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General DiscussionTop 50 Naga + Brood :P

Top 50 Naga + Brood :P in General Discussion

    I'm pretty sure I'm top 50 :p can someone inform me what place exactly
    Thanks a lot in advance


      5 games with brood on low bracket wont put u on top 50

      and 0 games with naga will definitely not put you up there :P

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Maybe he is looking for his other account? But yeah you need at least 30 games.

        God i Tried

          And even on that new account im in high and even very highbrackets already but nice try ;)

          the account i was looking for

          Yet again, thanks a lot in advance

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            Probably not with your Naga win rate, I have a 75% win rate on TA with 240+ games played and page 1-10 when solo queuing but I'm not even in top 50. Its too hard to compete with those whose base ratings are so high (i.e. competitive players, hard core stacks) that every win with any hero increases their rating with that hero significantly.

            God i Tried

              Last time i checked i was 41st place :) Winrate is not really a reliable way to tell if you are in teh ranking but it is a factor. In the list there were people with the same amount of wins and easily 20% more winrate however they had lower ranking :p

              But yet its very interesting


                Bump, would appreciate meepo also for a friend of mine which is very talented :p
                Thanks a again and a lots of hearts from sweden


                  They should make it atleast 150 games, people with 30-50 wins being to 50 is complete pollok


                    I agree in that terms, i mean with lowgamecount its mostly pretty easy to achieve a good score. And i guess there are some players which love their few heroes and they sure want be in there. Im a naga lover since her remake for example and in dota 1 i used to be undeafable and i have atleast 300 games with naga 200 with brood and others but still :p.
                    I'd like it to be raised to atleast like 60-80 optimum being 100
                    But you cant have it all

                    Still bump for a nice guy who would do me the favour :p

                    Овај коментар је измењен
                    Temper Grace

                      30th Brood
                      40th Naga


                        Thanks a lot :) Luckily here are some kind people