General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyway to win this game?

Anyway to win this game? in General Discussion
    CK not the best carry or even tank.
    Wisp was one of the worst wisps.
    Tusk is the best here, at feeding ofc.
    Clock tried not to feed, and he didn't, because he still tried, looking at his assists.

    I annoyed them so much that they called me an [A] strategist.


      Pudge with abyssal... what.


        I saw that funny too, but he was tanky as fuck, and that abyssal held down CK while his bkb is on (if he tried clicking it).


          I didn't watch the replay but maybe going full rat doto with necro 3 could help, instead of the second daedalus. Radiant doesn't have exactly the best line up to counter split push.


            Divine Rapier cause why not

            King of Low Prio

              you prob didnt split push enough


                I made them so much trouble, if u actually watched the game, u would see that we got rosh several times cus of my push, but this Tusk insists on pulling the whole to a perfect ice wall into a a Timbersaw ult + SK stun and other bla, I think I interrupted SK's ulti 4 times, and managed to get out of the fight with the minimum causalities..

                Also I pushed so hard, but still without dying, because my death would mean a total gg.
                I didn't get a necro book because they countered my push so heavily with the 4 BoT's of travel, and a dagger on SK, I can't safely just push.

                I thought a second daedalus would increase the chance of killing Pudge, cus I crit almost every 2 hits, and it was successful, I did HOLY SHIT DMG, but then Tusk decided to use snow ball with me in it, pulling me towards Sven, who went 2 crits on me one after the other, I died and that was gg...

                Like we got team wiped a lot (excluding me) while I am still on a killing streak..

                one and half gun

                  bad carry and bad wisp, enough said



                    Sōu ka



                        *Grabs the dictionary*


                          Better pick np, farm and push all lanes and then complain. You realise u take all the farm 30+ min into the game? not to mention that you farmed at least 10k ( if not 15) for nothing.


                            cuirass on CK was a gigantic fail.

                            he should have went butterfly if he really wanted the attack speed/armor/evasion. AC gives raw armor and doesnt stack on the illusions, neither does the atk speed.
                            also, i think evasion from butterfly works on illu's

                            if not butterfly then HoT, SY, Armlet, Skadi, bassically any item that gives raw str and agi

                            Sōu ka

                              illusions get both the armor and the attack speed aura and do extra damage due to reduced armor values


                                I would've gone a deso instead of second daedalus for the further armor reduction +attack damage. would've been more effective than trying to get the back up crit procs. As said before, a necro 3 would've been really useful for a split push. Orchid could be really useful if you were able to pick people off, assuming there was proper warding (haven't watched the game yet).

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I watched the game and can tell why you lost, you only played for yourself the CK had nowhere to farm at all because you took the jungle AND you pushed the lanes too far. Your ego is amusing because you played at the same level as the rest of your teammate you just happened to have the highest dmg output and the easiest time getting last hits on heroes. There are times you buyback JUST to KS a hero with 1 hit left. It is the lack of game mechanics that keep you in the normal bracket


                                    less than 300 last hits in an over-one-hour game is OP

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I guess your team early game was shit. I know its not your fault but the problem with furion is that he usually afk farms 10-15 minutes and that makes your team lanes shit. I didnt see the replay so maybe i am wrong.


                                        For wisp, mek > drums. CK should have picked up the drums instead.



                                          Look at this match:


                                          Second time playing w/ Enigma (jungle, not lane). Until then a game common among low-level players. BUT look at this Jakiro. You understand what I went through? He played the entire match! That son of a bitch even took my fucking Ultimate Orb when I was doing my Linken's Sphere in first.