General Discussion

General DiscussionRelentless! Can you tell me what I need to improve on??

Relentless! Can you tell me what I need to improve on?? in General Discussion

    I don't know how you will do it but I need someone who can tell me what aspects of my game I need to improve on.
    I'm more concerned about various in-game thought process - behavior, approach and decision making.
    But it would still be helpful if you can point out mechanical flaws as well.

    Just a background, I have 2 accounts:

    - this is my main account and I play on this most of the time (everyday since TI3).
    Nowadays, I usually play with a friend or two, sometimes even 5. But I have very extreme stacks.
    One day I can play with tourney-level players, the next day I could be playing with total noobs.
    Sometimes I still play even when stressed and tired (usually after work) and get into flaming people and feeding intentionally.
    Somtimes, when I know I'm playing with a friend who is practicing a hero and always wants mid. I go and play selfishly and pick a hard carry and just have a mindset of not dying, having the greatest creep score, afk farming, etc. Don't get me wrong, I've been in that position when I would always try to be the last pick OR counter pick that would enable our team to win but I found it very tiring and stressful to some extent because not everyone has that same mindset. About couple of weeks ago, I tried playing as hard support for consecutive days and it was actually fun, we won most of those games. But this takes a toll on my personal skill also right? Others are able to practice their mid hero and how to clash etc. I also want to practice my hard carry heroes no matter what. I've spoken enough and I think you know my thought process and dilemma. :p

    - I created this account early this year because I wanted to have a serious ("smurf" as others would call it ) just to see for myself if I could really reach 60% win rate. I was very energetic about this at the start - my general approach was to pick that game-changing hero for our team (may not necessarily be hard support always). But then again, does win rate really matter? When my main account got muted last month. I have used this account also to play casually - leading into multiple losses :-c


      The CM games I played in my main account could probably be a good indicator of how I play when I'm serious.
      But it won't show my versatility as I only played 1 and 3 when I can actually be good in 4 and 5 also.


        if i remember u played in dlg and were sl3 and if thats the case i remember you had problems withmap awareness and that you needed someone to lead you to do good...been at least a year since then so could be smth else


          I just thought of something, maybe you should gauge a player's skill level based on how he played a certain hero that can represent a position?

          gauge how someone plays as a support by looking @ one of his Crystal Maiden game?
          gauge how someone plays as an initatior/disabler by looking @ one of his ES/Enigma game?
          gauge how someone plays as a carry by looking @ one of his AM/Spectre game?
          gauge how someone plays as a mid player by looking @ one of his invoker/puck game?


            Ok, well since you want to see how far you can go lets take a look at the smurf/tryhard account first. You started in Normal and hit the first High game on game 4. Started with a 10 game win streak...the 11th game was close enough to Very High it appears the stack with "eatsshitanddies"++ pulled you up for the first Very High game. Same for the 17th game...You stay in about the middle of High for 6 months, close enough that a good stack can put you into Very High occasionally so probably above 92%-95% of players when you are doing best. About a month ago a losing streak knocks you back low enough to que into Normal again sometimes...that means you are rated above more like 87%-90% of players. So overall you are probably hovering around a top 10% MMR.

            None of those games are recent enough for a replay so lets take a look at the main account. There are games for ES, Enigma, Spectre, SF, Troll, Slark, LD, SB, BS, SA, SK, PA, NP, Doom, Razor, AM, Necro, Kunka, Alch, Tiny, Sniper, Clinkz, Drow all in replay range...let see...the best thing is to look at a Very High game, but this account doesn't stack well enough so we will go with High.

   Spectre (hard carry)
   ES (core support)
   SF (solo mid, hopefully)
   Enigma (jungle support, hopefully)
            There are not any hard support games in replay range right now. Lets take a look at these games.

            Spectre is at 9-10 win-loss so you have plenty of practice, KDA 4.57 is well above average for Platinum (4.01) but winrate is disproportionately low 47% vs 54% avg Platinum . Average Platinum farm is 38 cs at 10 min. Average Platinum gpm is 417.

            You start on the offlane...Spectre needs to farm and keep his risk low early, the offlane is the wrong place to go. Slark should have been there while you were safelane...anyway try not to get forced into that. Slark+Lina is deadly...Spectre+ Lina is weak.

            Your starting items are right for safelane farm they end up being ok since the enemy sends necro offlane with DS and Chen does a crappy job of support so no one can harass you. Ok so you get to the lane and realize its going to be easy and start harrassing Sven, that was smart. Sven shows right away that he can't lasthit by his excessive animation cancelling for no reason. Whenever you hear lots of whiffing sounds and see little movement you know the enemy is bad at farming and should take advantage by harassing them when possible.

            You also do a lot of extra animation cancels. Since the lane is easy this doesn't cost you much, but it would be better to practice only being in position to lasthit very near the time you actually do it.

            At 4:10 Lina feeds, nothing could be done about that. Her position near the jungle side of the lane when Sven was obviously going around and Chen has already screwed up and shown his attack is really dumb.

            Then at 4:35 when Lina is coming back you feed by attacking into a double creepwave, 2 heroes, and a powerful Chen creep when you are already missing 1/3 hp and have no mana...and Lina cannot finish her tp in time to save you.

