemy has sb is always the best choice, if you're playing a higher level game i'd go for orchid bkb and skadi maybe or butter though.


                                This build should work:


                                  go the item that is best for the particular game you are playing in. this is most of the time not shadowblade if you're against decent people




                                      lothar is core for slark

                                      then its optional u can go either skadi or orchid or abyssal or any other shit

                                      altho u can play w/o lothar but its just much more difficult cuz u can't gank if theres wards around (main purpose of sb to get pasts those places where they got vision snipe down some motherfucker and run away)

                                      King of Low Prio


                                        protip : just because it works in pubs does not mean its a good choice

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          dagon new core.


                                            I main Slark and my favourite build is Orchids and Basher. Orchids basically gives you infinite mana as well as a great active and basher pretty much speaks for itself. BKB and Skadi are also good picks depending on the situation. I wouldn't get Sange and Yasha to be honest, if you want the movement speed boost I would grab a Yasha and upgrade it to a Manta later on.

                                            Shadow Blade is a good item on Slark but I almost never get it on him because it does nothing to improve his health or mana pool and it encourages the enemy to buy true sight. Usually you will want to buy Shadow Blade to improve on a Hero's weaknesses, for example giving Drow an escape mechanism. But Slark already has one of the best escape mechanisms in the game with his self purge, pounce and ult. Slark is already amazing at chasing/ganking too.

                                            In my opinion Slark's biggest weaknesses to be improved on are his health and mana pool. You want to be able to build up essence shift stacks without being bursted down and you want to be able to spam your abilities as much as possible. Even a Slark who is going for a very tanky build is going to have a lot of offensive ability because of essence shift. I recommend going for an Orchid first which means you will never have to worry about mana again and then getting a basher, BKB and Skadi in whatever order you choose. Heart is a little redundant because Slark already has amazing self healing, its probably better to choose something with a little more offensive capability than a heart, such as Skadi. I also get Magic Wand, Poor Mans Shield, Ring of Aquila and Treads to make me rather tough early on. If you aren't a fan of Orchid, then Magic Wand + Bottle is a good choice to keep your mana up.

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                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I go orchid if the game requires it (QoP, antimage ect) but I mainly go with skadi because it gives him what he needs while orchid only improves stuff he alrdy can do just fine (solo ganking). If the other team is not buying tons of sentries it doesnt matter what items you but because any semi competent slark will dominate the game