General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I improve my carry play?

How can I improve my carry play? in General Discussion

    Pretty much every game I play carry i get 500+ GPM, but sometimes the laning stage doesnt do great and its not always me carrying throughout the game, like I didnt carry most of the game the bounty did all the heavy lifting and i got a LOT of gold of track and is one of the big reasons I was so fat, So how can i farm better? Do my team need to create more space, do i need to rotate into the jungle?

    LL Poroksi

      "Pretty much every game I play carry i get 500+ GPM"


        Thats a average and that counts from when I was a really low level, look at my recent games dipshit

        Quick maffs

          I am not sure if the problem is your gpm, i think your kda for some carries are really low, even in recent games


            Your KDAs are REALLY low for some of those carries. It sounds silly, but try to avoid dying.


              If you consistently get 500+ gpm, you think "more farm" is what you need?


                Know when to fight & when to flee.

                so yeah, decision making skills.:D


                  Thanks guys


                    carries in pubs are useless

                    the only way to be good carry is to play in a good team with 4 ppls who know what they are doing

                    how to improve ur carry ? do the carry challenge

                    -antimage as a hero because it has biggest mobility and farming potential
                    -35 minutes to finish the game
                    -get max gpm/xpm in that time
                    -everything is allowed u got 3 lanes and 2 jungles to farm

                    heres my atempt that i did around 8 months ago im prettysure i could get much better results now


                    also static lane farm

                    -10 minutes time
                    -u can't leave lane
                    -u can only buy items that u would buy in normal game
                    -no pulling
                    -at the end of the match u should be as close 83/83 as possible

                    once u get really good at maintaining creep equilibrium it should help a shit ton to have lane control

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                      farming wise find farm where its safe, if nobody on team wants to buy wards buy them yourself to save you from dying multiple times. but don't be a dick about being the 1 position. help your team out whenever possible with tps and stuff.

                      also try and be more aggressive with your mid-game oriented carries. for ex ur only involved in 3 kills on a shadowblade alch. also if ur gonna rush SB on him don't max GG, it pushes your peak time to lvl 14 instead of 11 (which is when u should have SB).

                      it seems like you're pretty good at farming when your team is winning but have a hard time finding anything when your team is losing. in that dept try and find opportunities to splitpush, utilize jungle when lanes not safe/enemy jungle is always a good choice if yours isn't safe. buy wards like i said above. if you get good at this you won't die as many times in losses and give your team a chance as well as have much better gpm numbers in losses (they're fine in wins)


                        You don't necessarily need farm you have a low W/L ratio,
                        Having an effective mid game instead of farming can be the difference in most games


                          Thanks you guys for your help