            You got gloves of haste first? that is a really bad choice. Your farm is nowhere near the level for a quick HoM. What you need on the offlane is movespeed (get boots) or stats. Of course you should be safelane, but you were not. Since your team is way way ahead it ends up being ok.

            6-7 min you take a very dangerous position, but you appear to realize this eventually and go check the rune and then back up.

            Anyway you have 29/9 cs at 10 min, well below Platinum average, but I think this is mostly because you are offlane and solo offlane half the time since Lina roams should have constantly died, but Chen was very bad so it ended up being ok. 11 min first use HoM. I've explained the calculations before but you probably know you want to get HoM before 8 min...the earlier the better. After 8 min the xp bonuses are just not worth it and HoM weakens your team by delaying your core items dramatically. This is an item that you get when you have protected safelane farm and get a solid start. It does not work as a catch-up item.

            It looks like you do not farm under tower correctly. I think you may know how to do it, setting up creeps to be in lasthit range, but you don't actually do it right nearly all of the time.

            When sven solo kills you at 13 min with the invis are nearly at the enemy T1 offlane, alone with no enemy heroes visible for 15 seconds before Sven attacks. This is a feed...but you still could have lived if you had just daggered into trees to the right instead of directly to sven and then running the opposite way from safety. You had a full 2 seconds to think about where to go while stunned.
            You spent it spamming move clicks in panic.

            When you respawn, good decision not to suicide into the teamfight when you saw it was hopeless...bad decision to return to offlane solo farming far from all support. Good decision to hide from sven so he could be attacked...his support wanders around the map doing nothing during this time for a min so your offlane farming is not punished. There was very safe farm available mid.

            17 min you go to the jungle and then to the safelane...much wiser choice. But sven solo kills you anyway because he is far ahead and you forgot to swtich treads to str and you got max desolate instead of max dispersion...Max desolate is for attacking, Max dispersion is for staying safe and farming. This game you clearly were not going to be attacking early. Adjust your skill build to the situation.

            At 21 min you go all the way back to the fountain for no clear reason. If you really are going to just get hp, fly out a salve and make a stout shield to tank jungle creeps...also dispersion would again keep you farming instead of dieing to creeps. I believe I have explained in some posts the advantages of getting qblade first over stout on melee safelane carries...that doesn't mean you don't get stout later. With a stout and dispersion you could have farmed the jungle easily, indefinately, safe from ganks. Meanwhile your mantle of int is doing nothing sitting in your inventory. Leave it in stash.

            25 min good ult. You are paying attention to the map and it pays off.

            27-28 min you have to stop farming again purely because of tanking creeps...this is from not getting stout shield or any regen item.

            30 min Blademail is a very bad choice. You have low hp and should not be tanking lots of damage. You are the strongest carry on your team. Get dps items.

            33:40 good ult...correct decisions with your ult make up for all the mistakes. But primarily you win this game because your team won it for you. You face almost no pressure at all.

            37 min...need practice remembering to use diffusal and blademail (activateable items in general) You are much slower to click them than your mouse skills allow.

            39 min another good ult. Much faster reality check and diffusal use this that every time.

            41 min very bad decision to walk through wall and die. DS image of you does a huge amount of dps at this point. It gets desolate and diffusal basically killed yourself.

            No other significant decisions are made. Easy win.

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              Hi, just a quick one.. so as not to waste your time.

              Could I give you the matches for the heroes you specified which maybe suitable for your review?
              Just so you won't review a game where I'm just trolling or something?


                If you want to improve there is no "well I was trolling or not really trying" etc...That's not a compatible attitude with improving. No one gets better at anything by doing it casually.

                Which games do you want reviewed? Pick some in High bracket...there is no point in comparing yourself to players far weaker than you.

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                Downhill Dave

                  Wow. Relentless, you're the man. I don't know if you two are friends, but the fact that you took the time to do this for anyone is just great.


                    I'm ok with your list except for the SF and Spectre.
                    But as I have said, my approach is not consistent at all. It depends on who I'm playing with.
                    Should I always play seriously and have a WIN mindset every time?
                    I always change my approach whenever I know I'm playing with selfish teammates...

                    Shadow Fiend: (WIN - kind of a stomp, but I think this shows my thought process on how I move around the map with a mid lane hero)
                    Spectre: (LOSS - had very crucial mistakes in this game)
                    Earthshaker: (WIN - same match you selected )
                    Enigma: (LOSS - same match you selected - I really want someone to criticize my blackhole decision making here) (


                      You also do a lot of extra animation cancels. Since the lane is easy this doesn't cost you much, but it would be better to practice only being in position to lasthit very near the time you actually do it.
                      -- This is very nice comment. I have already tried minimizing this after you shared your thoughts on picking up a QB and how to last hit as melee - walk back to creep for last hit at precise timing. Dont animation cancel.

                      Then at 4:35 when Lina is coming back you feed by attacking into a double creepwave, 2 heroes, and a powerful Chen creep when you are already missing 1/3 hp and have no mana...and Lina cannot finish her tp in time to save you.
                      -- I attacked them because Lina chatted and pinged heavily that I go attack them because she is tp'ing. After that, I played selfishly throughout.

