General Discussion

General DiscussionLD vs Meepo. Who will win?

LD vs Meepo. Who will win? in General Discussion

    Well, at this junk thread. I want to ask if LD and Meepo get a fight
    Who will be the winner? If they got same items (vladmir, ac, and other aura buff items)
    And give me explanation how to play that hero (both)
    Because i always junk if playing dual characters like them both -____-


      meepo will win if LD has no bkb


        but BKB is work to main meepo, not to all meepo


          bkb wont help him that much.
          with full items, ld easily. with same items probably meepo.
          edit: not to mention they wont have same items to begin with so the whole question is kinda pointless.

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          Woof Woof

            meepo wins no probs spirit bear literally melts against meepo

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              Yes this is pointless because they won't have the same items. If they both had their full build I think Meepo would win - his DPS is off the roof.

              -apm 400 player

                theys not a single hero that can possibly beat LD in 1 vs 1 12 slotted is too stronk.


                  Its 5v2 though K3v.. I think Meepo wins, it would be interesting to see this in a lobby.

                  -apm 400 player

                    oh yeah 4 of them has power treads.

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                    Dire Wolf

                      yeah but druid only has to kill one meepo and the hurt ones can't exactly run away/kite with that entangling roots stuff. I think druid wins.


                        lol ofc meepo


                          with full items its not even a contest.
                          lots of heroes can kill meepo with full item set.

                          but like i said thats not even the question. they wont have same items. they wont have same farm at same time. they snowball at different times, so the whole question is rather pointless.


                            If LD is fully geared up, super tanky and got a blademail he'll probably live to tell the tale. Meepo is more of middle game carry while lone druid potentually deal more right clic dmg. With a abyssal blade on that meepo will be gone in no time.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              In 1v1 only mid, LD will win. But if a pro can hold one pass level 11 without dying and hits the jungle hard etc.. But that's prob. impossible. Once you die twice and fail to kill the other in 1v1 it's over. If's it's open lanes, Meepo might be able to win by lane hopping til he's level 11, hit the jungle and shine at 16. Knowing this LD will probably do a cheese strat instead of radiance, such as force staff/dagon build.

                              I would imagine even if harassed and lane hopping a decent meepo can get vlads & sceptor before 30 mintues. For LD either not getting netted and debating if he should do basher/radiance build or some cheesy builds such as as the one mention before. radince is nothing if meepo has vlads and slamming the bear so yea, would be enjoyable to watch but pretty sure LD will win mid/early game.


                                ^so much wrong in that post.. just don't bother.

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  ^ noob.


                                    Assuming they were both equally 6 slotted with LD having the majority of his items on his bear, I'm pretty sure that Meepo would win. Having BoT's, Aghs, Sheepstick, Eblade, Skadi; it would be relatively easy to focus the bear down enough to kill ld. It's not even much of a competition as you can just micro the meepo they are focusing away, or use eblade in the event of abyssal, (tping out and poofing back in) all while ld can't move anywhere because perma nets.
                                    In an actual 1v1 mid matchup, I still think meepo has the bigger advantage. At level 4 send one to stack the large camps, while killing the small one; level 7 take a short break from mid to use both to poof clear the stacked camps. Result of this is 1k xpm (think level 25 by 25 minutes) and 14 or so minute aghs (even assuming ld was winning the lane and taking most of the denies). From there his killing potential and farming skyrockets leading to big items being finished way before ld starts picking up momentum. If you're playing for endgame, there is nothing ld could do to stop the push leading to a sub 30 minute victory.
                                    I'm pretty sure that's the way it would go, I've never had any problems taking down a farmed ld before, the single target damage and unreliable entangle isn't really good enough to 1v1 meepo.

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                                      ofc it depends on the itens and circunstances.

                                      blade mail + bkb -> bear wins
                                      good micro meepo and no entangles near meepo dies -> meepo wins


                                        Blade mail is ineffective vs Meepo.


                                          blademail + bkb is like the worst combo you can get. on any hero.

                                          Woof Woof

                                            meeepo has solid shot against 12 slot ld


                                              not a chance in hell

                                              Carl Lee

                                                Well, any hero with decent illusions and full slotted can beat LD easily, like PL/SPE/CK even PA can beat LD in a 1v1 fight.