General Discussion

General DiscussionThree ways you would improve Dota? (Excluding gameplay)

Three ways you would improve Dota? (Excluding gameplay) in General Discussion

    1. Better chat system. Seriously Guilds are dead and almost all the channels are just filled with bots spamming items. Can we get some whispering or something here?

    2. A call feature. Pressing a button is a pain and open mic is distracting with that icon, can't you just do a wee bit more and give in-game calling?

    3. A better ban system. The 'horrible punishment' of the non permanent low prio doesn't really help stop trollers, throwers or leavers...


      1. [url=""]Get more options to choose your team mates[/url]

      2. Players can only report players at the end of the match (scoreboard)
      During games people report others for bad picks, for first bloods, for lost fights. People get mad and while they are dead they have nothing better to do, they rage-report others. At the end of the match people are calmer and less non-legit reports would be sent.
      So less people would be sent to LPQ or would be muted for non-legit reasons. People would waste less of their precious reports and would have more for serious cases.

      3. Show pings of different servers at main menu
      There are people who select multiple servers to get better queue times. If there were a screen at main menu that shows the ping to different servers people wouldn't select those servers that has high ping. There would be better games with no high-ping players.


        1) Ability to block a player. You will never be queued onto the same team as that player again.
        2) Ability to do group spectating/replaying so that we can see the action from the same point of view and "commentate" to each other. very useful in team review.
        3) Ability to unbind that god <bleep> mother <bleep> son of a <bleep> <bleep> <bleeeeeeeeeeeeep> tilda key so that I stop opening the console every time I use my push to talk key. My god it sucks not being able to use my usual PTT key without blocking my entire screen.


          Dipshit, you can set different console hotkey in settings, I have it as "/"

          Kaninen i Monty Python

            1) Be able to choose to wait longer/shorter in match making for a better/faster match ( i have no problem waiting 15 min if i know i get a good match)

            2) More languages for match making and be able to order language in what order u prefer talking in (for example i speak swedish, but i usually speak english in dota, so swedsih would be my first language and english second etc.)

            3) Match making should also consider knowledge about the game, a survey about what you would theoretically do in different situations. People with the in general same opinion about the game get matched together. (this would also encourage people to study more about the game :D)


              How abt teaching which heroes shud u pik when u hve a team for eg: antimage,es,rubik,leshrac...u obviously dnt need a carry so when u random the ai shud b so smart dat it piks a sf or pudge..bcoz u need a mid hero!...really wish ppl stop randoming..i once saw a team with riki,mort,pl,spec and cm...15 min stomp!!

              Woof Woof

                1]lock all russians on garena or smth
                2]mmr brackets in mm
                3]visible mmr


                  lock all russians? dude vigoss,light of heaven ,artstyle r all legends of the game and they r russians! just bcoz u hve a bad day with russian doesnt mean u deny them their right to play dota....sorry to hurt ur feeling DK.A Nothing!


                    most important thing is to remove homosex faggits from doto


                      Another troll? Jeez

                      Woof Woof

                        lol legends what are u an autist? most people dont know who nikola tesla was and u spew some bullshit about being legen in meaningless game DDD


                          Sorry? wat r u trying to say? dota is meaningless? which game do u play? LOL?


                            Expand the tutorial system so that noobs have an easier time getting into the game. Not everyone's lucky enough to have friends that will drop out of High MMR to spend 2 weeks teaching them to play their first MOBA.

                            Make it so that I can mute people's in-game mics without muting their text/pings. I hate having to listen to Koreans screaming in my ear for 40 minutes because I still want to see when they ping to coordinate.

                            Fix Broodmother's pathing; she's gone full retard mode because of the spectral walking.

                            Dire Wolf

                              This sounds like a gameplay feature but allow a surrender option, takes 3 out of 5 votes to pass. I believe you have this in captain's mode when you type gg but really should be a feature, allow any player on a team to initialize it like a pause once every 5 minutes and only available after 20 or so mins of game play. 3 yes' votes from team mates, match ends with other team winning. Obviously you need that time delay so some idiot doesn't keep spamming. I'm slightly worried about smurf accounts intentionally throwing to give free wins to the opposing team but they can already throw if they really want, with a 20 min delay who cares? But this would solve those problems where you're obviously out of it like down two rax at 35 mins but a couple good pushers keep defending the base and it makes a 40 min game over an hour. Stupid waste of time.

                              Also need a dota only friends list. I don't want to have to steam friend someone to play with them in dota. Also make a ban list.

                              Allow role selection queues where each game gets 1 hard carry slot, 2 supports and 2 free role slots, then limit whoever queued for those slots to those heroes. This would need to be a separate game mode. Basically you can queue up to only play hard carry but your queues might take longer, or you can queue for open role and select support or carry. My idea isn't perfect, you might get only people queuing for open role slots, but dota doesn't differentiate well enough between hard carry and semi and support types so you can't really say 1 hard, 1 semi, 1 lane support, 1 pusher etc. What this does help accomplish though is not having 5 hard carries on a team.

