General Discussion

General DiscussionThe new heroes and where they stand

The new heroes and where they stand in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    So terrorblade is 2nd most played in 6.80, between pudge and sniper. Pretty big gap between both. His win rate is 48%, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

    Phoenix is 5th on the list at almost 46% win rate. I thought the bird would win more than that.

    Ember spirit has stayed about the same in usage and win rate compared to 6.79, bottom 3rd of usage, 43% win rate about.

    Earth spirit has dropped some in usage, win rate has dropped 10% from around 45 to now pathetic 35%.

    So the spirits are pretty much crap now and the new guys are ok?


      Just wait few weeks for people to get used to tb, and he will go under 40% wr ( too easy to kill, when played properly )

      ES, even i never played with him, nor i intend to do so, is shit now, due to huge nerfs ( even i am not so sure, what they did to him )