General Discussion

General DiscussionLeave your RAGE about your last game.

Leave your RAGE about your last game. in General Discussion

    necrophos : Mid or feed
    After 10 minutes, he bought 2 bracers with no boots.
    24 mmr Point gone.


      spiritbreaker : charges into 3 man push.
      balanar : silences SYLLABEAR.
      Alchemist:noob.just noob.
      Terrorablade:cannot farm in a free lane.
      i win lane.destroy first tower.bag many kills.
      nobody FUCKING FARMS.

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      i quit

        ^goes veil of discord->bloodstone on DP

        rage gone


          First picks were made: BS will have an ultimate that works only on farming and Sky picked Eclipse after Beam was taken.
          Where does these people come from? Leeague of Legends?


            just peruvians

            automatic lost


              Nothing to rage :) won 6 games in a row and my mates just wanted to YOLO pudge pick :) happens



                4500 party MMR

                So, rus TA lost mid to weaver SOMEHOW. Rus razor bought HOOD as his first item. NOT BAD VULVA, NOT BAD (oh, razor maxed his 1 skill vs sylla, so sweet)

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                  4800 mmr
                  random > broodmother > wtf why i cant go to trees ? help me guys help me !!!! > teammate said "new patch asshole" > and we lose.


                    me and 1500 mmr friends fucking around
                    quad mid lost lol


                      ill be back...


                        Posted this in another thread but whatever.


                        So much created space wasted. :(

                        Luna seemed intent on headbutting Gyro's missiles right in front of him. Like literally she walked out from under tower, autoattacked the missile once, got stunned right in front of Gyro, and then Gyro killed her. Plus she didn't build BKB. Ugh.


                          Luna goes solo offlane with 0-4-4-0 skillbuild, even after maxes glaives and E goes stats instead of nuke.


                            new meta bro


                              Had a pudge who didn't skill up, but bought stats. Was wondering why he didnt hook or rot or dismember. GG. Never playing pub again.


                                Back in Dota 1 I remember those Ezalors that would TP behind enemy fountain and trap us all there with recall.

                                Or earth spirit blinking up/rolling on hills to pull his allies and trap them there as well....

                                Good times.


                                  Let's try a ranked game first thing in the morning, what's the worst thing that could happen?
                                  BOOM! safelane carry alchemist 2 - 17, mid bs midas first item

                                  That was bad, let's just try one more game:
                                  BOOM! safelane carry alchemist 0 - 12 again. Luckily, mid Naga got her radiance at ~25 min, time to follow her into team fight :) Also this Naga had no talent, 37 min, not a single song was sung.

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    stronk black is stronk :3


                                      sniper build + od rage quit (i suck to but that...)

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                                        OD on my team goes mid (whatever, normal)

                                        At around 8 minutes I grab a midas recipe as Void on the courier, I send it to my hero and of course, OD has to tamper with the courier even though it already left the base and I was walking towards it.

                                        But no. He had to stop me from getting midas and even dropped the recipe on the floor. I ended up grabbing it but I stopped him from using the courier after that. (Two can play that game)

                                        Then he fed the courier to the enemy team and d/ced.

                                        Took his stupid bottle and he changed his name to "gj void for stealing my bottle"

                                        He'd banish enemies I'd hit inside chronosphere.

                                        All because... he was bored?


                                          Luna maxing aura and bounce, skipping ulti and beam.

                                          Invoker rushing aghanim's to spam 1 ( and i fucking mean one bloddy spell in entire game , sun strike ). He was "rushing it" for 32 minutes. I usualy never rage, but that game i just snapped. Poor guy, i hope he didn't took it too seriusly. I was so over the line.

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                                            i pick 1 support.This happens.
                                            double wraith bands?what are doing? going to a masquerade party? PA is in my lane.jumps into pheonix-crystal maiden duo and i have to jump in too.
                                            i told sniper to let me mid but no "i can handle it man".fuck you.
                                            doesn't call missing.
                                            bot feeds like crazy.i give ulti buff,nobody goes in. GG

                                            waku waku

                                              although it seems like i totally carried and snowballed my last game, i had several lag spikes which were the cause for one of my deaths
                                              i did pretty shitty overall too, all i did was deal damage and killsteal for most part



                                                Crystal Feeden - The second I saw the name I knew I was in trouble. Randoms Tidehunter, wants to swap. Anon asks what to swap with, says "anything, just random"...Great logic there, isn't that how you got a hero you can't play. Ends up with undying, feeds, roams, does nothing.
                                                Silencer goes mid, you just know hes going to be shit. He was.
                                                Then the Tide-hunter. Keeps telling me to stop stealing last hits so he can get blink dagger.

                                                Silencer quits, the rest quit bar sniper, and I get my aghas and 2vs5 the whole other team. Can't really push though as they have our bottom rax.

                                                TLDR: Queued with my friend who is ~2.4k. In this tier supports farm and the carry goes pull jungle.


                                                  Last game had a retard Enigma jungling, hand of midas 15 minutes. A storm Spirit who gives first blood and then dies again, all he bought where some boots. NO TANGOS or even a salve. Husk is too busy being a dick to help bot, where an axe is sucking. Who later gets killed by some creeps after trying to jungle. Morron buys the wrong wards to counter Broodmother. Towards the end Storm is hiding in the trees in the bottom right hand side of the map! And we're officially at the "gg" you are fucked stage!


                                                    Not my last game but the last game that was utterly bullshit..


                                                    Went mid as Slark, got flamed for it badly even though i killed Sniper twice before level 6. Went on ganking and getting good pickoffs on as many as i could, was involved in 37 / 47 of the kills and tried to push towers where possible but as you can see, no help from team at all.

                                                    Slardar was massively ahead of me at one point and i managed to bring it back and could kill him 1v1 or even 2v1 in his favour, but still got messed up when team fed out of base and let them 3/4 man push mid everytime (becuase i had picked one or two off en route)

                                                    Pro feeding and giving the game away, how can you win these games?!?

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                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!