General Discussion

General DiscussionList of heroes midas is actually good on

List of heroes midas is actually good on in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    My dick of a brother still buys midas way too often. I finally got him to stop buying it on weaver and legion commander. But he seriously buys it on almost every carry- doom and medusa are automatic even though I scream at him medusa needs money not levels (he still thinks midas is good for gold farming), he buys it often on faceless void and spectre, and other random carries he plays. it's just infuriating. Case in point here's a match where he bought midas and battlefury on void:

    Sad part is he's higher rated than me just cus he clicks faster lol. But he still has trouble grasping some easy concepts like why battlefury isn't ideal on bounty and manta isn't ideal on razor. But I disgress.

    So let's make a list of the only heroes you should ever buy midas for in normal play. I don't mean oh wow I'm on crystal maiden and scored a 30 second first blood guess I'll snowball into midas. I mean in your normal lane play who should get it. The list I came up with on my own is tiny.

    Invoker - Invoker is probably the most level dependant hero in dota. With his regen and dmg options midas makes sense here.
    Nature's prophet - He has enough farm options to reliably get midas and snowball that into items and levels. Leveling up those trees quick is good.

    That's it. That's all I could think of yet I see it all the time on mids like OD and jungles like enchantress and doom and I don't get it. Did I leave anyone out?


      I've had great experience playing with Warlock Midas players (haven't done that myself).
      All his spells are worth maxing as soon as possible and he also doesn't actually have any core items beyond boots and magic wand, because Mek, Pipe and other supportive items can be bought by another support or utility farmer. If he manages to not die during skirmishes, he can use the assist and Midas gold to get a fast Agh + Refresher as well.


        Any hero that can benefit from +30 attack speed (Sniper - more headshots, Void - more stuns, etc).


          I liked to buy midas with offlaner Mirana but havent played him much since they increased the recipe cost.
          Or with Safe lane farming DS. (with the trilane going agressive)

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          Dire Wolf

            Sniper? Seriously? Can't tell if that's a troll post.


              in theory anyway

              edit: and yes, sniper benefits greatly from midas. The issue is always how fast the midas is, and how your team and the enemy team is choosing to play (aggressive or passive).

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                Everyone and no one. Game dependent, situational, and not recommended in general.

                @Concede nice Axe game :|

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                Quick maffs

                  "My dick of a brother still buys midas way too often."

                  My friend afk farms the jungle with ench for 30 min, and yes he gets a midas in EVERY game.


                    IMO Midas is good on every carry if you buy it under 5 - 5.30 mins


                      IMO You draw first blood, you go HoM. I have a high win % with HoM on first blood. If I don't draw first blood and I don't achieve it before 8:00 min then I do not grab it.


                        get it everygame, fast items are overrated


                          If you can get midas in 5-5:30 and you are a carry, why not just farm another 90 seconds, get maelstrom and farm everything twice as fast?


                            LIST OF HEROES MIDAS IS ACTUALLY GOOD ON: every dota hero

                            LIST OF HEROES MIDAS IS ACTUALLY GOOD ON IN EVERY GAME: none



                              not sure if serious :/
                              I've been playing like poo and my MMR dropped. I picked axe to counter pick the lycan jungler... ended up working out even though i lane cut so i was 3v2 in the enemy lane/jungle... Was suppose to open space for juggernaut to own, but he somehow died twice 2v1 against lina. The BS and Lycan didn't seem to realize that call went throught BkB.

                              On a lighter note, i always struggle deciding what to buy on Axe. Always hard to decided between brown boots, arcanes or tranquils, and if its best to get the vanguard or rush the aghs. Also one of the few heroes i consider blademale on, but never use it during call...

                              Dire Wolf

                                @gjgandy that's exactly my point. My bro will try to go midas and then battelfury on anti mage and void. He always defends his position saying midas will eventually pay for itself after x uses, but my point is it costs half as much as the battlefury. If you'd just gone battlefury you'd get it in half the time and double your early farm coming out way ahead.



                                  Yeah.... he should try just farming an item. Whats his profile name so we can look up his am and void stats? We should see a trend?


                                    Sano speaks the truth


                                      let the support buy midas. it is better than blink !