                      . I've explained the calculations before but you probably know you want to get HoM before 8 min...the earlier the better. After 8 min the xp bonuses are just not worth it and HoM weakens your team by delaying your core items dramatically. This is an item that you get when you have protected safelane farm and get a solid start. It does not work as a catch-up item.
                      -- I didn't know about this. I thought HoM is good as long as i get it before 10 minutes.

                      It looks like you do not farm under tower correctly. I think you may know how to do it, setting up creeps to be in lasthit range, but you don't actually do it right nearly all of the time.
                      -- This is what I want to practice in the said "free farm training". But anyways, I think "QB" messes up with my previous timing and I haven't adjusted yet. But I want to ask, do we have any exact timing for such last hitting under tower?
                      i.e. Ranged Creep -- w/o QB, i know I have to hit it at least once, tower 2x, then I last hit.
                      Melee Creep - I need to hit at least once then just time for the last 1.
                      How about for wagons? - It works sometimes if I hit it once, tower 3x, then last hit.
                      etc.. etc..

                      When sven solo kills you at 13 min with the invis are nearly at the enemy T1 offlane, alone with no enemy heroes visible for 15 seconds before Sven attacks. This is a feed...but you still could have lived if you had just daggered into trees to the right instead of directly to sven and then running the opposite way from safety. You had a full 2 seconds to think about where to go while stunned.
                      You spent it spamming move clicks in panic.
                      --- very valid point and noted.. i was panicking at how fast my HP dropped..

                      17 min you go to the jungle and then to the safelane...much wiser choice. But sven solo kills you anyway because he is far ahead and you forgot to swtich treads to str and you got max desolate instead of max dispersion...Max desolate is for attacking, Max dispersion is for staying safe and farming. This game you clearly were not going to be attacking early. Adjust your skill build to the situation.
                      -- NOTED VERY MUCH! THANKS!!

                      30 min Blademail is a very bad choice. You have low hp and should not be tanking lots of damage. You are the strongest carry on your team. Get dps items.
                      -- poor decision for me, this was because I was so pissed off on Sven.

                      I didn't have the proper attitude in this game. Especially when I wanted top but Slark didn't want to. And with Lina pinging massively which led to my death in the laning stage.
                      It was all downhill from there. But still you gave very valid points, especially on some of my tendencies, which I would still have done even if it was a different game and me having proper mindset.

                      My hard support matches would probably be these?
                      Lich --> (played it right after reading your comment on theres a correct geometrical position as to when to release Lich's ult -- however, i think i didn't get it. what i was able to apply is that the proper timing is almost always not at the beginning but rather at the end.
                      Shadow demon -->
                      Crystal Maiden -->


                        sorry for interrupt your discussion, just want to ask Relentless how can i get into high bracket? In 60-70% of the games i'm the best in my team, but still in normal bracket. ty for your time


                          @Heisenberg, because you suck donkey dick
                          Even though you are still better than half the cunts that play in the High and Very High bracket (that clearly don't belong there), you still suck. Tell us why you think you should be higher, because nothing in any of your matches indicates that you should be in a higher bracket.


                   have played many games on heroes that cause you to lose. Even the best pros can't be equally good at all heroes. If you think you are ready to play in High bracket, then focus on playing only heroes you really know how to make win. It looks like for you DS, Mirrana, NP, Batrider, and BH would a good choice for a core group of heroes. Try picking only those for the next 50 games and you will improve your MMR substantially.


                              BlackXargon, while it makes sense that you need to take a different approach when teamates are selfish, or just bad at dota...this should not change the mindset of playing to win or at least playing to accomplish something specific. For example, I really like to play hard support heroes but sometimes this is hopeless because my carry can't lasthit and my team has crap map awareness no matter how good my warding is. Instead of giving up hope in anger and frustration (which is easy to do, and I'm not perfect)...instead see it as an opportunity to play in a difficult situation. Ultimately it may mean adjusting goals all the way down to "I will achieve Fstaff before fountain farming begins and use it to kill them when they try." Anyway figure out what can be done and do that rather than focusing on what can't be done because of something beyond your control.

                              Ok, time to watch a replay.
                     SF is not doing well for you at 36% win, but you KDA is ok. Probably this means you can only win easy games. I would rather see what you do in a hard game but maybe some of the same patterns will be there for this Normal game.

                              -full wraith band...bad idea, get 3 branches+tangoes and rush bottle. You need it asap.
                              -afk I think, totally missed creep probably know this, but creep blocking is very important for SF.
                              -good, item check right when you got to lane. Do that every game.
                              -gave up FB to pudge because you didn't use regen and had no respect for him. He was threatening to go for the kill and you stood there lasthitting like he would just let you farm even though he already tried to kill you twice.
                              Go to min 1:31, this is when you really died. Pudge has level 1 hook...the only way he can get you is to walk next to you and you turn back toward the lane...all you had to do was keep walking away up to the ramp. You needed to maintain that distance no matter what direction it required. Pudge actually kills you FB without a hook...never let him walk up next to you...this was the 3rd time you did it 3 creep waves.

