maybe they implement option to play online with bots ... they are more sophisticated than those braindead fucks out there that volvo gives me everytime ...
bots are much smarter and shows way better team play than most of these dota players, i'd like to play with them on my side
Yeah sometimes it feels MM throws you down right to the bottom of the normal bracket, then you thinking that you are still in very high bracket decide to random or pick a support. Then you discover your team mates are totally noob and you cannot not do anything about it. THAT IS WHAT I FUCKING HATE ABOUT THIS MM.
Unfortunately, valve won't give a thing about this since low mm players are happy being carried and they thought that the MM was better. b4 patch, a lot of people complain of the hidden brackets but now seriously having one bracket for all players doesn't really benefit the new players nor the experienced players only noobs.
ok i give up ...
last game of the day ... no more nerves to play solo matchaking bcz this is too much ..
and medusa players response was:
"why do you blame me for trying somethine NEW??????"
gonna go play with bots ... they at least have some kind of intelligence
Kd, if you play on eu West Server, we can play together if you want. I'm also tired of this MM, so i'm looking for decents players.
I dont understand how people say the MM is broken because you keep getting bad teammates. If it was working like that shouldnt your opponents be getting shitty partners? Is Valve only out to get you in particular?
At work so can't download a replay so lets just visually go through it.
Pugna pick up seems like it should have been good but when up vs a Nyx I would never have played. You either picked and are dumb or you randomed and have no one to blame but yourself.
2x mid heroes
2x ancient farmers
Your picks compared to theirs were bad and this is why solo queue doesn't really work so well a lot of the time. Because you need someone to take control and suggest roles. Even with friends this is me, I don't care what I play it is more to ensure we get little cross-over e.g. 5 carries in a game.
Laning phase looks like it went really shit with them just piling up the farm and the GPM swing is massive so I wouldn't blame the MM for this I would blame the lack of forsight by the individual players, as while you all may be well matched it is what they picked over your team that won them the game.
I dunno it doesn't seem like you are too bad and we have all struggled with the MM system from time to time but I would really stop solo queuing as most of the raging on this forum comes from people who queue stupid modes like solo CM and solo queue. Make a friend, surely it can't be that hard, then start playing regularly together and repeat for as long as it takes till you have a stable.
I have about 14 different potential amigos who I play with regularly which means that I can always have 5 people who I can trust not to do stupid things (mostly) and who won't blame game too much if we lose etc.
Trust me don't play alone, there is a 50/50 chance you will lose.
What he meant is the fact that the MM before the patch was more decent than this patch since it changed from 3 brackets to just one bracket.
@Havoc Badger
i play solo matchmaking in the morning when no1 is awake ...
regarding the match you reffered to .. i picked pugna (enemy picked zeus before me) and asked for mid ... after that there were invoker and pudge picks so i didnt want to argue and said i will support with pugna ...
medusa and me were safelane i constantly pulled creeps and give her creeps at tower but she couldnt lasthit ... she constantly pushed the lane and everytime creeps went to enemy towers i said her b to our tower u will die .. but he didnt listen and got killed 3-4-5 times ... after 3 deaths i started roaming , got few kills mid and top and duza didnt learn a lession and constantly feeded lesh and nyx ...
after that we couldnt do anything to save the game ...
the most common mistake most support players make is to pull at wrong times. I did not watch your game BUT I am almost 100% sure your pulls hurt the carries farm via messing with creep line placement not supporting the lane when needed etc.
I will watch the game later if u need me to show specifics but I am sure you made just as many mistakes(yours just happen to be invisible on the stats)
blame Mike Amber, the lead dev with a psych degree :)
He knows what you need and doesnt care about what you want :) :)
no i know how biased a player can be about his own progress. If you cant find 1 in 5 losses that are not your fault then it shows how biased you are. You say the system is broken and you get noobs on your team all the time, what about the other team they dont get noobs?If everyone is getting noobs and you "know how to play the game" shouldnt you win? There is no conspiracy out to get you from going pro you are just another random shitter. Accept that and you might start getting better and losing less
You have to test stuff to see how they work, blink dagger on meepo at one point looked like a dumb idea.
My win rate has been steadily dropping since the patch a few months ago when they made queues quicker. This game is becoming CHORE to play thanks to the retards that I get matched with.
Before, I at least got matched with people who understand roles, team composition, warding, and picking good lanes. Now? Fucking kill me, please.
Im honestly going to say since latest patch my solo queuing has been a pleasant experience with some poor games here and then. In fact I'm even going to say that all of my games are starting to feel like normal bracket (because of how easy it is for me to determine how much better I am than the players Im against (this is honestly the cockiest thing I've said all week but Im going to chalk it up to confidence)). Also however unfortunate of it that your enigma built a midas, he also got a bkb and blink its not like he built a radiance or a heart or something that wouldn't make any sense (unless those items make sense to some crazy people).
Though his execution was probably poor, but you got to learn how to play heroes sometime and he has 14 games on enigma, definitely not enough to have vast experience. Also you had a sniper in that game, who is even allowed to win games with a sniper.
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From the release of the last patch this game become fucken nightmare ... every 3rd game i get noobs in my team .. and not noobs like players who are having bad day but players that are clueless in what are they doing ... and every 3rd game i have more and more white hair bcz of nerve wrecking experience that players put me to ...
Im solo mmring and look at those games pls ...
farming Enigma - > buys midas as 1st item and afk farms for 22 minutes in game where there is PL and Luna and Furion ... didnt come out of forest ... not even once ... casted 3 black holes in whole game ... one was on illusion of PL and other two were blind ...
won this game thanks to SF but that chen player was out of this world ... always had only one minion summoned .. farmed woods for 25 minutes to get meka (autoattacking creeps with his 1 minion and chen) ... and after 25 min to farm meka he decides to go dagon vs team that is ... immune to dagon ?! ...
clockwork bids safelane ... autoattacking on lane missing 90% of creeps , pushing the lane constantly .. doesnt skill cogs until lvl 3 ... i put weaver with rubick in fucken cogs everytime bcz he didnt have skill to do it alone ... he cant kill ... later uses his ulti 10 times and hits once ... his own teammate. ragequits after 18 minutes of fail
Get fb bot on brood , then help huskar kill pudge on mid ... help mid constantly to not get killed but his huskar is too op .. goes 1v5 like john rambo .. dives t2 on lvl 4 ... does wombo combo shit and other stuff ... 10 min after hes 2 - 10 ... antimage loses lane with leshrac against brood bcz leshrac too pro to buy sentry ... and antimage farming skills are out of this world ... 20 min 70 lh with queling blade (against brood!!!!!!) and i even gave him sentry to push brood out of the lane ... tiny went offlane but helped mid most of the time .. played ok but tiny offlane pick was "rock solid" ...