General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me with list of reliable tanker

Help me with list of reliable tanker in General Discussion

    Anyone can help me with reliable tanker? I'm newbie here, help me with this role

    Double Agent

      Most heroes can be realiable "tankers" even though it is not a particular role


        dk axe bb panda lycan

        Mike Hawk

          ^^ Yeah, with a double tarrasque and an assault cuirass.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Lycan a reliable tanker? Wut?


              @Clow Brewmaster? How that's built?
              I've just played once with DK for durable :3


                Skywrath Mage


                  Lol rapping xD


                    DK is super tanky with assault cuirass. Even without it he manages to get insanely high armour. Should grab BKB if the enemy has a lot of magic damage though.


                      Hm.. best tanky heroes are like: Axe,Centaur,Bristleback,Dk,Abaddon.. gl


                        Treant self casting living armour

                        Dire Wolf

                          Tide can be good. Skill that reduces damage, innate block. Spectre can be surprisingly tanky.

                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                            centaur, get vangaurd then barbed armor!


                              Never...ever...ever get vanguard.
                              But yeah the best tanky heroes have been mentioned. DK, Centaur, BB
                              Get hearts on all of em
                              Make sure you get BKB on DK, the rest is situational


                                Here's a list of heroes I consider tanks.

                                Axe: He forces the other team to attack him, enough said.
                                Centaur: Classic tank, benefits himself and severs the other team as he stacks HP and strenght and is a good initiator.
                                Bristleback: If he gets ignored, his AoE damage will stack by a lot, so he's generally wanted dead as soon as possible.
                                Necrolyte: He deals constant AoE damage at the same time he heals himself and his team, so he's always a prime target, his passive gives him insane regeneration if he gets a kill and his ulti ensures he gets a kill. Can semicarry.
                                Undying: Extremely underrated. Another prime target because he makes the other team significantly less tanky. To help with that, he has 3 spells to heal himself.
                                Viper: His skills already give him a good amount of damage, so it's not a bad idea to build him tanky and make him focus on the enemy carry. He also fulfills the bill of being more dangerous the more he stays in the fight.
                                Razor: Has a skill which gives him good DPS and a passive which increases his speed and purges and damages heroes who target him. You want him to be tanky so he can properly wreck teamfights and carrys by staying a good time in them.

                                There are more, but these are my favorites :3


                                  with a reliable "tanker" you will tank deaths. there is no such role in dota. Some heroes can initiate very well, some needs items for that, like blink and so on. If you think that playing for example bristleback and walking into enemy team with "tanking" items without any plan will lead to good result, you will end up dying in 5s regardless of your tankyness


                                    medusa tankiest carry out there good positioning and timing of ult makes her godly, only problem is her kit requires a lot of farm


                                      @Larasati Adinda ♥

                                      In dota, there is a stigma related to the word "tank" or even saying "tanky". While Axe is sometimes refereed to as "the only tank" because he can taunt. It is best to say something along the lines of "durable". That is the term used in dota that will garner you less trollish responses.

                                      That said, some of these hero suggestions are accurate. Please remember however, that no hero is durable without a degree of farm, and some heroes are best given durability despite not necessarily being a classic "tanky hero". An example would be Axe, who is in theory durable, but without farm he will get decimated. An example of a not so durable heroes that benefits from durable items are Death's Prophet and Necrolyte (necrophos....) or Razor.

                                      Lastly, Vanguard was bugged for a long while, and every grew to hate it. If i remember correctly it was OP back in dota 1 because it could be dissemble and was nerfed many times. That said, it is no longer bugged, and it is worth getting on some heroes, if you are capable completing it early. On axe for example, a 12 minute vanguard is an excellent pick up. However a 17 minute pick up is a bad pick up.

                                      Edit: i didn't see it mentioned, but Skeleton king can be a fantastic durable in lower skill bracket games, and is a good hero for beginner players.

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                                        i don't think timings matter in a non competitive setting. its a question of relevance to the game that a lot of ppl lack to understand. granted getting an item early on can give you some advantages, like say an early bkb, but will it be effective, how will it be effective, what am i trying to counter on their team. shit like that is what ppl should ask when they build items. vanguard is still a dead item imo, really isn't effective on many heroes the parts you use to assemble it can be put to better use building items that affect your whole team. or scale better into the late game.