                              2:20 gj taking advantage of lucky rune+ pudge being stupid and feeding you the courier.
                              3:26 it was possible to get bottle and put it on the courier, just do it right away. Learn hotkeys, make it a priority. SF and lots of solo mid heroes need that bottle asap. Because you hesitated you get it 30 sec later and Pudge gets the DD rune bottled. If you got it you easily and completely dominate the lane.

                              You fall back to the jungle and do a nice stack and clear...that is a good fall back when the lane is too dangerous...but, you gave up more xp and gold in the lane than you got from that stack and you has to use up all bottle charges to do it. 10 lane creeps died while you were doing this. The stacked camp was only worth about 5 lane creeps of gold and xp. It's nearly always better to stay in the lane.

                              7:25, you only lived because Pudge was bad and his team was bad. You need to position so he does not have an angle for hook rather than trying to be fast enough to dodge it. You are not fast enough to dodge it.

                              8 min etc, very nice gank, smart use of the rune, got it at the right time did what should be done with it immediately with no hesitation.

                              9:30 same thing, bad trade of less farm and xp in the jungle. Stay in the lane. If someone stacked a camp for you that would be different, but they did not. I guess you are to afraid of ganks? I'm not sure why you are doing this. You have good ward vision, it should be easy to avoid ganks.

                              12 min Zues beats you to the rune because you hesitate instead of checking immediately. Really your rune checking is very good, but seconds count.

                              13:30, when you are walking to a teamfight use that time to check items.

                              17:30 good use of tp scrolll to farm and push mid.

                              The game gets so easy after this decisions don't matter much. Huge item and level advantage means anything will succeed. Nevertheless Shadow blade and blink is bad. Just pick one. Shadow blade is pretty much always better on SF. Then get BKb. You are using the blink to make up for failing to attack-walk, you don't really need it.

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                                @Relentless Can you stop giving people false information on what that cs is at 10 mins? This is an AVERAGE for 10 mins, not the FIRST 10 mins.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I kinda hope it's average for 10 minutes as well because I would hate seeing an OD who denies only 2 creeps in the first 10 minutes.


                                    If the average for am is 62cs at the first 10 mins, its much more believable if its for winning games only.


                                      62 cs average 10 min on AM just can`t be. Maybe in very high skill bracket 45-50+ but in total no way lmao.


                                        Well, I don't know about the denies. But if you have dotabuffplus and look at the top performance games you can clearly see they are getting the 10 min lasthit stat directly, not averaging it...or at least they were for those games.

                                        The numbers for the lasthits at 10 min and 20 min come directly from the replay parser and are not averages for the game. Maybe they are not using this information...but it is there.


                                          If youre in a lane that is challenged by an offensive trilane, your cs would be much lower. If you are being challenged by one offlaner, I always tell people to try and get at least 50 last hits by 10 mins. If you're free farming at the tower, you should be able to hit 65+.


                                            @relentless I have dB plus. These are showing the best games by different players on a specific hero. A lot of these games, they average a lower last hit count at 10 mins than what you're saying is true.


                                              If you have it then tell you see that the lasthits are specific to 10 min and 20 min and can you at least admit that those are NOT average numbers.

                                              Forget the question of what do you think is a reasonable expectation for the moment. Are those average numbers or specific numbers of lasthits on the games? Can you see them?

                                              I see that some of those games have fairly low lasthits counts compared to the number on the "Farm" tab. But it is not clear that the numbers on the farm tab make any sense for an average/10 min of game time.

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                                                Okay I admit that they have ways to find out the last hits at any minute. I didn't think they could, but I guess I was wrong. However, the last hits for the individual heroes are for an average of 10 mins and not for the first 10 mins. :)


                                                  If it wasn't average, I'm so pretty sure dotabuff with put @10 mins or by 10 mins instead of /10 mins.

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    there is one thing you can improve on, clicking the uninstall button


                                                      It's possible that it is average/10 min of game time. I can't be certain without seeing the code either. But when I try to just average up some games myself I find that the numbers are all over the place and there is no way to really know what an average should be without a huge sample of maybe 1000 games and that takes to much work.

                                                      There are plenty of games where a Very High OD or SF gets a lot of denies, but then there are also a bunch where someone bad at the hero gets zero denies. It's hard to say how the averages really would come out. Some support players deny a lot, some only harass. I find a huge variability in the numbers even for a single player.

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                                                        Ok, back to the replays...
                                               another Spectre game...first thing I see is Daedalus, don't get straight dmg on spectre his ult can't use it. Get stats. If you got a butterfly, or better yet a refresher instead of crits easy gg...and into the game.

                                                        -good starting items, on the safelane to to the right Slardar blocks creeps and then tries to fight you for cs, why is he even in this lane instead of top?!...well this is a Normal game again, just have to deal with it.

                                                        Qblade paying off anyway, you have 3 times the cs of morphling already at 2:30 because his dmg is too small to stop you. Slardar gets his 3rd attempt to pull right.

                                                        Ok, now lets look at that under-tower cs.

