General Discussion

General DiscussionSmall group and growing seeks more for road to 4k mmr

Small group and growing seeks more for road to 4k mmr in General Discussion


    As many of you know the 3k MMR bracket (also know as scrub bracket) is not a fun place to be if you want to improve your game and eventually make it to the 4k bracket. Its rather stressful, and I'm seeking more people who are interested in getting to 4k.

    I've managed to get enough friends on my list over the last two weeks to generally have a stack of 3-4 at night, 10pm ish till whenever (GMT -7), nearly every day. I've only recently realized how much more enjoyable the game is with a proper group of talented players on the same team rather than solo queuing. :)

    I'm looking for more dedicated players to add so that we can have more groups going during the day. You can either friend me on steam or toss your name on this thread. I'd suggest the later because that way other people of the same interest can add each other.

    We are looking for people who know how to support/carry, buy wards, counter wards, if you are support in lane with a carry you must know how to deny, not LH and steal farm etc etc. We dont want people who farm 40 minutes straight and dont buy TPs to help out the team and protect towers. Basically just common sense game mechanics. We also require you to be a generally all around 'nice' person and recognize when the occasional mistake happens and to provide coaching to your fellow teammates when needed on this road to 4k.

    I watch professional dota player streams/tournaments about 40 hours a week and am just looking to play on a somewhat more organized level as they do, while BS'n and having fun chatting during games. I feel that I have a lot to offer in terms of advice to better my teammates games, and am also always eager to hear advice on things I myself could improve upon.

    So if you too are in the 3k bracket looking for more of a challenge and also some people to hang out with then please add me or better yet toss your name on this thread :)


      Yeah tossing my name in the thread. Why doesn't anyone have a pulse in the HG lobby when i say "game anyone?" I joined up so I would have a bigger pool of people to play with but my random encounters with my large friends list the past 2 months seems to be more productive.

      I play usually around 8pm to 12am central american time so why don't you just PM me bc i play at least 2 to 4 hours a day after I get done with work..... and up to around 4 to 6 hrs on the weekend around the same time but bleeding over later at night.



        I've noticed this too Cpt. I think most of those people are either AFK or in a game already hence why hardly anyone is in chat. I mean, most people dont sit in chat all day and instead que up and keep que'n throughout the day so they hardly see chat.

        My games are always 'open to the guild' so people can join them but I dont think this new division is quite large enough yet to have enough people in the game que waiting for their game to start to organize more in guild games. I'm sure this will improve over time :)

        But yes I joined a guild for the same reason. And that and this new thing I'm trying I hope together will net me more players to play with during the day/night.


          lol u dont want high brackets either... just had a player at like 4.8k who was so full of himself and convinced himself that he was always pink/blue almost every game because he was the best player

          meanwhile typing "gg 4v5 afk"

          i guess my scrub 4.2k mmr just isn't good enough


            Hello Craven!

            Yes i realize that any bracket will have people who dont know what they are doing. The people I watch who stream are 5.5k MMR + and there are the occasional feeder/noob in there too. However, the one thing I did notice is that there are major differences between the 5k and the 3k for obvious reasons, support pooling tangos to carries, jungle warding, counter warding, roaming when you should be, not dieing 3 times in the first 5 minutes etc etc. Though I know no bracket is 'perfect' by any means, the games to be found at higher brackets have a higher chance of being more skill oriented and thus challenging. The games that I win now, I'd say 9/10 are not because of 'skill' but because someone on the other team fed our carry the entire game. So my wins in my current bracket I cant say are really 'enjoyable' to me right now and I wont even go into the losses :(

            However I noticed when we play at night in a group of 3-4 players the games really are far more intense and challenging as we seem to be matched up against other stacks of players and even the losses feel enjoyable because when we do lose its because we were out played, not because we had a feeder :)

            Lastly, I am not looking for just 3k mmr people, 4k+ its fine too. The community of the team/fun factor should be motivation to group with like minded players as well. Let me know if you are interested :)


              ya im still interested, just makin a sarcastic joke cause thats my nature :D


                On now so if you want a game just pm me.


                  Caveman, Add me Please.. Denali I see who you are now.. I accepted your request on steam!

                  I wont be playing tonight been up for like 40 hours dont wanna scrub harder then usual... time to climb from my 3300 stink hole lol :)


                    I also have a friend who would be more then glad to join us he is in the same mmr grouping as me basically plays the same way as i do in the sense that will generally pick what is needed for the team rather Just blindly slam shnoipah


                      I'll happily stack with you if you answer this question correctly:
                      Do you still play Riki, Drow, Zeus, Ursa, Axe, and Sniper?


                        Just for the record, I dont really see zeus as a poor hero out of that group dude can dish out some serious damage if he gets to live for more then 5 seconds lol.. though riki drow sniper axe and ursa... yeah.... :| lol


                          @Wink, I dont play drow much anymore, that was my go too hero when I was a noob, had a great deal of success with it due to high GPM. Zeus and rikki i play rarely maybe 2-3 times a month but thats mostly on my smurf accounts. Ursa I dont think i've played for a while but the only time I think id consider ursa now a days would be to counter phoenix. And lastly I dont play axe and sniper anymore.


