General Discussion

General Discussionis blue on radiant and pink on dire the highest mmr in the team?

is blue on radiant and pink on dire the highest mmr in the team? in General Discussion

    I read somewhere that in HON, the players in each team are arranged according to decreasing mmr. wondering if it's true in dota 2 cuz i always find myself at the first 2 positions in ability draft :P

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      and it was mentioned in that article that correspondingly, the two lowest mmrs on the team were ward bitches..


        It was like that in HoN ages ago. They changed that. In Dota the positions are presumably ordered by the time spent in queue. There is obviously a correlation between time spent in queue and MMR but that means it is not strictly true that the person at the top has the highest MMR.


          really? i didnt know it had to do with time spent in queue. how did you figure that out or is it written somewhere..

          Сука Spirit

            It only applies when everyone is solo q though


              No, it's not!

              Remember the uber-thrower with 1 MMR? He was blue / pink in half of his games. Probably was matched with stacks of 4 most of the times, but for sure he wasn't the highest MMR of his team.

              So far it seems players are sorted by queue times.

              one and half gun

                its based on queue brehhhhhhh

                5+ minutes queue = ur pink or blue

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                  ive heard the pro players say numerous times on stream that in like 5-6kMMr the colours are indication of ur mmr/skill but in lower mmr it apparently isnt


                    Just because they are professional players it doesn't mean that they know everything about the matchmaking system. Don't you think it's weird if Valve programmed it such a way? Why should it be different depending on your MMR?


                      lol because lower mmr has 44353453495x more players and pro players have direct comunication to icefrog/cyborgmatt and all that theres videos of navi talking to icefrog on skype all time lol im just telling u wat ive heard it may not be true but they all literally say it so they must believe it to be so


                        Once you are above 5k you will start to get blue 70-80% of games.

                        If you restart the queue every time it goes beyond 2-3 minutes you will not be blue that game.

                        Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the position is based on queue times.

                        As for why, it makes much more sense that a program has some form of inherent order to it. A program doesn't randomize things for no reason. A possible way matchmaking works is that it fills up Blue and Pink first, taking people with the highest priority (in queue the longest), before eventually filling up the other slots. When there are ten slots filled the players get a notification that the game is ready.

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                          The stuff about queue time is weird though.


                            at the end of the day no one knows its all speculation because Valve dont tell us fuck all about the game -.-"


                              I don't see a reason why Valve has to confirm or deny myths like this one that are mainly used to boost one's ego or as a justification to flame players with a presumably lower MMR than oneself.
                              They already provided a quite long blog post about the matchmaking system. I just wish they'd make an actualised version that focusses on ranked games.


                                If colors were MMR related, in games where I'm blue people would expect me to go mid. And I suck at most mid heroes. Or even better, many would say "gg" whenever brown picks mid hero, so it would suck even worse then now.

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                                Sōu ka

                                  thats exactly how it is now
                                  when orange and yellow pick mid and carry your chance to win is something like 30%
                                  you could get a huge advantage if you just dodge those games as well as leaving when you have a retard on your team
                                  its actually quite funny how that people manage to prove how dumb they are in like 5 consecutive games
                                  there are like 5 people in all of dota that make me consider leaving the game when i have them on my team and trust me it's really hard to get on that list and ive always regretted not dodging those games

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                                    But I still believe the ones with the higher MMR are the blue and the pink players, they usually own, even if losing.


                                      This was denied by devs, so many people are making conspiracy theories...



                                        It's both mmr and queue time.


                                          If it's based on queue time, then MMR extrema (very high and very low MMRs) would be pink/blue more often because they have to expand their search range more to consistently find games.


                                            Take into account stacking - I'm pretty sure the Party leader is the first slot on his team. So if I stack with 5, party leader will be blue or pink no matter what. If I stack with 4, then the random will either be blue/pink, or he'll be at the opposite end. It keeps parties together from what I can tell. (ever notice you're never not next to your party members?)

                                            Just my two cents. If every person in a 5v5 solo queued, then I have no clue what determines color.


                                              Color and MMR has a very high correlation.

                                              I am 5,000 MMR
                                              I am blue or pink in like 90% of my games
                                              I solo queue every time.

