General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Recruiting members for TMM/5-stack CM mode.

[SEA] Recruiting members for TMM/5-stack CM mode. in General Discussion

    Me -
    Sookwan -

    We're quite active players if you check our dotabuff. Anyway, we're searching for 3 more dudes who will form a team with us. Expect the occasional weird lineup and etc but don't worry, we're playing to win. We might Skype, we might not. This is more or less to find 5 capable guys to enjoy good intense games.

    -Capable of playing all roles.
    -Taking turns with roles.
    -Knowledge of competitive play.

    Please post your steam ID if you're interested. I won't be too hard on stat requirements since stats can be deceiving. Our pubstats are just to show we're at least capable players.

    Ова тема је измењена

      I cant register to that site, I am from Eastern Europe. I have over 50% win rate only because I tested all heroes. Since I stabilized with a draft of heroes I lose 3 in 13 matches all because abandons or horrible mates. If you look for pro brood, centaur or spectre you can add me. Of course i Know many other heroes but these are my best. I play all roles.


        Add me if u wan. Cheers


          U can invite if u lack a #1 for stacking :-)


            @aga, uhh this is for SEA so you'll probably lag if you play with us.

            @Xylar, added.

            @Lucky, there will be no fixed role for each player, I'm more of wanting people who can rotate roles.

            Papi Chulo

              Add me~ :)


                ADD ME :D

                Duhky Chon

                  Add me :D


                    add me :3


                      add me


                        Let's play sometime