General Discussion

General DiscussionRecent games

Recent games in General Discussion
dog farmer

    I can't search any games from there, it just says it didn't found anything..


      Yes, the most recent Valve patch broke the Recent games search when they tried to remove skill brackets. I'm certain this was a mistake because they did it in 3 updates.

      The first update removed the player name field...but that did not prevent skill bracket from displaying.

      The 2nd update caused every search to disconnect you from the server.

      The 3rd update they just gave up and set all searches to return "No results". The other search option still works if you know the exact game ID you want. Everything else is broken.

      This was very disappointing because not only did they remove a feature I liked to use...they did it in a such a clumsy fashion it proved they have incompetent programmers who not only don't know what changes they make will do...but did not even have the professionalism to run the changes on a test server first.

      By brother and I were about to write up a java simulation to prove DBR could be updated using skill brackets when this patch came in...its very discouraging.

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