General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist builds

Alchemist builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    What do you build on alch now? He still farms so freakin fast with new ult and greed, I like going mjolnir and split pushing but I know many play as a support alch for shadow blade concoctions. I just dunno what's the best role for him now, I have no real experience with the hero. What do you skill up first?


      concoction of course

      medallion + dagger is really strong


        dont max greed if u dont have serious freefarm
        even then you probably shouldnt max it
        hes not that great anymore anyway
        sb as carry, medallion / mek on any other role


          I like my mid builds. I went back to a old school pre 6.78 build and usual items didn't work out in solo offlane:

          Trashcan game of solo offlane alch (didn't die until starting to team fight if thats what you call it post 15 min into game:

          Mid build is the WTG I feel without doing shadow blade and mjollnir. Build with soul ring first (soul ring recipe/ sages mask first items) Spam your acid spray mid and use acid spray to stack ancients if you're radiant:

          Ended up building mek first as I was going support alch, and did not do BF or HoM. Stacking those ancients radiant side while in mid so you can double absorb gold/xp? Such a big effect. I will probably only pick alch if I'm radiant and allowed to go mid with this. Otherwise solo offlane and farming seems weak and ineffective IMO.


            He is stronger as a support than a carry now, there are much better carries out there than Alchemist after the ulti rework but very few supports as strong as him because of the damage he can deal and his insanely strong stun. Best skill on him is Concoction which you max first, and then max Acid Spray.

            As a support you will have 0 points into Greevil's Greed until your other 2 skills are maxed, and you will be building Medallion or Mek, then your options vary. Good items on Alch support: Armlet, Blink, AC, Pipe, Drums, Hex, Push, Atos, Urn, Vlads, Shivas, Necro, Halberd, and Veil.

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            waku waku

              he sucks after concoction nerf
              now it's hard to get max damage from it ;_;




                  So whats a good standard support build for alch? Just mek or am i going full blown support like pipe of insight/mek/drums blah blah blah support items?

                  Good link to a good support alch build?


                    ^its really situational dude

                    Dire Wolf

                      That's what I mean it's so situational it's hard to decide. And a lot of pub games where alch rolls us he gets free farm safe lane, goes and jungles, comes out at 25 mins with an ac and a mjollnir and we cant kill him. I tried to do that and it failed miserably.