                            3.6k mmr if your near shoot me a request, i have limited availability however.


                              would be interested in this. at like 3.9k mmr trying to get higher since i used to usually use this account to mess around and trying to smurf 150 games is way too much of a pain

                              hope to see you in game


                                Yes sir! Please add me in. Been searching for a team for some time now!

                                My MMR was 3600 on both solo and team, but it went down like a stone due to some terrible loosing streak. Mostly becouse of people not getting what they want, or farming supports that arent pushing with the rest of the team.

                                Got a Mumble server aswell.


                                  What server?


                                    @ denalii

                                    That game was terribad last night :( our drow mid got murdalized. <Game is hard>

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      add me, Im alrdy past 4k but I need mirana practice :P


                                        This match?

                                        Who went mid against Drow?
                                        Drow is a really bad pick when you don't have anyone else to benefit from her aura :\
                                        Drow and Anti mage? You were at least 3, so should have picked last. If the Anon is in your queue, shame on you.
                                        You have no reliable stuns.
                                        Your whole team managed 7 last hits per minute.
                                        Their whole team only managed 11, but I guess that is because sniper was just farming heroes, and they were a man down.


                                          Add me up I guess. I wouldn't say I'm exactly what you are looking for, but since support is my favourite position, I'd be happy to join.
                                          Hit me up anytime I'm online. I'm pretty much free all the time, unless anything comes up, and I will let you know in advance in case that happens.

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            @ wink

                                            your list of "shit" heroes is out of date.
                                            Fnatic runs riki
                                            Newbe got stomped by CIS sniper and DK banned him
                                            Mushi use zeus against CIS
                                            Akke destoyed Sigma with Axe.
                                            Arteezy has been drafting Drow often for EG.

                                            Mind you, I understand the point you are making, but i'm just saying...

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              all friend requests sent.

                                              @vermin, sounds like what I went through. I was at 3.5, had a unlucky losing streak and then it just snow balled to 3k quickly. Since then I've been having a terrible time going higher when I play solo.

                                              @Guiri, aw I thought I included everything! My mistake thanks for pointing that out. I live on the west coast of NA, so generally que as NA E or W, I havent tried que'n up in europe though to see what the ping difference is.

                                              @CptCaveman/djgandy, yes I think the biggest mistake we made in that game is laning with people not in our party. The rubick I laned with took every last hit, didnt deny, didnt harass the enemy in lane, didnt share tangos, had 6 of them too. And I had to do all the creep pulling. He then built the same items as me (drums) :(. I was rather frustrated by that match so called it a night. Can only handle so many terrible games in a single day :D

                                              @concede, I got his point too, and that's basically why I stopped playing those heroes too. There are better carries available that also help the team more. But sometimes they have their uses. Like ursa vs phoenix.


                                                I would be happy to play with you guys. Currently I'm on 3k level. I'm not pro or anything; however, I'm open to any constructive criticism and learn fast from players better then me. I watch a lot of pro doto streams so I have common sense (e.g. buy courier, stack & pull, carry tp, map awareness, what items to buy depending on the situation). English is my second native language so there won't be any problems with communications. EU Server, from 3 PM GMT I'm yours :p


                                                  @djgandy, All excellent points btw. I agree that the counter picking wasnt done properly. The two anon were not with us. Someone did mention that they wanted to play so and so hero prior to the match, which I cant say I agree with. Personally I never know who im going to play until I see some of their picks and ours.

                                                  I think that ultimately I rather failed the most in that I was a bit too passive at picking time and didnt direct people more on what heros we needed as the 'unofficial leader' of this group. Clearly some more direction needed to be provided during picking time, I'll need to step it up a bit in the future in that respect. Based on that game I feel that we will be going with Capts mode instead of AP going forward to give extra time to discuss counters when picking heroes. It was a bit too much of a 'mad rush' to make a fast decisions on counters in AP i realize.


                                                    Don't add sampson pls, he is a badmanner scrub.

                                                    I could play with you guys as well, but US-E only :[

                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                      all talk when Im not carrying, bend over and take it while Im carrying you



                                                        he rages a lot and misses all mirana arrows

                                                        0/10 would not party again


                                                          dont listen to scrubellizer, sampson is a pro player


                                                            @State, I play during the daytime about half the days of the week based on my work schedule which changes. Sometimes there may only be 1-2 available on my friends list during the day that I would enjoy playing with and in those cases we most certainly could go US E to accommodate. So I'll be sending you friend request shortly.

                                                            @State and Sampson, I respectfully request that you keep this thread on topic to what it was originally designed for and not take part in insults/trolling here. I'm willing to give anyone who volunteers their name a chance, those who are good or could be good with some minor coaching will stay on the list and be invited to further games. Those who are not nice, or unfortunately need far more practice/coaching than can be reasonably provided on demand in game will unfortunately not be re invited to further games. Everyone makes mistakes in games, and sometimes people have a bad game, I'm not willing to judge someone on a single game, I hope you feel the same.

