General Discussion

General DiscussionTIL: Liquid.TC is a normal bracket player

TIL: Liquid.TC is a normal bracket player in General Discussion


    fucking lol, look at this other matches and then check out the allies he gets in this match

    dog farmer

      Sure. Normal bracket.


        Try harder next time, maybe you will get it second time around.


          it is SD mode. What could you expect more ?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Wtf is this thread about? Why would he be in normal bracket? You can't even see it anymore.


              @sam I know that he isn't, of course he fucking isn't. But look at the 3 people that ended up on his team, quality matchmaking right there

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                I don't see any abnormalities about his teammates other than their kinda bad score compared to 13-2 of him. Can you enlighten me?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  And yeah the last hits are REALLY REALLY low.

                  Woof Woof

                    they got like 100wins max and 50 % wr and below while he has 75%wr at 750wins

                    Woof Woof

                      i am sure it would be well matched game according to fletcher in the end theres nothing wrong about 2/3k rating difference between him and his teammates

                      waku waku

                        according to i have recently went into high bracket from normal, wow, fear me


                          wow, you must really, really suck. even this shitty account broke into the VH bracket

                          although most of your stats are good and your recent matches indicate you are doing pretty well

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            talking about brackets like they mean anything)))))


                              It's because it's Single Draft.
                              If you queue in ANY MODE that's not AP, the MMR range gets wider - this means you get queued with better and worse players. But if you're a VH bracket player, this means usually you will see a lot of bad players in your team / in the other team compared to what you see in AP.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                He plays mostly in ixdl so it's understandable.


                                  call merlini police 1-800-322


                                    big deal?