General Discussion

General DiscussionNaturally low WR?

Naturally low WR? in General Discussion

    Or do I just suck.
    1. I play solo que
    2. I play all heroes (no masteries)
    3. I play mostly hard carries (all hard carries have low WRs)
    4. This was my first Moba and account

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      lol lol lol lol
      you are so bad lol lol lol lol


        pick a hero your team need not picking a hero you need
        what causing you to lose is no.3

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          @ben I play position 1-3 generally what my team needs... I only go support if we have 3+ carries


            With such limited experience, I'm sure you're going to be "bad" compared to a bunch of people. There isn't anything wrong with a 50% win rate. If you had a 30% win rate with that many games, then there would be an issue. You'd not just be bad relative to some players, you'd be a detriment to whichever team you were on and bad relative to all players. But with a fairly solid 50% win rate, you're most likely locked into a certain skill bracket full of people just as good (or bad) as you are. Expecting to have > 50% win rate is the same as expecting to be able to consistently beat people who are the same skill as you... but then that contradicts the supposition that they have your skill.


              I see a flaw in your thinking process. You soloqueue and still play mostly position 1-3? You mean that in most cases your team picks at least 2 supports? Well, if thats true, then you are one lucky bastard. Because in my case- even if they pick supports, they dont support at all.

              And even if they try supporting, maybe they are doing it not so well? Maybe you should man up and take the role more often.

              And ofc hardcarries have lower winrates, since its tougher for the whole team thoughout the game- a hard carry is usually totally useless for a huge chunk of the time. And if you pick a hardcarry and 2 more guys pick carries (you said it yourself- you pick support in a 3+carries situation) you have basically a situation, where you might have almost no lockdown, no early game and the enemy team will just 5v2 you all. Bad dota.


                You pick hard carries, people that take years to get farmed. Play sh*t like QoP.


                  Being 50% is not bad at all
                  How you play is your WR
                  I played casually around 2 weeks ago and had 49.86
                  Now i play like a tryhard and look at me now


                    Go bragg about your winning streak somewhere else- your effort to transfer that information in a subtle way was way off.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Your win rate isn't low, you're 1 game under .500. This means you're being perfectly matched according to valve mm. If it was 45-48% that'd be low.


                        "I only go support if we have 3+ carries"


                          ^ This may sound selfish but when I play a game I prefer to be a leader/MVP Like in COD the glory comes from pub stomping not team players. I Don't enjoy playing the support role because I don't trust randoms to carry. I play for enjoyment and I don't enjoy playing supports, especially because teams blame supports for everything ever.


                            ^ this

                            play snowballer/high impact heroes

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                              Just played Shadow shaman, Got first blood warded and courier... PL feeds and leaves, pudge blames me... FML


                                just a tip imo i don't consider weaver or slark to be hard carries, late game they just fall off if you are facing against someone who is a hard carryaan has slightly less/equal gear to you. if you solo queue a lot, pick a powerful hero that is team oriented as well as strong at ganking (naix is a good choice for this). he performs all the roles a team needs which is why is he considered high tier. work on your farming a bit more just don't go afk farm then entire game but don't try to anticipate or go out of your way to create ganks. playing the carry role requires good judgement and good game sense. and play mostly one hero well if you wish to boost your winrate, then when you feel like you've mastered them move onto another hero.


                                  @Infinite I didn't say every hero I play is a hard carry and I enjoy playing multiple heroes
                                  This thread isn't about me improving my WR (though its appreciated =p) I was just wondering what STYLES of play lead to a high winrate


                                    consistency and always having that tp scroll in your inventory is a start. and i mean always. being there for your team (even though they might not be there for you) will improve your winrate over time. if you're bad at dota and the other team is bad at dota and then just role as a pack and rape face try and encourage this gameplay with your teammates.

                                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                                      Games played =/= skill.

                                      You don't seem to understand the point of matchmaking.

                                      MM is trying to find players with similar skill level and make them battle in an even game. (50% chance to win for both sides)
                                      If your global winrate is around 50% that means your skill cap has been reached. It [U]doesn't[/U] make you bad, it just means that you've found your place.
                                      You can still end up playing in the same bracket as Dendi [URL=""][/URL], even if your winrate is only 50%. Keep in mind that winrate does not represent your actual matchmaking rating.

                                      As you see one of the best middle players in Dota who usually plays public MM alone is averaging 56% winrate.

                                      In the end only a fraction will have global winrate over 50% due to [U]evenly skilled teams[/U] competing against one another.

                                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                                        People who have winrates 60%+ are the ones who consistently 5-stack.

                                        It's still hard since they get placed vs other 5-stacks from time to time.


                                          Took a quick look at your last support match, you got Magic Wand on Shadow Shaman, it told me all I need to know.
                                          Never build stats with supports, especially solo supports. Every last drop of gold has to go into regen, wards, smoke, true sight, and supporting items.
                                          Also, play less hard carry, play more mid and support.

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                                            Um wink I kinda gave up when PL left so early...
                                            And @Infinite I rotated 5+ times between lanes
                                            I stopped carrying a TP when we lost every tower

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                                              You have to have good game sense, understand what your team accelerates at and what the weaknesses of your opponents are. Additionally, map awareness and predicting your enemies next moves helps you alot, be aware of what your're doing and why you're doing it.
                                              (i typically solo queue and these are some important things i keep in mind)