                                      why support all get blink now days. stupid. its ok for heroes like lion sk. but cm ? vs ? and lich ?!! seriously ?!!

                                      getting midas at least you can have gold for wards every 90 sec.


                                        you guys forgot Lone Druid, midas is good on him.


                                          Yes LD is a good HoM holder. Ez to get it on him since he can plow through lane/neutral creeps like a bear boss.


                                            Blink on CM and VS is amazing! For CM you can blink in and ulti after all the stuns are used up, and for ganks you can blink and then Frost Bite, it does a lot of work. For VS you can swap and then instantly blink back to your team, so you don't end up sacrificing yourself, and it also lets you blink stun when chasing/ganking. Lich is dumb with blink, I can't see it working, all he needs is positioning that doesn't require blink.

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                                              OP, midas on void is not explicitly bad. he needs attack speed anyway to proc his bash, thats why mask of madness is so great on him. however, midas is generally quite terrible on spectre.

                                              more interesting though is the fact you think your brother is only higher rating than you because he clicks faster than you; this is a manifestation of dunning kruger effect. as a lower skilled player, you are unfit to critique his play. yet, you assume you are actually higher skilled, yet he achieves better rating due to a technicality.

                                              The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate.

                                              maybe your bro just understands and plays the game better than you son. go get midas more and smash noobs


                                                When deciding to build midas or not a take a few things into consideration;
                                                1. Is pure attack speed the best choice for this hero in the early game?
                                                2. Can this hero maximize early farming potential and delay the core while still being useful?
                                                3. Do I have a good enough start to be greedy and farm while my team makes space?

                                                If you can answer yes to all 3, midas will help you tremendously, however if you get one no then there's probably a more efficient item.

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                                                  @ Let the wookie win

                                                  I imagine your brother is root?


                                                  Looks like he wins the matches if his HoM is on him more for faceless void.

                                                  I dont see a HoM trend on the rest of the characters you mentioned. I bet he would see better results if he skipped HoM and just went straight bf he may end up with more wins.

                                                  Hard to analyze. Again its situational not a must have.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    @daggius wtf are you talking about? Clicking fast is not a technicality, reaction time in dota is all what the game is about, I know he is higher rated because he is more skilled. That doesn't make me unfit to critique his play, he doesn't read dota guides ever, he makes bad item decisions all the time but wins anyway cus he has good gaming reflexes. You probably didn't know shit about dunning kruger pyscho babble until relentless posted it anyway, son, so cut the jackassery bs.

                                                    Yes he is root, and he's not really a dick or I wouldn't play with him, he just drives me crazy with his item choices so I am trying to make a list of heroes to get midas and refer him to it.

                                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                      Midas was good on any carry a while ago, since the meta screamed STAY AND FARM, but nowdays it's all about snowball, so you won't be chinese farming(even they don't do it anymore)
                                                      So, to put it simply: if you can farm 20-30 minutes without helping the team, get midas, otherwise get some cost efficient early items(meka, drums, yasha,etc) and snowball.

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                                                        Pretty much anyone who can get it and still be somewhat survivable when naked. I put stars next to ones that are really good with midas but they need a good team or control behind it

                                                        [Color=#008000]* Morphling[/color] (Only if its safe) level advantage with him is great and he has morph to be survivable. However, he already takes a long time to get off the ground and its usually better to skip.
                                                        [Color=#008000]Alchemist[/color] (greedy but he can still survive with his ult),
                                                        [Color=#008000]Chaos knight[/color]
                                                        [Color=#008000]*Lifestealer[/color] (sometimes he has rage which is not too much of survivability but it is better 80% of the time to just get an armlet or something and help the team)
                                                        [Color=#008000]*Od[/color] (SOMETIMES)
                                                        [Color=#008000]Natures prophet[/color] (good levels and allows you to keep xpm up while tping places)
                                                        [Color=#008000]Invoker[/color] (if you have a good safelock onto mid)
                                                        [Color=#008000]*Gyro[/color] (only if its safe) better nukes early on allow him to have higher kill potential.
                                                        [Color=#008000]Lone Druid[/color] ( can remain safe with bear doing last hits)
                                                        [Color=#008000]Troll Warlord[/color] (attack speed is awesome on him and he is quite survivable with his W and good movement speed with phase)
                                                        [Color=#008000]*Medusa[/color] (only if its safe) She can have survivability and stats is something she needs, plus late game why not?