                                                        At the start your dmg is 51 with Qblade your dmg against creeps is 67. Range creeps have 300 hp and no armor. Tower dmg is 110. That means you want the tower to hit Range creeps 2 times and you hit them 2 times. Your 2nd hit is 100% certain to take the lasthit. Because the tower attacks almost twice as fast as you it's best to just get 1 attack on the range creep done first, then hit it again immediately after the 2nd tower hit. Once your dmg increases over 60+qblade bonus (>80 dmg to creeps) you can just hit them 1 time after the tower hits twice, then there is no more need for a prep-hit. If the transition is confusing, just get a blades of attack asap and jump right into the no-prep hit dmg range. (at 7 min in this game you have got past the prep phase and easily take lasthits under tower with 1 attack)

                                                        Melee creeps have 550 hp and 2 armor. So the tower will knock about 97 hp off each time at the start you have to prep hit meeles also, and wait 5 tower hits then lasthit them when they have a tiny sliver of health. Again there is a transition dmg when you could just wait 5 towerhits and then lasthit them, with no prep. Without qblade you have to keep prep-hitting meeles until you have 75 dmg. With qblade you only need 58 dmg to do this. The same thing applies, get a blade of attack and jump right into no-prep hit dmg range.

                                                        At the start of the game siege creeps require 2 prep-hits, 3 tower hits, then a lasthit. This is because Heroes do half dmg to siege and towers do 150% dmg to siege. The siege creep has 550 hp and the tower can do between 150 and 180 dmg. On average this means you need to do 55 dmg, which requires 2 hits since each early game hero attack will do about 30 dmg. Of course if the tower hits are very weak the siege creep could have as much as 100 hp left, in which case 3 prep hits are needed. And if the tower hits very hard it could knock the siege creep down to 10 hp, in which case doing any prep hits screws you. Usually 2 prep-hits, with 3 tower hits, then you last hit it. This can be very frustrating until you get to the point you can do over 200 dmg per attack...then you can just lasthit after 3 tower hits every time with no complications. So if you get a chance to lasthit a siege creep before it gets to a tower and its not dangerous ....just do it, don't wait for it to get to the tower.

                                                        Keep in mind this is all only true when there are no other dmg sources hitting basically only if there is a pull and creeps are alone chasing you around the tower. In nearly every situation when to lasthit is a judgment call. You just have to see the timing and click it.

                                                        ...and back to the game

                                                        Getting RoH first on Spectre is not a great choice because you are not going to make Bfury. (unless you make it into refresher!) If you are going to be able to farm in the lane as you did this game, then don't get RoH. To return to the lane after a gank by you or on you burst regen is required. Salves are best. If you are going vanguard and into the jungle, ok...but if you are doing that Vlads is better for Spectre. It costs the same, lets you farm jungle faster with the bonus dmg, your ult is stronger from the aura, your team gets the aura whenever you ult, you get the mana regen you need to use dagger...vlads >vangaurd. If you wanted to gank a lot and maxed desolate instead of dispersion stout shield blocks jungle creeps very well alone.

                                                        The best situation for Spectre is to stay in the lane and rush radiance. This is often not possible however. Vlads into diffusal is a sort of fall back build. Phase is my favorite choice for boots. Spectre is very slow, if you are actually trying to attack or run away that extra speed boost is critical, dagger is rarely enough to get the job done. If you really want to fight early, get drums...but that's just not what spectre does, he farms...don't try to fight early. Just use your ult to pick up assist gold any time you can and keep farming.

                                                        8-9 min you take 7 tower hits for no reason leading eventually to Morphling easily nuking you down. There was no reason to take even 1 of those tower hits. You were just careless about the aggro. Anticipate when tower aggro will change. When it switches to you immediately attack an allied creep closer to the tower than you...if there is not one, then you failed to anticipate them dieing and are too close to the tower.

                                                        You have a bad habit of tanking creeps to farm, when you can't afford it...nice dagger away from gank at 13 min, but try to go into somewhere you are not trapped. 16 min trapped yourself high ground again.

                                                        17:30, well timed glyph, set up the deny and got it...but someone else should have done that. You ended up doing it because the earlier mistakes put you on that side of the map not farming. If you are playing a hard carry like spectre and you don't have your farming tool, then don't come to fights. If you kept farming you would have had relic before 20 min easily, but instead you spent a lot of time standing around and some kills, but died and did very little farming.

                                                        When you get relic, put it on your hero. Don't wait 4,5,6 more mintues until radience is done. That is time you could have had +60 dmg. You probably know this but 30 min is very late for radience. 20 would be good. 15 would be amazing...but its possible for pros.

                                                        Once you have radience, getting 1 piece of heart...then diffusal is the best choice. You don't want the regen, just the hp. Get vitality booster, that is enough. Once you get diffusal your ult is far far stronger. Then you could finish heart...unless you really want to win games...then get refresher. It doubles the attacks, the desolate, the diffusal...and if you use them in sequence it even doubles the radiance time. Refresher is by far the most powerful item you can get on spectre. It is possible for you to outright kill most of their team by just casting a double ult unless they are already in the fountain.

