General Discussion

General Discussion1 win player on page 1 with 300 specs.

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1 win player on page 1 with 300 specs. in General Discussion
Woof Woof

    copy paste from devs dota 2

    So, this is weird. Just played a game where our mid SF died twice and abandond the game (The game was on page 1 with 300 specs). I checked his profile and i was shocked to see he only had 1 win. Yes he did have a score of 61-1 in his first and only game but its clearly done with fountain farming.

    We all know the MM system is abit weird, in this case NOONE can say "oh he is from similar skill, the system is fine", based on fucking what? That he got 61 kills which isnt even possible in a normal game?

    His profile:

    link to thread

    match maker never fails :DDDDDDD fuckin retards


      Clearly matchmaking is designed to crack down really hard on smurfs. I would say this was a success. SF won't be farming nubs again on that account.

      Woof Woof

        yup clearly best way was to fuck most dedicated players

        Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

          ahahahahaha this shows how good is mm

          Woof Woof

            interview with that blond retard from valve 3 days ago

            IGN: Moving forward on a sort of timeline, what are the challenges that you’re looking at with the game now, having just moved out of beta and ‘released’ it – what do you see as your goals for now and the next couple of years?

            Erik Johnson: We as a company need to be as flexible as we possibly can, and in a lot of ways be nimble enough to recognise short-term opportunities and take advantage of them – so much of the things that happen inside the game, whether it’s the production of the International, or the next hero, and on and on, leads directly from what the customers want us to do, so instead of us thinking that we have it all figured out and kinda laying out this long term plan, we’re more positioned around being really quick to react to things that the community’s driving us toward.

            clearly not when it comes to mm and visible stats

            link to interview for interested bros


            worth readig to see how that faggot can lie interview after interview and ofc like people that interview him cant ask legit questions because they all want to eat turds oout of gabe ass

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              What about the part where "kda and lh/d are not part of mmr formula"? You think 1 win should get you directly to very high?


                No, I don't. I think this is not a good way to run the matching, it should be only strength of schedule. But clearly Valve is going hard against smurfs and they have achieved that goal.

                I'm seen matching systems that relied to heavily on things like KDA or other in game stats become full of manipulation and change how people play the game. I hope that this does not have a significant enough impact to make people start doing stupid things to try to impact their MMR.

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                Woof Woof

                  6_din49 its not about very high that guy was part of 1st page game 1st fuckin page

                  Woof Woof

                    Quote Originally Posted by EricTams View Post
                    - High skill games are definitely an area that will benefit as we get more players. It's also an area has had issues with match times in the past so I'm sensitive to how long this group needs to wait.

                    now it all makes sense doesnt it guys

                    Woof Woof
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                      Woof Woof

                        they should rename his account to EricTrash which would directly relate to state of mm

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                          I rather feel like valve is punishing solo players... Which is not very good for them.

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                            I think they just don't understand that low que times is something that is very important to casual players, but quality games is what Very High players want. The feedback they get on the Devoloper forum is nearly all just raging about a particular match. If all I knew wast the feedback on the Dev forum, instead of knowing real players and doing it would be hard to see the real problem.

                            When you are in that kind of admin type position you tend to build up a quick dismissal reaction to people like Ted Bundy here and never take anything they say seriously. This happens just because the volume of trolling is enormous and you can't get anything done if you don't just ignore anything with a disrespectful style.

                            If they just understood that they have enough players for Very High now....the problem is they are putting Very High players into bad games quickly instead of storing them up in que for 10-15 min to have enough for a good game.

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                            Hakuna Matata

                              I have played dota for around 500 hours. I've played 159 pub games and lots of bots games. Last week in this solo queue game it's me (159 games), the OD (845 games) and the Slark (1455 games). And there's Rubick, who had 6.5 hours of playing dota.(edit:checked his steam profile for that) He didn't even know how to upgrade the courier. In the middle of the game he says "I don't fucking know how to play this game". (If you didn't notice, it's a single draft game too)

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                                From time to time I put up another post on the developers forum explaining how to do it right. Sooner or later someone will fix

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                                Woof Woof

                                  even if they fix it its going to happen in few years 4/5 so most of us wont play dota 2 at that point anyway


                                    Really most of us will play dota in 5 years. Most people will not have time to play so much as now in 5 years, but they will keep playing.

                                    This game is not like other games. It will remain appealing to people who like it now when they are 50 years old like baseball...but unlike baseball old people can play dota...very old people can't but that is also something that willl be changing soon. The world is changing... ageing is going to effectively least as we know it now.

                                    I've know about this for long time...gave an interview on it when I won a city wide science competition in high school, but the newspaper guys just laughed. Nevertheless the world will change anyway.

                                    Here is a little taste of what is coming.

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                                      I played solo matchmaking once. My mid was a Pudge with 1 win.

                                      He was a LoL player.

                                      We lost.


                                        The difference between Dota 2 and other games, is that u dont have to put a lot of work into playing a game of Dota. One game is basically about 30 minutes, whereas a game like Runescape or WoW is a never-ending game that u never finish with. Games like Runescape will die out in the future, no doubt about it (already dying, Runescape have lost over half of their player base over the course of the last 2 years, but that has mostly been because of stupid updates). So thats why i think people will still be playing Dota 2 even in 10 years, maybe not as frequent as they do now, but they will probably take a game every now and then when they have some free time and are bored. Whereas they would most likely just quit Runescape because they dont feel like they have the time to play the game.

                                        I like this game coz its not as time consuming as other games like i mentioned before like Runescape, but on the other hand i dont feel like Dota is the game that i have enjoyed the most out of all the years i have gamed in, defintely not. I dont think theres anything to achieve in this game as long as u dont play tournaments (which i dont at this moment) in Runescape which was a game that i used to like i set myself new goals, now i want to achieve 99 in that skill, now i want to finish all these quests, now ill go for a fire cape etc. etc. I dont have this feeling of achieving something in Dota. I may get a sort of satisfaction when ive won a close game or had a good game etc but it cannot be compared to achieving something 99 in a skill on RS that u have grinded thousands of hours on to achieve. I know people here are hungry for a high winrate and like showing their e-penis off and see having a high winrate as a big achievement for them, but i dont personally feel like that as long as im just a casual solo queuer. I know i will forever be kept at around 50-53% winrate as long as im solo queueing, and as long as i cant change this fact then i dont have anything to achieve other than what i manage to achieve within this 40 minute span a game lasts.

                                        I know, that in the end it will all even out, i know if i play good for 10 straight games then i know matchmaking will punish me as much as i can get, and i will be matched with stupid retards going up against a team of 5 pros, and on the hand i know if i sucks donkey ass for 10 straight games, eventually i will find myself being on a team with 4 really good players going up against a bunch of scrubs. And knowing this, is just demotivating for me. I know for a fact, that if i win the next game i play, chances that i will lose the following game will increase, and knowing that; just sucks ass.

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                                        Hakuna Matata

                                          They hid wins so that people would stop complaining about matchmaking.

                                          Safe Base

                                            MM needs a desperate update, this rubbish can't go on forever.