                                              Sometimes, I queue against friends and I see that their MMR and color supports this correlation.


                                                In solo queue I got blue/pink every time queue was longer than 4-5 mins, my mmr is shit and my teammates werent always lower mmr than me. If queue pops fast, Ill be orange every time, so i think it has something to do with queue time, othrs here also say the same.

                                                And it def keeps parties together, also keeps the order in a party, thats why you can make images for the loading screen / score board.


                                                  ^At 5k+ mmr maybe it is MMR related because there are much fewer players. So higher the MMR, harder it is to find a game.

                                                  But at 2k-4k range I really doubt it has anything to do with MMR. If you get blue/pink, most likely you are teamed with a stack.


                                                    Maybe there is a formula that ignores stacks and only places solo queues and party leaders in order. For example, a 3 stack and 2 solos all are on a team.

                                                    I don't know the determining factors, but let's say it's mmr, wait time, or both.

                                                    One solo queue guy has 5k mmr and waiting 30min. He'll be blue.

                                                    The party leader of the 3 stack has 4k mmr and waited 15min, he'll be teal. (his party mates will be purple and yellow no matter what their mmr is).

                                                    The second solo guy is 1k mmr and waited 1min. He'd be orange.

                                                    tl;dr - I think whatever the formula is for determining your color slot, it only factors in the party leader.


                                                    amigo pool

                                                      4,8K+ mmr? yes


                                                        I've been observing since I started this thread and I do find a correlation between skill level and the player's position. Anyone else find it correlates too?


                                                          Iv allways thought this was retarded and untrue but it clearly is Something... but im unsure what. im allways blue and pink dosnt matter how long i que tho..


                                                            the strange thing is that my mate that has higher mmr than me almost never gets blue or pink.. when i get it atleast 9 out of 10 games. And when ever i see someone that is above me he will be better than me.

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              i once qued for like 10 secs or something and i was pink and there wasnt a stack >.<


                                                                that literalliy just happened to me. 10 sec ago


                                                                  im starting to think that MMR wans to push me down for whatever reason :S


                                                                    Im allways pink or blue and get noobs ( compared to me )... dosnt matter when or where i que


                                                                      you will see that blue and pink players generally play better too.. at least thats my experience. in ability draft, i get pink/blue like 4/5 times and i suppose ability draft just takes whoever is queuing and put them into the game


                                                                        Don't think it's true, I was solo queuing one day and bumped into a friend (also solo queuing) who has a higher MMR than me. I was blue, he was teal.


                                                                          Colors are nothing but a show of mmr, don't be silly they won't lose time to put some codes like this and especially the time it would add for the server.


                                                                            So now mmr is revealed at the end of the game, whats the verdict?


                                                                              it doesnt show me anyones mmr at end of game :(


                                                                                it did show me MMRs at the end of my games, and the only thing i'm getting is that if I'm supporting players with MMRs lower than mine, the team loses. time to instalock carries


                                                                                  ^ thats doesnt answer his question ? was blue and pink highest mmr and was orange and brown lowest?

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      Thank fuck for that. Now we can end this dumb shit that valve programmed dota to arrange players in a queue by MMR and not the time they appeared in the queue.



                                                                                        It's also way more random than the pictures makes it out to be. I've seen about 3 MMR screens with people 500 points higher than others being brown etc. We can safely say that at least now (who knows what before the update) they have made the teams truly random (except for party members being adjacent and in the order added to the party).


                                                                                          interesting that the 2 teams that Pi shows theres only 3 mmr difference between the two teams this makes me think that match making isnt as bad as we thought or is this a fluke? 18195 - 18192

                                                                                          Mike Hawk

                                                                                            I think the new patch introduced random colors, as I've seen monkeys-forever being brown and purple on his team when streaming, something you wouldn't see before.


                                                                                              I think they might have changed it when they made the recent patch.. at least before i am quite sure i'm blue more than 1 in 5 in ability draft

                                                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                this was changed like at least a MONTH or two ago guys wake up.


                                                                                                  Do you really think they completely changed the way the server queuing works? This stuff is probably still based on code that was ripped from the Quake engine.

                                                                                                  The great Volvo colour conspiracy, Jesus people must be bored today.

                                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                                    now we know it, it isnt the case.