                                                        After heart this game...your RoH and magic stick are doing nothing for you, but that Qblade you sold would be helping you clear the jungle a lot faster. Also don't buy items like Mushi used to do...he was famous for holding thousands of gold and buying a whole item. He stopped doing that just before TI3 and got a 3rd place few expected in part because he removed that error from his game.

                                                        52 min fight...that should be gg. But instead of winning you went back for a T2. I think you knew at the time this was a mistake based on your pings.

                                                        55 min waited to help until you could get your worthless Daedalus. You ult does not do 1 more dmg with that item. You got unlucky and died without producing even one crit...but it wasn't all bad luck. Partly it was because you were late and then did not use dagger...and then reality checked directly into the middle of their team instead of picking off a critical hero...or course alll of this really happened because you did not end the game and gave their stupid 4 carry team another chance to fight late game.

                                                        You carried tp scrolls all game. Often this is important for spectre, but if you had a dust to finish off sniper or dk instead you would have won the game.

                                                        Of all these things only getting Daedalus was really a game losing error. Butterfly or Manta would have won the game down 2 rax. Refresher would have won it very easily.

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                                                          "BlackXargon, while it makes sense that you need to take a different approach when teamates are selfish, or just bad at dota...this should not change the mindset of playing to win or at least playing to accomplish something specific. For example, I really like to play hard support heroes but sometimes this is hopeless because my carry can't lasthit and my team has crap map awareness no matter how good my warding is. Instead of giving up hope in anger and frustration (which is easy to do, and I'm not perfect)...instead see it as an opportunity to play in a difficult situation. Ultimately it may mean adjusting goals all the way down to "I will achieve Fstaff before fountain farming begins and use it to kill them when they try." Anyway figure out what can be done and do that rather than focusing on what can't be done because of something beyond your control."

                                                          rep++ , I have to quote this

                                                          Many players have problem with this and I think it's the main problem, if you want to improve, start from approach.


                                                            holy fuck, relentless is really relentless...


                                                              I read this post over and over again and I'm learning stuff!

                                                              At the start your dmg is 51 with Qblade your dmg against creeps is 67. Range creeps have 300 hp and no armor. Tower dmg is 110. That means you want the tower to hit Range creeps 2 times and you hit them 2 times. Your 2nd hit is 100% certain to take the lasthit. Because the tower attacks almost twice as fast as you it's best to just get 1 attack on the range creep done first, then hit it again immediately after the 2nd tower hit. Once your dmg increases over 60+qblade bonus (>80 dmg to creeps) you can just hit them 1 time after the tower hits twice, then there is no more need for a prep-hit. If the transition is confusing, just get a blades of attack asap and jump right into the no-prep hit dmg range. (at 7 min in this game you have got past the prep phase and easily take lasthits under tower with 1 attack)

                                                              Melee creeps have 550 hp and 2 armor. So the tower will knock about 97 hp off each time at the start you have to prep hit meeles also, and wait 5 tower hits then lasthit them when they have a tiny sliver of health. Again there is a transition dmg when you could just wait 5 towerhits and then lasthit them, with no prep. Without qblade you have to keep prep-hitting meeles until you have 75 dmg. With qblade you only need 58 dmg to do this. The same thing applies, get a blade of attack and jump right into no-prep hit dmg range.

                                                              At the start of the game siege creeps require 2 prep-hits, 3 tower hits, then a lasthit. This is because Heroes do half dmg to siege and towers do 150% dmg to siege. The siege creep has 550 hp and the tower can do between 150 and 180 dmg. On average this means you need to do 55 dmg, which requires 2 hits since each early game hero attack will do about 30 dmg. Of course if the tower hits are very weak the siege creep could have as much as 100 hp left, in which case 3 prep hits are needed. And if the tower hits very hard it could knock the siege creep down to 10 hp, in which case doing any prep hits screws you. Usually 2 prep-hits, with 3 tower hits, then you last hit it. This can be very frustrating until you get to the point you can do over 200 dmg per attack...then you can just lasthit after 3 tower hits every time with no complications. So if you get a chance to lasthit a siege creep before it gets to a tower and its not dangerous ....just do it, don't wait for it to get to the tower.

                                                              Keep in mind this is all only true when there are no other dmg sources hitting basically only if there is a pull and creeps are alone chasing you around the tower. In nearly every situation when to lasthit is a judgment call. You just have to see the timing and click it.

                                                              --- That whole stuff up there, now embedded in my memory bank! Thanks!

                                                              You have a bad habit of tanking creeps to farm, when you can't afford it...nice dagger away from gank at 13 min, but try to go into somewhere you are not trapped. 16 min trapped yourself high ground again.
                                                              -- have wrongly estimated the duration of spectral dagger couple of times this game

                                                              Once you have radience, getting 1 piece of heart...then diffusal is the best choice. You don't want the regen, just the hp. Get vitality booster, that is enough. Once you get diffusal your ult is far far stronger. Then you could finish heart...unless you really want to win games...then get refresher. It doubles the attacks, the desolate, the diffusal...and if you use them in sequence it even doubles the radiance time. Refresher is by far the most powerful item you can get on spectre. It is possible for you to outright kill most of their team by just casting a double ult unless they are already in the fountain.
                                                              -- I have never thought of Refresher on Spec and have now realized that daedalus is such a waste. noted on this...

