General Discussion

General DiscussionValve Plz

Valve Plz in General Discussion

    Can I win plz?

    King of Low Prio

      play Bounty Hunter
      win games


        Yay, won a game.
        Where I was intentionally feeding :D
        Thanks valve


          Of course you won, you were playing with Putin.


            well volvo will try to force you 50% so for every lose streak there will be a win one


              The matchmaking will always be flawed, there is nother option for it.

              Most ppl have special heros that they are good with and heros that they suck with. Matchmaking cannot take this into account. Playing solo is like gamblin. My MMR is between 3900 and 3700 (pretty average) and the quality of games varies so much.


              This game felt like a "real" dota game. We had decent picks. A Midlaner, an offlaner, 2 supports. Bane and me played support. 2 Supports in a game is (sadly) really rare to find. We warded, counterwarded, and ganked the hell out of the enemy, stacked ancients, created space for brood to push and luna to farm. It was a total stomp, guided by 2 supports and a ganking mid. We made the first 2 kills in 3 min.

              The enemy team blamed their sf for it, but the guy had no chance. We came 2 times with smoke and banged him.


              2 Players willing to support are just fucking rare as fuck.

              A few games later this shit:


              Russian LC feeds like hell in the jungle. Useless trashpicks all over the team. Ursa mid against pudge is ok, but why pick 2 passive junglers? Furion was Cliffjungling, LC was only busy with feeding. Against their lineup there was only a small chance of winning. Me or Ursa snowballing and creating space, or simply GG. It was GG.

              How to win without stacking:

              a) Just let the 4 other dudes pick and try to fix their lack of brain in the picking phase, if you are at a decent level. Try to counter as many heros as possible of the enemy team.


              This game the enemy team begged for bloodseekerpick. So many heros counterd by the little bastard. Storm (silence), Timber (silence/rupture), Antimage (rupture). You often see a lc this games. Go BH or Clinkz offlane. Go invi, and look for him. He is low hp jungling and easy to kill. If the enemy midlaner goes TA go viper/veno/thd to counter her. If you have a voidpick on your team, pick something nice for chrono, like lich or deathprophet.

              If you have 4 decent picks for the positions 1-4 don't be a dick, pick a pos. 5 hero and be the best support out there. Support is a lot of fun, if done correctly. There is always a usefull thing to do. Its not only buying wards at start and a chick. Counterward, setup smoke ganks, stack every creepcamp you pass by. You will get a sense for the stacking time for ancients. That fastgold will boost your carry. This case happens very often! Pos 5 is the least picked position.

              b) Pick snowballing heros that are indepdent. Secure yourself a sololane or the jungle. I take most times the offlane solo or the jungle. Midlane is a viable option, too. I don't go mid often, because i played with a stack for a long time and the midrole was secured for one other dude and im not used to it + i hate arguing with a retard about the midlane, wich happens nearly every game.

              Heros that i pick for 9v1 Dota:


              They don't need babysitters like a hardcarry. Playing a carry without proper support is simply not possible for me. Maybe im too bad at it, but thats my expierence. I have no idea how to get fat as a void against a mirana/windrunner lane with a pudge as support.

              Happend this game


              Eldar feeding from min 1 on, pudge a "support" (no wards, no chickup) was only pulling.

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