General Discussion

General DiscussionMy drafting~

My drafting~ in General Discussion
    So this was my game... We lost because one guy dced but that's not why i am posting... So pretty much my viper who i told to get mek+treads didn't want to do that, and went for yasha.. But he was telling me how shit my picks were, and i told him that disruptor+rubick+viper+mirana can sync do well with spectre throughout early+mid game considering viper is such a strong/tanky hero. What are your outputs on my draft? By the way, how do you guys deal with people who always have something to say about your draft ? How do you guys deal with the incompetent players on dota whom give up the first 5 minutes and sometimes it is apparent they purposely lose out of spite to prove your draft was shitty?


      I usually draft them heroes that they want to play. It's better to get them something that they want rather than something that would fit the team better. In my experience, a hero that they know how to play will produce better results than a hero that fits the lineup, but that they don't know how to play as well. Also, getting them a hero that they want to play will keep them happier and usually avoid situations like you describe in your post.

      EDIT: I mean within reason of course. If they want to play solo offlane CM feel free to shoot that down.

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        Tactics are great if everyone knows their role. You are expecting people to read your mind though. You don't have time to go through plays and if someone has barely played a hero they are probably going to struggle from the laning phase.

        Last hitting wouldn't go a miss either. Your teams cs is are pretty poor.

        waku waku

          don't play captains mode with random people


            Your first and primary mistake was you played CM in a pub. Don't do that.

            Once you were in that bad situation now you picked heroes with limited to zero knowledge of what your team could play.

            Viper player... bad at Viper, does not know to get mech in organized play, plays badly... why surprised?

            Rubick player 48% win for Rubick... not a good hero for him.

            Mirrana player... probably bad at mirrana, but stats are off

            Spectre player 51% win spectre, not terrible but certainly nowhere near your best choice of carry.

            Disruptor player 65% win... only good pick.

            4 bad picks = loss.


            Enemy team has only 2 with stats on. Bristleback 60% win. Jakiro 72% win. Pick heroes your team knows = win.

            Strategy doesn't matter at all until after players are good at their heroes. In war plans mean nothing if soldiers are not well trained.

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              This is the reason I try to be captain if I ever do a solo Captains mode, because I always ask players what their best heroes to play in a certain role are. If you aren't a person who asks players about their strengths and weaknesses you run the risk of picking heroes they're bad with (my most recent CM with me as Visage is testament to that, seeing as I can't micro for shit, I wasn't the captain and thus he just chose what heroes he wanted without listening to any of us)

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                It's better to pick 5 meh heroes that everyone can play well over 5 amazing heroes that nobody can play. You lost because your team didn't know their heroes.

                Dire Wolf

                  Relentless you're way off here. We have no idea if those people can play those heroes or not. First the rubrick player is 17-18 on rubrick. Is that really so awful? 1 freakin game would put him at 50% win rate AND pub with rate with rubrick is 44.8% this patch! For one who prides himself on analysis of trends and win rates and all that surely you should've noticed he is more than 3 pts higher than average on rubrick. Statistically he's an awesome rubrick. And in such a small sample only being a one game off 500 those stats don't mean jack shit anyway.

                  Really it looks like they lost because bristle is op and they couldn't handle him.

                  There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing captain's mode in pubs. In my experience captain's mode and draft players are slightly more interesting in winning. They are not necessarily better players than all pick but they care more about sacrificing for the team, ie they will play supports, they will buy wards etc.

                  It's much better to draft a strong team overall than draft crap people want that is terrible. If you listen to everyone's requests you'll end up with teams made of anti mages and phantom assassins. Terrible teams with no team fight and bad lanes. Your lanes are really good, strong mid options, either viper or mirana, rubrick is a great counter to jakiro and warlock. If warlock ults and doesn't hit rubrick with it he must immediately cast something else or risk stolen and a counter golem.

                  The only thing I would do is ensure someone can play a difficult hero like rubrick. I would ask, guys can anyone handle rubrick, before picking him. If no one responds pick something else. And there's nothing wrong with asking what picks do you want, but drafting a strong team is more important than letting everyone play their favorite carry.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    ^It doesn't mean he is terrible on Rubick, there SHOULD be heroes he can play better. Also imo experience with the hero is more important tha winrate. Would you pick a guy with %80 winrate with 30 games or %45 winrate with 300 games? Your losses don't only depend on you. They also depend on your allies. Even if you are good with your hero, if you other 4 allies aren't, you are gonna lose.


                      You do realize that this shitty winrate is because more than 50% of the entire dota community has less than 2500 mmr? Winrates for pubs is NOT something to refer to when looking at people of higher skill.

                      Bristle is not OP, his team should have easily been able to kill him if Viper used his ulti on him. An immobile Bristleback is a dead Bristleback.

                      And if you draft against the wants of your allies in a pub, then you already lost, take a look at this match as an example. Obviously you won't get 5 carries because everyone wants to carry, but you should NOT take 5 heroes nobody can play, that's called being a selfish and overall bad captain.

                      And Rubick wasn't the only issue here. An easy hero like Viper was still played horribly because the guy didn't know what to do.


                        If the pub winrate for the hero was 40% and the guy had 45% win on 300 games ok maybe its fine. But if someone really played 300 games on a hero and had only 45% win... that indicates more than bad luck. That player with that hero is a factor that leans the game toward losing. If you want to win you don't pick heroes for people that on-average lose games.

