8.alch with ult
^undy is optional, without mana dies like fly.
pudge could be quite tanky so he should be on the list.
^Pudge could. If he snowball, yes. Any hero can snowball and buy items that makes you durable, although Pudge obviously has his flesh heap. That doesn't give him neutral tankiness.
Im surprised no one said Doom, or Skeleking. Btw can someone explain to me thee importance of bristleback i really dont get him all ik is that he is a pretty good tank if his bank is facing u and then he just sneezes on people and farts out spikes...i just dont get how he is useful(he is still fun and cool though)
BB is a durable hero, and you can't let him do what he wants.
If you focus him, it takes a while to kill him and your team loses positioning, so his team rapes your team.
If you don't focus him, he stacks sprays and slows/armor reductions on you, slowly raping you and your team.
Anyway as of this moment im voting Doom because he has the highest strength in the game thus more health thus more durableness(thats not a word) and tankyness
When it comes to relative durability I guess Visage and Ogre are very tanky for support heroes. Bane as well, because of insane stats and skills.
I would also vote for Visage, he easily gets insane armour and if granted a few kills becomes a pain in the ass to kill.
at level 6, sylla bear deserves a mention, with an entangle bear coming around to save his ass too.
No one mentioned these:
morph (op tank late game)
orge and treant . (tankist lv1 early game)
dp (quite good mid game tank after the bloodstone)
agree with most of you guys listed.
and late game spectre and medusa. tank as hell
Early game: Treant, Timbersaw, Axe
Mid game: Abbadon, Centaur, Bristleback
Lategame: Spectre, Alchemist, Doom
morph technically with dusa and spectre (with items) are the biggest tanks naturally though I think bristle eats the most dmg with his hp
Your forgeting slardar
Slardar at lvl.25 has 16 armor add something like ac he has max armour so at that point ur going to need to take about almost twice your health to kill
So his health at lvl.25 is 2200 so pretty much your going to have to take somewhere around 4400 damage for your to die cus i also think(i dont know if this is right but....) 25 armour(max armour) grants 70% physical damage reduction
Well lets see here heart should bring slar up to 2500 which with ac and armour means that u will need to take about 5000 damage or so to die plus give him satanic lifesteal which brings him up to.... I think....34 passive lifesteal with it activated 175% lifesteale would bring him up to around 310 lifesteal...so yeah slar would be insustructable he could surive a 5v1 escially since he has sprint plus he is stun king...and if u wanted to add 3 more hearts to slar(if u could actually do that lol bring him up to a whooping 3500 health so in total u would have to get 7000 damage delt to u...thoughts?
Slardar is not a tank. He has raw stats that arent superb either way, no skills that support him being a tank.
The question is a bit difficult to answer since there are different types of damage. It can be situational. For example, against 5 physical damage dealers, PA is basically unkillable if she goes basic HP/armor early (drums, vlads, vanguard). Then there are heroes like Huskar and Viper that are pretty good at absorbing magic damage, just get more HP.
Doom is not that tanky, because he has terrible base armor. He can become very tanky if you equip him with Shivas, AC, and heart. But then again, if you equip any hero with that stuff, he will most likely be tanky (the trick is getting it soon enough to where you basically are invincible).
My vote for most durable hero goes to free-farmed Bristleback since his skills do not discriminate against what type of damage is given. He does need items/levels though or else he'll die instantly (just like any other hero). I recently had a game where I tanked CK and all his ultimate illusions with vanguard, heaven's, and shivas. It's ridiculous. That's thousands and thousands of damage.
you guys forgot void. tank is not just abort high hp high armour.
and no one mention omni.
and no one mention enchantess.
they are not the best. tier-2
^vandis ^silvers
slardar is a ok tank. stat wise.+2.8 str +2.4 agl probably the highest combined str agl gain. but like silver said no tanky skill, like spec/dk/bb
Good point i kinda had the mindset for stats but yeah i mean u could do dk level up his passive and then by 25 he would have 25 armour so u could skip ac still be good on slardar though i mean really practically no one can kill u u can speed away or speed to anyone and stun for days plus ur ac will take away armour as well as ultimate thats just gonna put their armour in the negatives its great so i still kinda think slar is best tank i mean comon he is a guard....of something so it makes sense.....playing him after school and guarding candy in diretide xD
Brew? I mean he has dodge, he has a skill to make you miss attacks, he has a skill to aoe slow attacks and he goes into primal form, making him almost impossible to kill. Ultimate tank.
Doom sucks as a tank. No armor, if hellfire is down he's super squishy. He needs lots of items to be good.
Tiny late can be ok too. He's like doom, no armor, but his proc stun thing late if he has tanky items is good.
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