General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed an advice on playing Slark

Need an advice on playing Slark in General Discussion

    Is there are someone who is willing to look at my slark games and give me some input to improve?

    Seemed i cant go more than 60% winrate with this hero which is im trying to.

    thanks for the input guys, i appreciate it. However im looking for more of an analysis of my games. I know some of the basic while playing slark, and i would like some input on my performance...something like what should i do, or what did i do wrong.

    It will be awesome if you want to spend sometimes watching my replay.

    and yeah i thought the MoM basher era is back...

    Ова тема је измењена

      I dont have above 60% because i started dota with slark but people tell me im a really good slark

      1. DONT max your passive before dark pact just get 1 point early at level 2 to make early kills much easier
      2. Your escape ability is pounce not shadow dance. Sd is an really good offence
      3. If you are playing vs stuners like lion try to dark pact before you get hit by the stun so it removes the stun
      4. Nothing counters your hero but lina. Lina is your worst enemy.
      5. Lane with a stun or slow or nuker (kunka/sf slark lane is BEAST)
      6. When you have pudge on enemy team ask for mid ez kills


        Really? I thought bs is slakr's enemy. How bout item builds?

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Yeah you better lane him with another carry just because it can be a good lane.

          Der absolute harām boi

            buy orb of venom asap

            people cant deal with it


              Learn to farm really effectively, in a game where you can't snowball from kills, last hits and experience can be the decider. The best scenario is you farm really well and snowball from kills.


                I'm the only one here with good slark winrate, and don't listen to what darkness said - that guy is clueless.
                Lina worst counter to slark? won't even comment on that.
                Depending on what you are up against you can easily max your passive before dark pact, that duration is insane if you are snowballing early, having +40-50agi for few minutes can change the game more than doing little more dmg with dark pact.
                As for items you can build whatever, orchid if you can get it fast vs heroes such as storm/qop. Basher into abyssal later if you wanna fuck bkb carrys up, there no real itembuild on that hero it all depends what ur up against and how well ur early-game is.
                However the "core" is having pt/wand/OoV at like lvl 6-7, by then you can pretty much solo anyone.

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  get mom with him now. only do mid solo slark if enemy is melee if not its completely pointless. item build is pms boots mom then treads. based on the enemy you have 4 items that you can go for orchird heart basher skadi, if you are going for skadi then early game go oov and point booster


                    Build MOM and then basher and kill all.


                      learn to play, that ez in fact :D


                        thanks for the input guys, i appreciate it. However im looking for more of an analysis of my games. I know some of the basic while playing slark, and i would like some input on my performance...something like what should i do, or what did i do wrong.

                        It will be awesome if you want to spend sometimes watching my replay.

                        and yeah i thought the MoM basher era is back...


                          dont dive towers
                          dont dive fountain
                          dont forget to play with 1 hand
                          make sure you kill everyone multiple times
                          dont build good items
                          make sure to leap then run away to scar the enemy.


                            dont play slark :D


                              stop building orchid unless they have 4 supports/semi supps squishy as fuck.


                                Dont trust vanart, he is a known feeder

                                King of Low Prio

                                  ^stop doing ursa wisp stacks


                                    Play this while playing:
                                    It helps when you can get in your character's mind.


                                      is orchid really that situational? i thought i should get it on blinkers or escapees...

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        I have almost a 70% WR with slark, granted ive only played him 15 times,
                                        I find slark can be a great mid, at lvl 6 u can gank amazingly and snowball
                                        Also think about what type of slark you wana play-> semicarry is an orchid but full on carry should be a speed item (drum/yasha) into a survivability item (BkB/sange) MoM is good if the enemys cant burst you


                                          The problem with slark is that the new patch pretty much nerfed his ult (for ganking). SB is very situational for this hero, only get it if you plan to gank before 15-20mins (laning as solo mid). However with a long cd ult, ganking frequently is now much harder.
                                          From the looks of things, I'll prolly play him as a hard carry from now on. Relegate yourself back to easy lane for easy last hits. Farm up a quick midas or a quick bfury. Max dark pact first due to its flash farming ability. Get a ring of aquila early and farm the jungle if the lane is too hard, the mana regen makes slark able to constantly spam dark pact as well his boost his meagre armour. Slark is actually very good for r[a]t dota now; without aoe spells, the opponent team is unable to stop a ult into tp back to base. Together with bfury, dark pact is able to clear a creep wave very quickly. As much as I hate not being able to gank and kill, slark has pretty much turned into an am.


                                            Slark is my most played hero at 71 games, and I have held a a 66-70% winrate with him. I play him as solo mid, which allows him to get much needed levels and farm. I personally like to max pounce then dark pact almost evenly, with one level in passive at lvl 2-3, depending on who you are laning him against. Dark pact is underestimated as a nuke, and coupled with pounce you can blow up squishy supports. I actually like the recent change to his ult, I think the absolute invisibility it gives him has a lot of potential for tower dives etc; it just means you need to play smarter when deciding to use your ult or not.

                                            In regards to items, I like go: bottle rush -> wand -> treads -> armlet -> basher -> SnY/BKB -> upgrade to abyssal

                                            Armlet gives Slark some solid damage/att speed and survivability, and he can quickly negate the health drain by moving out of vision. In theory, with the stat steal you shouldn't need THAT much agi items for damage, so you can stack survivability items on him.

                                            In terms of general tips, play aggressive in lane once you have a few levels in dark pact and pounce. Gank side lanes or jungle whenever you see a good opportunity. Don't go full yolo with your pounces, try close the distance a bit then jump when you think you can hit them. If fighting an enemy with a stun, don't immediately dark pact when jumping on him, wait until they start casting the stun/predict when they will stun you, so you can remove the debuff completely.


                                              he is lying ^

                                              Der absolute harām boi

                                                btw wouldnt pick slark too often: new bs fucks him completly up and is an easy pub counter


                                                  i never picked slark when against bs. latest game i trollpicked slark i get countered hard. its pre 679


                                                    If you on middle 1v1 Slark vs Bloodseeker you must win him.


                                                      yeah, orchid is THAT situational.

                                                      report SelfmadeMilionaire in game whenever you have the change, ty.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        i never encountered a BS in this new patch. is the new ultimate totally renders me invisible to BS' thirst?

                                                        ya i should be flexible in itembuild. Most of my games are SB+Orchid as a core.