                              Along those lines, in normal game modes allow players to indicate what roles they wish to play pre picks. So you're in all pick and you wish to play a hard carry mid, instead of selecting viper and typing mid, then having some other idiot do the same thing, have a role button you push and a lane button much like the hero suggestion thingy so people can see what you want to do before you make your pick. Almost like a pre pick. Helps those who don't like to type in chat box communicate their hero picks better. If you know player A is set on playing puck mid you might change your hero choice but you still have the option to pick whatever you want.


                                1.) Muted players should be able to communicate with people in their party and/or steam friends list.


                                  Lock russians and south americans in their respectful noob servers

                                  Primordial Soup

                                    Vigoss there's only 1 Russian in Na'Vi


                                      There should probably be better chat wheel options, in reguard to vandals post. But PERMANENT Low priority is very harsh lol. Especially if you d/c from a game then dota is down so you cant reconnect, which happens to me a lot. I recon that if they just fixed match making in general everything would be better. A good idea i have is don't have permanent LP, but instead they should keep a tally of how many times that perticular person got into LP and match them with players that a close to the same amount, then reset it every month to give those certain people a chance to improve their behavior. This will influence people to be good and supportive during games, instead of raging and leaving, so they get good friendly teammates instead of self-centered assholes.

                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                        Mute should be longer.

                                        Low priority is fine as it is, if you have shit internet, then get a job and pay for better service.

                                        Valve should add gamemasters to ban cheaters.

                                        Public ranking.


                                          - Make ratings public so that players can be honest about their skill level.
                                          (I'm pretty much convinced that players not having a way to measure their progress is doing more harm to the game than good)


                                            That's nice, except the tilda is a special key apparently. It ALWAYS opens/closes the console no matter what I have the binding set to. The binding just allows me to open it with yet another key.


                                              @russian feederation

                                              What do you mean by cheaters?

                                              No, that's a bit off from the idea. If I'm queued up with a friend, you can pretty much guarantee he wants to hear what I have to say - even if randoms on my team or the other team from previous games did not. Same goes for multiple friends. The opposite direction works just as well: If I queue up with a friend who is muted, I want to hear what he says. In this particular situation, I think it's a decent idea (not the best) to allow communication between this group of players no matter who is muted by reports (not locally muted).

                                              It would reduce the sense of punishment handed out to the person who most likely deserves it, thereby weakening the possibility of his attitude changing for the better.

                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                              SMELLY APE

                                                1. harsher mute/leaving/dodging/low priority system. Every consecutive game dodged/dc more than 5 min should within a week should be 1 day/3 day/1 week/2 week/1 month/etc punishment in low priority.

                                                2. Create something that determines if a player actually speaks a certain language (ex: brazilians playing on english us east)

                                                3. Allow a way to mute pings also, chat mute isn't enough, always some faggot spamming pings :(

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  1.) Implement a reward for getting commendations. Why is everything about punishment?


                                                    Delete the cap on commendations, only limit the number of commendations on someone from the same account. Or at least give an unlimited commendation pool to everyone above x games.

                                                    More reports weekly, but only at the end of the game.

                                                    Being able to see teammates profil information during picks. When there is a slow loader, I can usaually check 3-6 ppl in total but during picks I cant really click the players anywhere I guess, and would be nice if (whenever visible) the win count and the top 3 heroes would be visible without the need to leave the pick screen. Just mouse over their picture or someting.


                                                      I would love to see MMR Visible on our profiles and a Better BAN System...
                                                      @vigoss adding yourself on " Legends "
                                                      makes u a clown
                                                      48% for life disban yourself


                                                        i think theres a pro player that goes by vigoss.



                                                          Ye im afraid he will go competitive soon

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            @dipshit you're doing something wrong because I use tilde '~' for my push to talk on mumble and I was able to remap it in options so it will not open console. I can look up the specifics later.


                                                              add more boobs
                                                              one of the reasons LoL is ahead



                                                                How about this possibility: Open console using your problematic ~ key. Then type "unbind ~".


                                                                  Even pasting the key into the console closes it. It's incredibly irritating.

                                                                  ^Does it look like I have it bound? Doesn't to me.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Huh. That's where I rebound it and it was fine. Must be an issue with your client. You could try unbinding it altogether or resetting the keys and rebinding but I'd post the issue on dotadev forums as a bug.


                                                                      1. Region lock russians to russia servers.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        better chat wheel, it was one of their best ideas but its far too limited


                                                                          a fuckin /W +NICK and /R jesus christ is it so fuckin hard to implement?


                                                                            delete russian server and ban all russians.