General Discussion

General Discussionember w/ 6 slots?

ember w/ 6 slots? in General Discussion

    well... I've never had a 6 slotted ember in dota 2

    but with just phase/bfury/bfury/crystalys

    and i could take down full on carries like nessaj at 5 slots down to half hp

    or pugna down to 200

    with just 1 sleight of fist

    honestly, what would beat that? I would assume early push strat, but just hero vs hero wise?

      Овај коментар је измењен

        ^ that game was so awesome.

        On topic. I recently started playing ember, and his only week side are mana burners ( invoker, magina, ezalor - ulti in wrong time, you are just creep , obsidian ).


          a hero with blink and hex


            ya but the game im actually referring to was completely lopsided

            they were winning like 46-17 yet they were unable to fully push for an hour

            they had nessaj/pug/voke too i forget who else
            not to mention our gyro was garbage and visage didn't know how to play obv

            uphill battles into the base were just hard for them and i would stay as far back as possible. they'd have to have vision on me to know where i was, or be extremely cunning

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