General Discussion

General Discussionward blocking the jungle camp

ward blocking the jungle camp in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I've seen people place a ward outside the safe lane camp like in the trees. Does this still block the camp?

    Also if your camp gets blocked is it worthwhile to buy a sentry and try to kill the ward and unblock it or is that a waste of gold that early in the game? If you do place a sentry where do you put it to make sure you can see their ward and not block the camp? Sentries have a tiny amount of vision and I'm not sure how to place one to deward without blocking.


      you can use dust instead

      Carlos Negão

        Man, go look in youtube or google about the spot to deward.

        Or you can use Dust! Jk

        one and half gun

          im not so good with dota what is wards

          Chen Centaur Challenge

            Yeah, dust will not reveal sentries.

            Warding and dewarding is complex. You really need to see it to know how to do it.

            There are a lot of videos on how to do it on youtube. this one is pretty good.

            I place a ton of wards and dewards. I find that different servers have different favorite ward spots. If you can figure out where the opposing supports like to place you will be able to deward very easily. Most people even in Very High do not know a ton of ward spots so if you get their normal one they are kind of screwed.

            When you walk out as a support on the safelane you should always have sentries and deward immediately. Don't let them block the pull. Figure out where you need to be to see them place it. Figure out when you need to be there. Check items regularly to see who has wards and when they place them. Even if you dont' see the placing action, if you know the good spots and see them walk toward one with a ward and 10 sec later don't have the know where they put it.

            There is no way you can really know all the possible ward and deward possibilities. It is possible to have wards that see every spot on the map but the rosh pit... Someplaces require you to cut a tree or trees, but you can place wards to see everything. Actually sentries can give true sight into the rosh pit too...but whatever.

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            Dire Wolf

              Thanks dude!

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