                                                            With that said, the entire goal of this project is to get to 4k+ MMR, thus winning and improving ones play is top priority.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              I'm really sorry for that.

                                                              I'll be free to play tonight (~6pm gmt -3).

                                                              oh yea, people never called me State before :o

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                ¿entiendes esta lengua sucia, judio de piel marrón?

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  yo sampson let me ask you a question, how many languages you speak ? I guess 2 ? or wait only 1

                                                                  Get on my lvl, scrub

                                                                  P.S: We all know you are from bermudas.


                                                                    @Sate, sorry for the typo hehe

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      English ----- Born with it
                                                                      French ------- Canadian
                                                                      Japanese ------ took a random elective thru uni
                                                                      Russian ------- Dota 2 turned me Russian

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I'll play with you guys. I'm 3450 group. I play us servers. usually 1 or 2 a night.


                                                                          Add me as well. I'm 3925, but I don't have a microphone, so you'll feel as if you were playing with a 3.2k guy anyway :D

                                                                          You'll very rarely see me online though.


                                                                            @ Denalii

                                                                            Yeah i saw that at the end, and i heard you asking for tangos and getting mad at him for robbing you of last hits. IDK how the hell the AM kept wiffing last hits.... with a quelling blade! Made my asshole eat my underwear every time i saw him miss one. Sad part is I almost had as many last hits stack/pulling ez creep camp for 10 minutes and still going back to lane to bail him out with heals.

                                                                            That mid though... I called out before the game started and I wanted you to go drow ranger since it was your top pick. IDK about the other guy though. Looks like he played drow ranger total 4 times in career and only won 1.... I saw AM get picked so i thought "oh i better heal his bacon all day since am is a crap hero early/mid game" fuck. Makes me pull my hair out when i give my safe lane carry all the room in the world to last hit when the enemys are far away from harassing him since I'm harassing and just wiffs those last hits.

                                                                            I'll be on again tonight just as long as the other guy swears not to pick drow ranger again :O


                                                                              well, if you cant get out of 3k bracket solo, you prolly dont deserve 4k mmr, you have to play more to understand the game. maybe a thousand more games.


                                                                                @chinatroll, though I appreciate your feed back, please seek attention elsewhere.




                                                                                    sent fr to dena and cave


                                                                                      @ Denalii

                                                                                      That sniper on your team last night:


                                                                                      Really messed up my team! Glad I could advance your ratings last night by losing to you :P

                                                                                      We had a great push lineup, but my communications breakdown happened was my fault. I got too tired late last night and didn't give orders to people to group up and push towers. Oh well lol gg last night!


                                                                                        add me, sorry i didnt notice this thread for a while. im available generally from 6-8 pm and sometimes before/after that depending on my team's activity


                                                                                          @ Vice

                                                                                          You're on the list just didn't see you on after 8:00pm to 12:00AM.

                                                                                          I am thinking to limit my activity past 11:30pm.. I have been getting too tired that late. Seems last games of the night before or bleeding past 12:00AM have me falling asleep at my PC.

                                                                                          Weekends not a problem since I will drink some tea/coffee (monster zero carb/sugar drink if I'm desperate) and will play until 3:00AM (sometimes 4:00AM) Friday/saturday.


                                                                                            @Capt, yes that was an interesting game. Once i got the supports to stop KS'n heros from the carries our sniper started to get some good gpm. Also had the jug build ac and desolator where the desolator would put armor reduction on those he ulted. Add in my ult as razor that lowers armor around me, all we had to do was survive early/mid game to take the win in late game. Plus that DP never split pushed towers for you guys :(


                                                                                              @ Denalii

                                                                                              Yeah that is the team i roll with every now and again when the mute/deaf hg clan channel has no pulse as usual.

                                                                                              I think we would of won if my ass wasn't half asleep since I usually dictate party orders. I said early on that we needed to just push one lane rinse and repeat after every tower we took down AKA go back to base heal mana/health then push again. That was the only way we would of came out on top.

                                                                                              Alas, my ass was tired and I went mute and deaf 15 min. into the game and stopped giving orders. The other good one out of the pack that I play with is split second (the death prophet you mentioned.) He has good game concept and wide variety of characters he can play and keeps his cool. No he didn't split push but I was more concerned about our shadow shaman throwing down his wards for team fights instead of throwing it down on the towers instead. Those wards are not very useful if you just hold on to them waiting all day for the "perfect" opportunity. Again I may be just needing to not play past 11:30pm otherwise I'm fucked it seems on the weekdays.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio




                                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                                    ^^Like you are not in the trench you fucking scrub

                                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                      ^!!!!! My god! was that at me so mean! :O

                                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                                        what ? that its for sampson man

                                                                                                        ^ its for one post up, ^^ is for 2 posts up, etc :P

                                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!