General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking seem worse since patch?

Matchmaking seem worse since patch? in General Discussion
George Soros Protester

    Feel like I am getting complete newbs now, last two games in a row multiple people claimed they just started dota and I was in high bracket before this.

    Edit: Also anyone else notice a few more minutes difference in finding a game? It seems like it is taking longer.

    Okey Kehyo

      It waste me 30 minutes and still cant find a match maybe it has something wrong with this update


        True, Just Randomed brewmaster, was going for mid. Ally picked Nyx. Wanted mid, Another picked Luna, Wanted mid. I just went top.
        A juggernaut with MoM. thats just sad.

        I'm now on Minute 32 Still finding a match. I think the Matchmaking is getting confused with new players pairing up with Dendi like players and Dendi like players pairing up with normal players, thats why its taking longer?

        Woof Woof

          yes there is way more stomps now + didnt u see mm guy? just by looking at him u can tell hes incompetent retard


            One instantly picked bloodseekerm started game without any items, just to buy phase boots on minute 20. so sad.


              Can't tell if its because I was on a 5 win streak (3 loss before that, positive KDA in all of those though), but I just lost 6 straight matches. 1 was even I'll admit, but holy shit those other matches..

              Kanye Best

                If only we could see other people's wins/losses and rating stats, we might actually have been able to tell how shit the matchmaking is.

                Kaninen i Monty Python

                  Yeah, since last update ive had way worse matches... Like people telling me to pick riki in cm and have no clue how to play support. a few games now with no courier and wards, i wouldent mind that much in ap but in cm??? come on...
                  I have no problem waiting a while for a good match, rather then gettign matched with people 50 levels below me...
                  Fix volvo!


                    I dunno what's up, but I'm on an 8 win streak. Getting tired of supporting... 7/8 of them were complete stomps. The 8th was close (but only because the captain picked Doom as a safelane carry). :/

                    Wonder what's happening.


                      I'm getting win streaks as well since the latest patch. I am better than I was a few weeks ago but not so much better to go 8 games without a loss. Had a couple of bad runs too but not nearly as prolonged and I reckon that was due to a mixture of bad luck and being with friends in a lower MM anyway. Something does seem to be up.

                      Feeder Chan

                        I'm playing better opponents but I feel like my team is the same.

                        Retard Security Detail

                          Having win-streaks to loss streaks, back and forth. The only thing that is consistent is the lopsidedness of the matches, almost always complete blowouts. The normalization of win/loss rates trumps all other factors. Keep the peasants happy and they will buy many wondrous hats from the shop.


                            i like recent patch, feels like im actually getting decent team mates

                            Retard Security Detail

                              Look at the contrast my last 2 matches in Capt. Draft. I let someone else captain both to see what happened.

                              First one i ended up with a lich. We trilaned and I was beyond godlike before a sceptre jugg finally got a ulti kill on me solo'd out. Retardedly easy game. 19/2/23 or something.

                              Second game, i got the tards, first pick Drow, than kotl, seer, lycan and spectre(the guy that picked him said he would play venge). You would figure well...lycan jungle, spectre safe with keeper, seer offlane. You would be wrong. Obviously we got slaughtered, 5 min midas on void.

                              Both games were a waste of time, but 50% winrate was achieved. House always wins.


                                I got 27/1 twice and 21/3 , 28/3 ...


                                  My recent non-5-man-stacking games are really making me think if it is worth it to try to be the last pick in order to balance the team.


                                    Only if you know what you're picking.

                                    one and half gun

                                      if you solo queue and complain about mmr you are dumb

                                      Ion Kjell

                                        I concur, there seem to be something strange in the mmr at the moment... Matches for me and my friends have been really one sided these last couple of days. end scores differ from either p0wning sooo hard like 30+ kills in difference, or the other way around, we get toooooooootally owned. Ofc we have ups and downs, but still, this is something out of the ordinary... :/

                                        Woof Woof

                                          i went trough many games on different accounts and it seems to me like they allow bigger rating difference than 1k nowadays


                                            Just look at my profile. And before you say "lol scrub", click on the game. I got first blood mid every single one of those games, except for the SB game. My Bane gave up first blood, but then I went 5-0-5 in lane.

                                            I will admit that the Rubick game was kinda close, but the last 4 were just utterly shit games ruined by retarded feeders and leavers.

                                            waku waku

                                              every time i don't win a match, my heart becomes a little darker


                                                i just lost the game after a winstreak
                                                forced 50 here i come

                                                Woof Woof

                                                  ^ i like your posts on devs forum


                                                    well ty :D


                                                      I've been having complete noobs on my team lately, and I was in v high for half a year now.

                                                      Woof Woof

                                                        my advice for you ^
                                                        create new account stomp hard without dieing once in first 2 games then just keep winning and having kda around 3 or 4 after 5/6games u will most likely end up on top pages 3-20 from that point just dodge every game wheere mm matches u with new accounts / hidden profiles

                                                        you will have much better games than on your main
                                                        also dont not stack with people that didnt stomp hard without dieing in first games because it is going to cripple your rating gains hard

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          I had a 10-win streak after the patch, in each match I owned enemies totally, but now it seems better.

                                                          Had a new kills to zero death record btw: 31 kills with 0 death ^^

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Lol winning streaks and owning means that matchmaking is better ?

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              yeah that's what he said


                                                                Total stomps on every game, probably because of the removal of brackets where everyone reverted to normal bracket. I hope they change it back, having newbie teammates suck -,-

                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  people like you are the reason they removed it


                                                                    Yes it's better to introduce the game to new players by matching them up with experienced ones. Well played!

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      yeah it's not like you have a fuckng idea what you're actually talking about
                                                                      but whatever go ahead