General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] HMG Recruitment

[SEA] HMG Recruitment in General Discussion

    Previous thread:

    HMG is a SEA-based guild with the aim of providing decent mates for ranked parties. We have a current pool of 48 players, and are looking to bolster our numbers.

    Guild requirements:
    1. 4000 Solo MMR minimum.
    2. Open to giving/receiving constructive criticism.
    3. Consistently capable of decent in-game performance.

    Those interested, add me up on Steam and drop me a PM asking for a trial. Membership is subject to your performance during the trial period.

    Additional info:
    1. All guild officers have prior tourney experience, ranging from local to regional.
    2. We conduct MMR checks at the end of every month. A stagnant Solo MMR and/or dropping below 4000 gets you booted (this applies to everyone, regardless of their guild rank). Poor play rules apply here too.

    If you have any questions, do post them in this thread. I'll try get back to you as soon as possible. Cheers!

    Ова тема је измењена

      solo : 5k
      party : 4,7k
      already add u


        on a related note, why the hell was i kicked? D:

        la the yeezy

          I still need 3 straight wins to get to 4k BibleThump but I have 4k party does that count


            Noted, will approve by Monday latest.

            @-hg- Fatal
            Didn't know you got kicked. I'll check with the other officers and get back to you. FYI, a lot of members got booted for setting their profiles to private.

            Sorry, but we only consider Solo MMR. The reason for this is simple - party rankings can be influenced by stacking with good players. Solo ranking on the other hand is you at your worst - paired with 4 strangers, not knowing whether they'll be cooperative or not. I find that it provides a better baseline of your skill level.




                hi can u add me ...i have a bit 4k rating..want to play with good players.
                i alrdy added the id u mentioned but he removed me without adding i guess :(.
                pls look forward to it.
                steam id - sumit_malwal


                  solo rating 4.1k
                  party 3.4k
                  steam id -sumit_malwal
                  pls let me know if i can join guild. ^_^
                  thank you


                    No, no DextO, you are doing it wrong. You need to say atleast 69 yimes more, and you need to sacrifice someone for greater good. Then, you will be accepted


                      @DextO Add this account, lemme play a couple of games with you first.








                              Solo : No mmr ( No time to play solo , lol )
                              Party : 4935
                              Need a fun team !


                                @|Z| Minerva Add me up, I'm always happy to meet good players.

                                la the yeezy

                                  If you know this guy please tell him he is one of the worst naga players i've played with ty

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    Feb 2014 Update

                                    Members: 42

                                    Amended signup requirements to be more stringent.


                                      still up?
                                      Solo MMR 4.3k
                                      Team 3k+
                                      I just started playing team ranked and i only got about more or less 30 games with it

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!