                        Maybe they had lots of experience losing, but doing the wrong thing a lot of times doesn't make you better. My most played hero right now on this account is crystal maiden and its dropped below 50% win. She used to be doing better when I spent most of the early game stacking and pulling in 6.78... but as the meta shifted toward ganking I have failed to adjust and don't play aggressively enough on Maiden so I lose. I have a lot of practice playing CM in an old out dated way that now loses.

                        I racked up my 70% win on 69 games of Tree before living armor was nerfed too. Now I almost never pick him. If I did I would really need to go offlane and could not contribute in the same hard support style that I am used to playing Tree. So all that experience and winrate are not worth now what they might appear to be.

                        Anyway, the Captain needs to KNOW the players and know what they can play. A random pub can't do that so captain's mode is just dumb.

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                          Don't play CM in solo queue. You never had a chance of winning the game since Viper is retarded and prefers Yasha than Mek.
                          But your draft wasn't bad, though I don't like offlane potm.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Well the guy who played Rubrick, it's his 5th most played hero at 37 games. So he has some experience, as much as any average player I'd say.

                            If you want to blame player playing viper fine, but that doesn't mean the draft is bad, it means the viper player is bad period. If he can't handle a simple hero like viper he probably can't contribute much of value on any hero.

                            Also saying stick viper on bristle and problem solved? I didn't watch the replay but my assumption is bristle will go offlane which will have spectre farming as safe lane with disruptor or rubrick. So viper is mid. He comes down to gank, bristle backs up if he has vision. I don't see how viper counters him in lane when he's not in his lane.

                            Anyway, the draft was fine, you had worse players. Try captain's draft, might go better.


                              Solo queue CM isn't that bad. I play it and CD in solo ranked and have been moving up in MMR pretty rapidly just by drafting for my team.

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                                I was talking about TFs and ganks, not lane.


                                  haha. disruptor (the only good pick) is in his friends list. so he KNEW that dude can play disruptor well.

                                  This proves everyone's point : pick heroes that everyone can play well.

                                  so he is not doing solo que CM. probably 3 man stack. with mirana and disruptor.

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Why is disruptor the only good pick? rubrick should counter wombo combo jakiro + warlock since he can steal their ults/ice wall and cast them right back. Mirana is good against melee carries since she can leap away. Viper and spectre I don't see as specifically countering anything but they fit fine in these lane setups.


                                      Hey guys, thanks for the nice feeback, i really appreciate it. In that game, viper was the only person bitching the whole game about my draft, but all he said was magnus ult into warlock would own all of us, so i don't know what to say to him, because it was like talking to a wall.

                                      On the other hand, disruptor was my friend so i did know he was able to play him fairly well. The last hits and stats of the game looked really shitty because rubick dced like 8 mins into the game~ and by then, viper just sat in fountain on top of being incompetent already the first minute in.

                                      Our Mirana did pretty well, although i truly despise people who max arrow on mirana instead of starfall, i just think no matter how good of a mirana you are, you can't be getting all your arrows on 100% of the time, and i just think that because starfall is 100% you should max it more. I was queueing only with one other friend(the disruptor) so the other 3 guys were randoms but they were okay, except the viper, which just annoyed the shit out of me since he was bitching to us about why a viper should get mek+treads...

                                      My original post was just to ask you about how my draft was, and now i do know, any of you guys play on USE/USW? I'd like to have some more people to queue with on my friend's list i have been playing dota since 6.45~ I am currently at 3.7k mmr solo and team

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                                        ^The thing with maxing arrow first is that in a fight, whether it be during laning phase, a gank, or a huge teamfight, your arrow is the first and probably most important spell to use. It's an initiator, counter initiator, all around scary thing to see fly past your face, but Mirana has MAJOR mana issues early on, and unless she has a CM or decent levels, she will barely if at all be able to cast all 4 of her spells. Maxing arrow first means you deal insane damage with your up to 5 second stun to 1 core target. This allows for easier focusing on heroes than all around AOE damage. Also, shotgunning someone in the face with arrow is always awesome if you max it first because it hurts so bad.


                                          your team has essentially zero lockdown and early aggression (your mirana doesnt seem to have done much at all) which is an easy way to punish a stupid greedy lineup like your opponents had.

                                          also in the future if ur gonna captain pick a better support duo. you have zero kill potential in your lane without a 5 second arrow. disruptor offers little to no burst damage same with rubick, spectre isnt much better. i feel like you woulda been better off picking something like a slark instead of that spectre.

                                          do you mind telling me what the lanes are? cant get on dota 2 for some reason.

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                                            lanes were tri top vs bristle with disruptor+spec and rubick was pulling. We did manage to kill bristle 2-3 times so i mean i think top was fine~ Viper was middle vs magnus and mirana vs warlock, sven, jakiro which he did pretty well since he did kill sven several times although at the cost of his own life... On the other hand, i was a bit surprised that viper lost vs magnus, didn't quite see what happened but he pretty rushed yasha after brown boots.

                                            I mean i obviously understand how nice mirana's arrow is, but he offers little to no help in a teamfight/engagement if he misses his arrow which i have seen quite a lot when people max mirana arrow and after they miss the arrow when we've already committed to the fight, all he can do is auto attack and do very little damage with his starfall considering he maxed his arrows.

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