                                          The amount of scum in this thread posting their low tier shit.

                                          Dragon knight:

                                          Built in tank, with a few key items this guy becomes insanely difficult to bring down


                                          As with DK, A couple key items and he becomes a massive nuisance, However, Viper falls off extremely fast and doesnt recover well at all.


                                          The king of tanking, Abaddon is beyond OP in the right hands and eats carries alive, He can zone every single melee character in the game 1v1 and can outlane most ranged characters. Practice Abaddon and your win rate will improve drastically.


                                            I would like to add Lone Druid to the list of durable heroes too. In this game:


                                            what I was doing was to initiate the fight with my hero and the bear at the same time. Once I make sure that the enemy team focuses me, I started running away from the fight while leaving the bear behind to burn them and hopefully entangle someone. Meanwhile, our weaver was taking them down. Too bad we lost :(


                                              No one said skeletonking :(


                                                Axe - Initiator/Durable
                                                Timbersaw - OP/Asshole #canttouchthis
                                                Abbadon - Support/HardtoKill/HAHAHA *picks axe
                                                Tide - Neither tank nor very durable. He can be, but never gets the items or the levels due to people playing him support.
                                                Dragon Knight - Good Mid/Durable/Armor too high
                                                Alchemist - New patch made him unbelievably hard to bring down
                                                Viper* - Maybe if you got Mek and Sceptre
                                                Tiny - Late game his strength gain is pretty damn high
                                                Centaur - Not a great hero to play but still good at taking damage for his team.
                                                Bristleback - A good hero if you are aggressive enough to want to play him.


                                                Undying - Not a tank at all, thrives off the tombstone to land his abilities or make them more effective. His ability to steal strength means he can outlast others in a team fight but only if he is not focused down.

                                                Vanguard - People always have their varying reasons why not to go this item and suggest peasant notions of things like "go for a heart" and other such pessimistic suggestions. Truth is Vanguard is still a good item on some heroes (not on centaur or pudge, stop doing this) and provides early regen, hitpoints and a decent amount of damage block. Back in the early days of my doom/bristle/axe I would have a Vanguard in about 5-8 minutes and lets face it who the hell is strong enough to kill any of those 5-10 mins in with a vanguard. Its still a very good item, cost effective, and worth getting early but not as a slow 20 minute item.

                                                SK - Not a tank.
                                                Lycan - Not a tank.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  bristelback becouse hes the only hero who has tanking skills

                                                  maybe axe and abbadon too


                                                    anything + abaddon + treant = tankiest shit ever.


                                                      tell that to axe + darkseer


                                                        darkseer maybe just make a crowd in a war w/ his ulti
                                                        and his 2nd skill ion shell doesn't bring any +armor or regen, but with axe it more reliable since axe is a bait for a war xD


                                                          there is no such thing as tank in dota


                                                            The only tank in dota is axe, he can make the enemies attack him instead of his allies, aside from him, tank is not a role, you can have an initiator with a lot of hp like centaur, that is still an initiator with lots of hp.

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                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              skele king wasn't mentioned cus he's not a tanky. He just has an ult that makes you kill him twice.

                                                              Why is vanguard bad on centaur but not other tanks? It's good if your hero needs hp and hp regen and/or the enemy team has a lot of right clickers. Why I hate it on guys like viper and razor is they are ranged so it blocks less and they mitigate dmg in different ways than taking right clicks, viper via slowing poisons and razor by kiting and positioning. Both those guys benefit a lot more from additional armor like mek on viper and assault curiass on razor.

                                                              I also hate getting it on carries like anti mage. I don't get why vanguard is listed as core on him, he doesn't need the regen, it does nothing to help his dps/farm and he shouldn't be taking a lot of hits with blink. Makes no sense.

                                                              КАПІТАН ЗОЛУПА

                                                                раки донные


                                                                  @people saying no tanks in dota
                                                                  OP means durable heroes, we all know this isn't an MMORPG


                                                                    im really surprised ppl aren't saying dusa at all


                                                                      im really surprised ppl aren't saying spectre and morph at all


                                                                        Dusa and Spectre are not mentioned as much as they should, however while they are durable, their purpose on a team is not to get focus, but to do damage.