                                                              other learnings:
                                                              1) When I buyback and fought Morphling and DK.. I had the proper mindset to buy dust because I want to kill DK and he has shadow blade. But I underestimated Morphling and he had my replicate and just killed me. I had 1 diffusal charge but used it on DK which was a waste. Whenever there's a Morph I must ensure that I always have a diffusal charge.

                                                              Also, another learning is that I tend to care less on my micro when it comes to late game Spectre because in my mind, I can dominate anyone and just right click them to death. Sniper bought back during the final clash and I just literally walked up to him and was about 50% HP when I finally reached, only to be lifted up by Rubick.

                                                              Another error there was after Sniper, I focused on DK. Early-mid game he was a good target I think. But I should have shifted to Morphling in the late game instead of DK because there was more damage output coming from him.

                                                              relentless, thanks so much for taking time and helping out. really appreciate and I think your comments are not only for my learnings but applies to everyone as well. looking forward for more. heck, maybe you should just put up a youtube channel or something :)


                                                                what he just told you is basic
                                                                i dont know how u were very high to begin with


                                                                  I was purely basing it on timing and experience when I last hit under tower.

                                                                  Never did I calculate as to how many tower hits are required until recently (probably 2 months back)

                                                                  I know for certain how to hit the ranged creep under tower.
                                                                  But I have always been inconsistent in doing it against the melee creep and wagon


                                                                    stop sucking


                                                                      Holy shit people on here are quite impressive on the flame hammer.


                                                                        well at least you know now gl :p


                                                                          anything for today relentless? :)


                                                                            Lets look at the ES game next.

                                                                            In general you are 10-15 win/loss on ES, and 2.87 KDA compared to 50.1% win and 2.42 KDA for Platinum. So it appears you have plenty of practice to understand basically how the hero works but are not doing what you need to win the game.

                                                                            This game you are in a tri-lane with Jugg and Jakiro. You arrived very late for some reason. This lane has a very strong possibility of FB. Getting out there early is important to secure that potential advantage. You are rushing soul ring...ok, but when you do this get clarities and some tangoes also. You could easily require burst regen before you can get that soul ring. Be prepared to fight pre-game and still be ready to lane.

                                                                            the off lane BH against you was bad, normally someone needs to start with sentries on a tri-lane to deward if you need it. Jakiro got obs so it should have been you...also, very easy FB on BH if you had the sentries.

                                                                            0:48 you single pull a camp when you could have stacked. To stack those golems you should have attacked at 0:52 (since golems are slow), then pulled at 1:15-17...if you do this right its possible to keep BH at level 1 forever and get a lot more gold and xp. Also, learn to chain pull through...on Radiant its fairly easy.

                                                                   Here is a guide.
                                                                            You can do different pulls depending on the situation. But the most effective way to deny is to totally deny creeps with a pull. Denying a creep in the lane does almost nothing against a melee offlaner like BH. Of course if BH was not bad he would expect you to do this, contest the pulls with warding and body blocking...and it gets a lot more complex. But unless you are solidly into Very High mostly will face bad offlaners who have only a vague idea of how to deal with pulls.

                                                                            ...back to the game....You walked a courier out to the safelane against a BH!!!!! AHHHHH! What did that poor greevil do to make you try to kill it? Fortunately BH was bad and it ended up being ok. Always fly the courier ASAP when you are the pulling support hero. You get plenty of gold from the pull. Mid needs that bottle. People need their items asap. Get the courier in the air! When you do this you will find your Mid hero magically wins Mid far more often. It's not a coincidence. I buy wards, and the courier...and fly it before 2 min EVERY GAME that I play a pulling tri-lane support. Mid should have bottle done by 2 needs to fly by that time.

                                                                            if you had tangoes, each tango gives you 1 use of soul ring. When playing a soul-ring ES it is very helpful to keep buying more tangoes throughout early game. This is by far the most cost efficient way to always have mp and hp when you need them and keep roaming and attacking. You did not get tangoes, so using your soul ring quickly got you too low and you died to BH.

                                                                            1:40 blind fissure against BH with no true sight...pointless, and you missed. 2:15 did another attack with zero chance of killing him because you got no true sight. Now you are oom....which would be fine if you had tangoes.

                                                                            But instead of pulling and getting certain xp and gold you roamed for the rune with no mp and got caught by the rotation giving up FB.
                                                                            Still it would have been fine if you just walked a safe path back to the lane instead of going into a trap of 3 heroes you could see coming at you. You had about 4 seconds margin to avoid this I don't know why you fed other than carelessness.

                                                                            When you walk back to the lane you should have brought tangoes. If you had you would have easily won the fight, healed up and kept laning. You had an excellent chance to hit a 3 hero fissure at 4:07 which would have been an almost certain 3 for 0 win for the team. But you waited and cast a bad 1 hero fissure at 4:13 that gave rubic space to escape from jugg. You trap yourself in a corner against BH because you did not check Rubic items and thought he would tango out....eventually CM dies...then you feed BH again. You could have easily tp out but you hoped BH was bad enough to not kill you instead. Tangoes again would have easily solved this problem.

