Martry is for nerds holy shit. And Empath is like Wisp. But Engineer is cool.
What kind of person likes to play Treant? Wisp? AM? PL? TA? People like that just exist dude.
(i play them as semi carry just own with nukes/stun early and scales well to mid-late. but i do buy wards and courier if needed no mek and shit )
GOD OF SUPPORTS NOTHING CAN BE HER. ofc needs a better attack animation and Ms
good disable and free spells
so fun to make people cry by spamming Q HOW IS THIS EVEN FUN?? I personally don't enjoy playing Lich at all either buy you can't really blame people for enjoying it. The hero is at least a support and supporters are always welcome.
Venge, Ogre (Muuuulticast! :3 ), Kotl (His ulti, i love it. And, he looks like Gandalf. Who can be bored playing Gandalf?)
^Ever since the "Blending in with the Russians" video, I get tired of people spamming "kotol giff me mana".
Lich is fun when you succeed in completely destroying your opponent's laning. fact, I don't pick him so much because I enjoy it, I pick him for 1) not having to lane against him. 2) My retarded teammates went 0 supports. 3) I have lag.
My favourite supports are Warlock (so underrated...and not a HARD support), CM and Rubick.
Favorite supports which I can't play because I lack Michael skillz but I really like to have in my team: Visage and Chen :D
While silencer can play support, he's better as a semi carry imo, I don't consider him a support role.
I agree that lich is boring to play but he's really effective, I played him non stop when I first started. You basically live for out of lane team fights with your ult. other than that he's an armor buff bot/creep eating boring support. Treant is also an awesome support but again really dull to play as. You just span armor and place a few good ults.
I forgot to put kotl on my favorites to play with. Love getting full mana, love when he drains my enemies like skele king and anti mage so he can't blink.
[quote] 1) not having to lane against him. [quote]
nothing to be worried about. its like being scared to lane vs centaur, not gonna happend
Why not lich, I've had a lot of fun games with him. He's the first hero that I started to learn in dota, and although I don't pick him quite as much as I used to, he synergizes well with some of the heroes my friends love to play
Naga, Abaddon (YEAH SO I LIKE THESE TWO), Jakiro are probably my favourite three, definitely naga as my number one favourite since I always like to play it + key ults wins too many situations
No one's disagreeing lich is a great support, he's just kinda dull to play, having only one spammable ability and a fire and forget nuke. Makes him a good choice for beginners though as there's not as much to manage.
Shadow Demon is probably my favourite support. He can nuke, amplify damage, purge and last but not least, disrupt (and don't forget those pesky illusions, they can deal quite the damage if used on a farmed carry). Aside from him, probably Ancient Apparition (Frostbite ftw!) and Dazzle. Shallow Grave is just too great, and his ulti can make all the difference as well.
Treant Protector. No matter how stupid the game begins, big feeding from my team, braindead lanes, I end up winning the game. I don't know why. It's crazy. I cannot explain why it happens.
But besides from that: Nyx Assassin who is underrated in pub games as support. And Jakiro (Icepath!). And Visage (Kill-secure-machine + nice birds). And AA (underrated). And Enchantress (Semi-support-carry-thing). And... Supports are so great in this game, I almost never support in other Mobas, but Dota is different and I love it for that.
Omni, Dazzle and Treant (ass savers FTW!)
I play DS and undying a lot too, but not as hard supports, they can be quite good on pubs.
Rubick, Shadow BADASS Demon, Sandking, Venge, AA.
I pick them if I have to pick a support, although I rarely play that role.
Enchantress,Lion,Nyx and Bane.
Enchantress:Get tornado creep/harpy stormcaller.Proceed to make enemy mid's life hell.
Lion:Disable.Just disables.
Nyx:Nuke,stun and mana burn in addition to a psuedo-blademail.Damn.
Bane:Gripping a BKB'ed carry lategame is so much fun.
Before he came meta, I fought tooth and nail to explain why this guy would become king of trilanes and arguably the most sought after support. If they remove the stun immunity on the birds I think it would kill the character but other than that visage is an absolute monster.
Can completely turn a game around as a support with one steal. Very high skill cap required to play effectively, it's a pleasure to watch god-tier rubicks play.
Imo the best team fight support in the game, Puppey jakiro is just ridiculous.
predicting that visage is good in tri lanes lmao
i think you're a little late for that
maybe 5 years
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Who are your favorite supports to play as and have on your team? My top three to play currently are disruptor, bane and visage. I loved glimpse'ing people into a kinetic field/storm combo or laneing with someone who stuns and using the stun time to lay down field. He's a sweet harasser too.
Bane is just plain awesome for ganks. His ult is an "iwin" button vs solo heroes and most pubs are too bad to interrupt you in team fights too. I've just recently caught on to the nuke power of visage. Incredible tank, incredible nuker, what's not to like?
On my team I always love having CM for the regen aura, though you have to get them to spec it. A lot of CM's just go nova frostbite until maxed. Also love having a good jakiro for team fights, he's simply one of the best group disablers and aoe dmg.
I don't like playing with lion or lina in pubs. They basically just kill steal with their ults and feed. Good ones are worthwhile but the players that play them are often bad.