                                                                          Lets take a 20 minute Dusa/spectre and a 20 Minute Cent/Axe/Bristle.

                                                                          The difference is in the role, while they are busy farming carry items (probably midas in this god damn meta) cent axe and bristle (probably also going midas) are farming for regen, initiation, and block. This, till about 30-40 minutes into the game gives them the durability or "tankiness" to outlane opponents.

                                                                          Centaurs Strength gain is enough where he doesn't need the vanguard. Stout shield and hood is effectively hood/vanguard for anyone else simply because he is much tank so wow.


                                                                            Midas gaming everywhere right?
                                                                            Maybe i don't want play Midas except for Furion :D


                                                                              Varying builds for axe.

                                                                     - Regen
                                                                     - Durability
                                                                     - Utility/Initiator

                                                                              Additional Items. Halberd, Drums, Black King Wolf, Assault Cuirass, Necronomicon


                                                                                Regen for what Role?
                                                                                Durability and Initiator for Durable, isn't it?
                                                                                But AC in Axe is good enough, but not useful i think. Because axe still got damage, not like BM to return the damage

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Midas is my least favorite item in all of dota. I hate the godam thing. So many noobs try to rush it and by min 15 all they have is brown boots and midas and get rolled by the other team.

                                                                                  Medusa and spectre are very durable carrys, as is viper, but I think the op was looking for durable "tank" role heroes IE initiator, guys who try to soak up dmg and focus.

                                                                                  I still want someone to explain why vanguard is bad on centaur. I'm not seeing the logic, I mean I get it if you're not thrilled about vanguard in general, but why particularly on centaur?


                                                                                    maybe he have a tranquil boots, then BM. Maybe it is good enough for it regen


                                                                                      Blademail is my least favorite on pub axe's cause people misuse it.

                                                                                      Let me guess you blink - beserker call - blademail

                                                                                      This is incorrect as when you call you increase the amount of armor you carry thus decreasing the amount of damage dealt to you. Assault is quite useful as almost a supportive vestments, as you are perfectly located in a blink/call the AOE radius of the Assault will be hitting the entire team.

                                                                                      Keep in mind that stacking hit points won't really matter to a damage dealer as much as the additional armor will.


                                                                                        i'm not using blink dagger >__<
                                                                                        come for backside of clash then berserker rage :P
                                                                                        blademail is item if i be the 1st target, so the enemy won't hit me more :D



                                                                                          About Vanguard on Centaur, I guess it's pretty good if you get it early enough, but his str gain is so high that in lane a simple stout shield is enough to make other heroes take more damage from attacking you with one level in your passive.
                                                                                          Also, most people aim for a Hood anyway, which covers the regeneration that could be provided by Vanguard, it also scales a lot better.
                                                                                          The bonus HP from Vanguard can be better covered by building a Sange which you'll later turn into a Heaven Halberd. Stacking STR is better on centaur than getting raw HP, in order to buff up your passive, also I can't think of a team that wouldn't benefit from a HH.
                                                                                          Now...out of 8 Centaur games, I built vanguard 6 times on him, so I won't tell you to not build it, I'll only tell you to get it really early if you can, because the last time I did it was because I managed to farm it in the first 7 minutes. Now, I'm a bit unfamiliar to playing centaur now, as last time I did was before 6.79 Tranquil Boots.

                                                                                          Also, if you see my centaur games, you'll notice that I'm anything but consistent when it comes to item builds, so take anything I say with a grain of salt :)

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            So it's not bad, there's just much better alternatives. Whereas for bristle or axe they don't need to stack str as much.


                                                                                              BB i like that one, recommended for newbie (me) :D
                                                                                              But i still prefer to DK (More armor, more regen, reliable stun. But low attack and MS)
                                                                                              If DK is fat it will take a team to take down to this hero -_-


                                                                                                WHY NO PUDGE ON THE LIST


                                                                                                  Pudge in early game doesn't have any armor
                                                                                                  Make he's vulnerable. As long he doesn't kill any hero or clash he's nothing (my opinion)
                                                                                                  So don't let pudge free farming, free roaming :D


                                                                                                    Im gonna go with Pugna