General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you build MKB's against PA

Why you build MKB's against PA in General Discussion

    Nah, MKB's are useless, better get my satanic instead. I swear, I am done supporting ass-hats. Meepo kind of is excused though I guess seeing as he can't really make use of one.

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    Quick maffs

      Dude you are in the trench just like me, you cant expect anything of your team, just try to get better and dont take those game so serious.


        I don't really take it all that seriously, I know there are some more victories and good matches waiting for me in the future. It's just that this goes beyond Russian, building a lifesteal before you can even hit PA?

        Believe me, Russians are not the only bad players.


          yep. peruvians also exist.


            Heh, I saw that, I know the feel bro :(


              yes, mkb is a must in most cases against pa, but - pa was not the main problem, is it would seem from game stats. bear and bm were also a threat which had to be dealt with. countering 1 hero is nice, but sometimes you need to counter few. Not saying that satanic is optimal item in that situation, but stop being 1 of those guys - BUILD THIS OR U SUCK guys, other people make choices for themselves, good or bad ones.

              edit - guy below, please, spend some time reading before u comment.

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                dude what he said was a sarcasm


                  The bear wasn't a problem, we roamed him out of his jungle and picked of many kills on him, even late game all we did was either duel him for free damage, or meepo would blink poof him in one shot. And sometimes you sadly need to be one of those guys, or else people will repeat the same mistakes they've commited before over again and will never better themselves as players.


                    Well, the only one who couldve gotten MKB was DK, the satanic pickup sure seems pretty shitty. When LC duels she disables PAs crit and evasion so getting mkb on her isnt really needed.


                      Yeah LC played great and got a ton of damage by roaming the Bear. Just got annoyed that DK was flaming everyone when he learly was the one at fault here.


                        Maybe you lost because duel was used on the useless bear to get free damage?

                        Don't underestimate Duel's additional properties - it essentially dooms any fed carry by removing all their steroids and items. Prevents backtrack, evasion, bashes just to name a few - use it on the right targets late game.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          "played great" for sure. 2 orb effect items. No BKB. Not even a TP scroll on him. And if PA was the main problem they would give the aegis to her right?

                          Quick maffs

                            Well i saw someone getting mana boots and after that satanic on sven, but that was long ago really deep in the trench

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