                                                                            5:50 back to the lane with some sentries this time. Good. Stacked the camp wrong...ranged creeps require an earlier attack because they don't start walking right away. Give the attack command at 50 sec instead of the normal 52 for melee. item checks ftl. You need to know who has picked up boots if nothing else. It would be good to see if their supports have new's past 6 min, wards should be replaced. Also you need to know what level they are to know what they can cast.

                                                                            Fissure at 6:25 could have been perfect. You wait until 6:27 and its not so good...still hit two but after jugg spin is almost over so combo fails and CM is not trapped. Also Jakiro fails both spells...if you hit the right fissure, bad jakiro would have had an easy target and not missed in confusion. Nyx ports in and your screwed.

                                                                            7:40 back to the lane. Again you could have really need that xp. But you didn't.

                                                                            8:22 good fissure, saved Jugg. Set up an easy cast for Jakiro...easy kill on CM.

                                                                            8:45 your sentry ward pays off. BH down...jugg wastes ult to KS instead of a right click.

                                                                            9:18 pulling creeps...could have chain pulled if you had tangoes.

                                                                            10:05 harrassing fissure hits only 1 of 3 fissure to rubic by walking forward instead of immediately casting enchant totem, basically you killed your jakiro. Also you did not use the soul ring...if you don't use it its mana regen is crap. Get tangoes and eat one for each soul use. That is 30 gold for 150 mp. Each fissure could easily kill a creep if you place them right and more than pay for it.

                                                                            10:37 good fissure, very easy on already stunned target...but you were paying attention and collect assist gold because of it.

                                                                            11 min boots, magic stick, solid choices...but you really need ...right, tangoes.

                                                                            12 min looks like you know how to use enchant to get tower lasthits. That is important for ES.

                                                                            12:50 you saved the chick, smart heads up play. Team was screwed the moment storm died. Sentry wards and anticipation were needed to prevent needed to get them sooner and have then placed.

                                                                            15 min attacking T1 top, you should have used your spells to clear the creep wave and take the tower faster. Conveniently Rubic feeds. But you don't get the tower because you didn't clear the wave and the siege creep died so everyone gave up. It was still possible to take it with jugg ward and trading aggro, but that is probably too advanced for this game.

                                                                            16:22 good fissure, bad ult...hit nothing at all with the ult. Forgot to use soul again so you are oom...did not end up mattering. You want to use it on the first cast because then the cd is up sooner if you need to use it again.

                                                                            18:19, you can cast in ice cube. A nice fissure would have killed Nyx and CM...Nyx panics and fails to use bottle or stun so he dies anyway.

                                                                            18:38 good use of fog..but then VS is very slow to cast, and you are even slower. A quick, correct fissure kills VS without the complication and could have trapped him and stunned BH and Rubic also. While you were finishing off VS, jugg was dieing to BH, But BH wimped out when he failed his movement micro only to attack later when he was sure to die.

                                                                            19 min...should back off and finish blink in the jungle. Instead you sell a tp to get it at almost 20:38 after wandering aimlessly and hiding for a while. 20 min blink is ok for a pub ES. 10 min is excellent...try to get it at before 15 min. Also it is often better to get blink before arcanes if you are starting soul-ring. Soul ring is plenty of mana regen if you just remember to use it and use tangoes.

                                                                            21 min fight...ok positioning, ok timing, slow execution. When you blink in, cast ult first because its faster. Fissure takes forever. Do that 2nd while they are stunned from the ult. You skilled up aftershock correctly so its a 1.5 sec stun. That's plenty of time to cast fissure and also a bit more time to think about where it should go.

                                                                            23 min instead of blinking into trees putting your bllink on cd and limiting where you can go and what you can see...just hide in fog normally. 23:30 first really good ult...wins teamfight directly.

                                                                            24 min you seem to have very low confidence in your stun placement. That is probably justified, but as with all skill shots the way to improve is by trying over and over. As with hooks you miss 100% of the fissure blocks you do not attempt.

                                                                            25:40 again you were hiding to far away. You could have blinked farther in and hit 5 instead of 3. Since you did not stun rubic, he stole your ended up not mattering much.

                                                                            26 min you have tons of gold and no wards on the map or in anyones inventory. Only one dust left on jugg, no sentries, or gem against a team with Nyx and BH. You should be buying these everytime you can afford it. Make sure you don't lose just because you can't see the enemy. Blink+MB+soul ring...that's enough for ES all the way to late game. Upgrade your items after you have made sure support items are there.

                                                                            28:30 you fill up your slots with a point now have more than enough hp and mp sell magic stick and put dust or sentries in that spot.

                                                                            You know what makes it easy to do a Chaos dunk? A lane ward. I don't know of a guide to placing lane wards...but a good lane ward gives you vision that extends a good blink length plus past tower vision. This will let you see exactly when and where you need to blink for the best echo slam...or any big aoe initiation for that matter. The same thing can be done offensively to see behind any tower and into the base. this shows many good wards.

                                                                            The rest of the game is very easy and trivial because you are so far ahead.

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