General Discussion

General DiscussionVideo Included: Have you ever meet this kind of players before?

Video Included: Have you ever meet this kind of players before? in General Discussion

    In game 1 Gondar and Windrunner tower-dive and suicide several times for no obvious reason. In game 2 Tinker acts like a bot who feeds intentionally and this can be seen clearly in his profile and his recent games. What bothers me is that in game 1 they are mates and they seem to be in a clan while in game 2 the guy who acts like that so suddenly used to be an ok player. Nevertheless, i managed to carry Game 2 on my own and win it. The reason that i created this thread is to seek help from other members through their personal experience and help towards banning such players forever. So, please take some minutes off your time and report one of the 3 players if you believe i am right... ;'(

    Game 1:


    Game 2:



      hang them

      waku waku

        eat them

        Quick maffs

          I just dont understand why people waste time doing this ... guess some people have too much free time.


            Some people like to vandalize others property. Some people like to hurt helpless animals.

            These same people play dota and intentionally ruin games. They are just childish, bratty, cowards. They do things like this because they have very low self esteem and in their twisted tiny minds hurting others makes them feel important and powerful.

            So since it is far less likely online, than in real life, that someone will really punish them for randomly doing trivial annoying things they see it as the perfect opportunity to forget how much they despise themselves for just a little while by ruining something and mocking anyone who cares.

            Unfortunately what they need is a combination of [1] a physical beating to firmly establish the rebuke in their memory, and [2] some real responsibility so they can appreciate the value of the things they mock and attempt to ruin by experiencing that value creating value.

            It's not about revenge or rage...its just the reality of how a childs brain naturally works. They need some physical pain to remember and change their behavior. It doesn't have to be much. Fools like this are nearly always people who were never physically punished as children and so they still think that way. Long term if such people don't encounter a real painful experience and stop...they end up in jail or dead as their escapades escalate until they piss-off someone really powerful doing something with serious consequences.

            And its not really possible to give them either of these two things in a dota 2 you just have to endure, ignore them as best you can, report them, and move on. Typically these people come out of LPQ on Sundays and then are quickly banned again. Try to always play in a 5 stack on Sundays to avoid this.

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            Woof Woof

              ^ as being one of people like that in op video i can confirm what relentless wrote 2 be true

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              King of Low Prio

                ^being horrible and feeding are two different things. You just happen to be horrible

                Woof Woof

                  wish i could stab you in rl :{


                    These people really need to meet the guy who actually assaulted another dude in real life who kept ruining his Counter Strike games...


                      I got to go through so much crazy trolling last day, you wouldn't believe it. Got these 2 troll games in a row, I was so sad at this point because I was sure we could have won both games.

                      First game: Captains Mode! One wanted to play Jungle Storm so I chose Storm for him and Warlock for mid. "Dendi" takes Storm instead and the fun began: 2 mid then neverending feeding, bought 6 or more couriers and let them all die all the time. Biggest fun :(.

                      Second game: again Captains Mode! OD-player says: I'm Mirana mid, captain choses other hero - neverending feeding - fun, fun, fun.

                      Should have avoided playing on this day as Relentless said but I didn't remember that and also didn't have to deal with such hard trolling so far.

                      Woof Woof

                        buy 3 couriers and scrol
                        stand behind enemy t1/t2 spawn couriers give fb abandon but always keep in mind to wait for every player to pick their hero so game wont be a no stat
                        if u want to piss them more just stay in game and keep getting couriers and after your teamates snap just feed enemies with them till gg

                        or tell your teammates/ enemies to pause because you have to restart pc say like 5min brbs i feel we can have an amaizing game pls wait then u come back at 5min mark and start with feeding cour+fb :D

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                          like someone said people just have way too fucking much free time
                          if these shitters studied the whole day and had time for 1 or 2 games per day they wouldn't waste them doing this shit


                            This guy keeps ruining hard, he needs to be stopped: . Definitely, something tricky is happening here..

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                              What I love about 0-0 is he has 100 wins despite being a jackass.

                              You know, if there were actual penalties to trolling like this it would happen infinitely less.

                              Theory A) forcing players to redo the tutorial before they can return to match making rather than Low Priority.
                              Theory B) making them complete and win a HARD bot match before being allowed back into match making.
                              Theory C) Compounding ban lengths for each infraction, IP/account bans so that evasion is minimized.