I'm not sure...the closest I've seen to a position 1 not-mid Qop in one of my games was here http://dotabuff.com/matches/278184825
Where she and Zeus were forced to go to a sidelane because of OD on the other team. She went offlane with Tree and pretty much wrecked PL's farm through constant dagger and Scream of pain abuse.
Mana wasn't a problem for her, because OD and Viper weren't contesting the runes, which allowed her to get it every time it spawned top (she bottle-crowed if it spawned bot for Zeus to take) and Tree managed to get a fast mana boots, plus he solved her squishiness factor. Afterwards, we had 3 snowballing heroes with very good starts (Viper, Qop and Zeus), so the other team couldn't really do much.
And yes, I suck at Tiny, I decided to play a different hero for that game, which meant random button...plus, I remember Viper being the only one who didn't press random in my team.
So yes, it can work. As long as she can solve both her mana problems and her squishiness, she can both take farm and be very agressive in her lane, also, look at all those Aghanims!
On equal footing she cannot outcarry a good agi carry. However, she is dangerous quick and if you play a game of total aggression with similar minded heros you can win (or snowball so bad CM could carry.) She is the type of hero where in pubs you can get the other team to give up when they really could come back and possibly win. Just MHO, YMMV.
She quite can. Blink gives enough mobility to chase and kill, as well as positioning in fights. And unlike anti-mage she has 600 attack range.
You basically play her as a semi-carry and a hard-carry. A bit like a Gyrocopter or a Luna who try to involve themselves in early teamfights. So in a sense, she's a bit of a snowball carry.
Qop is a really strong character ic you ask me she is the best mid hero ingame.
Snowballs ez and is fun to play and is hot :p
I mostly get scepter-->linkens(or sheepstick)---> the one i didnt get at last part ----> shivas ----> skadi
You get armor,shitload of hp,ms and as decrease,inteligence and agi points.
You can shut down the carry real ez late lame. Unless its pa or pl then ur done
Um... she has no scaling attribute, so no, she is not a carry. But she can snowball and win the game if she gets a level advantage.
last time i saw someone play it like carry dps he went linken hotd/satanic eye of skadi rapier crit
Safe lane carry QoP is doable but isn't the most efficient use of her skill set. She just cant utilise the farm as efficiently as other designated carries who have scaling abilities/passives. However If you really want to carry Qop, I would add stats instead of poison at the relevant levels cos you wouldn't be doing much of chasing/roaming anyway and the added stats are always helpful for split push.
Item Build in chronological order: Midas, treads, orchird, bkb/deso, Daed/mkb, EoS/AC/Hex
Her skill set is very good for snowballing, map and rune control. Usually you put qop at mid or solo safe lane with intention of snowballing early on in order to get map control.
The issue is going to be once they farm bkb, but that gives you 20-30 mins to dominate, since most opposing carries will go boots and another farming/dps item first. As long as your sufficiently ahead by that point you're fine. That's why I love queen on a team with another hard carry who is more farm dependent like alch or AM. Queen holds things down early til they come online and finish the game. Queen is still very good late, especially at killing supports who won't have bkb, but she's not as good as other hard carries so you don't want to be dead even at that point.
I play QoP as an offlaner and it works out pretty good most of the time.
QoP is also a great mid but I would never see her as a "1" cause any other real carry will just wreck her late game.
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Keep in mind I was thinking of trying this in pubs with a friend, and I'm not referring to playing this in CM 99% VERY HIGHER HIGHEREST OF ALL MMR's.
Just curious and throwing out thoughts or what not. I was wondering if you could safe lane with queen in a 2-1-2 lane or something similar and possibly dominate lane?
-Ez escape
-Great lane harass
-Great nukes
-No bottle - low mana regen
-If initiating, then no escape
Ideal lane partners:
Keeper - Mana regen, harass, semi nuke
Cm - Stun, - mana regen
Visage - Slow, nuke
What would a build look like? Treads > Bkb >Orchid > Deso? In some order? (Treads last, prostrat.)
Mabye a basi~ and a Magic wand for a tad more Hp/regen?
Could the support stay out of lane enough to give her a close to mid like advantage in levels with Keeper or something similar?
Or is just a dumb fucking idea.
Would like to try this, throw some ideas you loving, loving community.