General Discussion

General DiscussionNew MMR confuses me

New MMR confuses me in General Discussion

    Regardless of performance after calibration you gain +~25 per win and ~-25 per loss regardless of individual performance ingame, so the only way to get higher MMR is to hope to get a winstreak and stick to it till you're 5000 ? Or is it just my individual performance every game resulting in the gained MMR's staying constant? halp.


      There is an invisible component to MMR - uncertainty. If you regularly lose and win, uncertainty is low because the system is pretty sure that your MMR is about correct.

      If you suddenly start going on a winstreak, like 15 in a row, every match your uncertainty increases. That's because the system isn't as sure anymore that your MMR is correct, possibly you have improved. Then every win brings bigger gains in MMR (much higher than 25)


        Oh good that does make more sense, thanks friend.


          Erm...I'm confused on how uncertainty works even after reading all these explaination, I've been on 5 losing streak and 4 winning streak and I noticed those streaks somehow reduces my uncertainty.


            its all about personal skill. I have lost 5 last games and still get +20 to +40 for every lose, cuz im vs navi and other famous players, with team feeding


              Thought you were joking, but you actually weren't, so it is actually possible to get rating with a lose... mkay :D


                its more about pick carry or mid. good luck getin points with cm when you are loosing


                  its quite nice system cuz u dont depend on teammates so much, whenever they fuck my case every single game


                    low skill player tries to smurf and cant even do it properly

                    :')) let me catch my breath


                      lmfao, you smurfed to level 13 just to try and fuck with MM? oh boy


                        i had a streak of 9 wins
                        and my uncertainty just went down every single....

                        King of Low Prio


                          maybe because you got lucky and got carried? Stop playing like shit and you will not have this problem


                            That's not how uncertainty works.

                            The MMR compares your MMR to that of your team and your opponent and predicts whether you will win or lose the match.

                            If the prediction is correct your uncertainty goes down.
                            If it is incorrect, your uncertainty goes up.

                            If you win when you are expected to win you will see a slight increase in rank
                            If you win when you are expected to lose you will see a bigger increase in rank.

                            The opposite for losing.

                            Win streaks don't mean anything on their own. If there happens to be weaker players in the queue with you you may be expected to win all these games. Doing so only confirms your current rating is correct, not necessarily that it should be increased.