                                                        Heroes I hate when people get midas on
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Legion Commander[/color] (just get a blink and help the team not a fucking midas)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Weaver[/color] (need stats and mana regen or bigger mana pool not levels)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Phantom Lancer[/color] ( you need stats for your illusions fuck the midas)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Facelessvoid[/color] ( id rather see a battlefury than a midas. If you hit hard enough you can kill at lvl 6 and up. Midas just seems lame)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Doom[/color] ( hate when people get midas on doom todeath) He needs armor and he already has devour.
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]RAzer[/color] ( cause he gets nuked down severely fast already)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Clinkz[/color] (he has his ult and he needs to roam and run other items. I have seem some clinkz go soul ring, medallion, midas which isnt too bad but i would only allow high high high level players do that)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Luna[/color] (because its already hard not allowing luna to get shutdown)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Riki[/color] (faster the diffusal or bkb the better)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Phantom Assasin[/color] ( needs survivability as well)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Viper[/color] (needs stats so he becomes and nuisance in teamfights)
                                                        [Color=#ff0000]Mirana[/color] (not seen as a hard damage dealer. Just get drums or ring of aquila and help your team)

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                                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777


                                                          Except wtf lifestealer midas:D

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Dont get midas on troll


                                                            Seriously even fucking LUNA does more with midas than troll

                                                            and no atack speed is not awesome in troll, i mean it helps but hp and movement speed is way better ( drums )


                                                              I don't think Chaos Knight needs Midas. Just rush your Drum and Armlet.


                                                                just cause doom has devour doesnt meet he doesn't make good use of midas :/

                                                                he can whip out some serious slots and destroy close to an entire team if they dont shut u down on an early midas


                                                                  Midas on Luna only if you're free farming and you get the first blood.

                                                                  otherwise, only if you're trying to break your GPM record or something


                                                                    @ Dorkly I've seen people as in professionals get troll midas quite a bit and do well. He can do massive damage without major core items so yes stats and movement speed is better but the character itself and survive with that sacrifice if he went midas. Ive seen trolls mid go midas.

                                                                    @ Chaos Knight he doesn't, but I was merely saying I was okay with it cause he is pretty tanky early on to sacrifice a little.

                                                                    @Craven Moorhead He has devour and I think since doom is so squishy with 0 armor and mostly needs to roam and doom I find midas way too greedy.

                                                                    @ Satelizer Yes, but nearly any hero on that list can get midas if you get a few kills early on or first blood

                                                                    I think you are confused with my post. I merely posted what I have (in my mind) justified and reasoned to be okay and not okay after playing x amount of games and spectating x amount of games. What hero is good midas? All of them. What hero is really good with midas? All of them Which ones should get midas? Ideally none of them. Its kind of a situational and ahead thinking type approach. Nearly every dota game Ive seen with doom midas went horrible wrong. I've seen some pro games win with a doom going midas, but its mostly there insane map control from supports that allow him to do that, but having a doom to not doom and midas is a little odd. Most of the time they go phase boots or arcane. and phase and then midas doesn't make you anymore survivable regardless of scorched earth.


                                                                      Weaver, Void, Doom, Luna. I see a lot of pros picking up midas on these heroes.


                                                                        Because low skill player like us need phase boots or something to not miss lasthits, while pros can finish nearlly every creep without any items.

                                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                          This is the list: { }

                                                                          Dota is too fast paced for Midas. If you don't know for sure that your game lasts longer than 40 minutes, Midas is a waste.
                                                                          The main Problem with Hand of Midas being that your "gold and xp advantage" is not actually an advantage, because in turn you will get more deaths and miss more kills due to not having proper items when you need them the most!

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                                                                            only invoker

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                                                                                Really? You prefer a battlefury on void over midas as a farming item? it's the exact opposite, you GET midas on him as farming item because bf is bad. Gl flash farming with that 13s cd time walk.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Yeah troll needs dmg not speed. He already has tons of attack speed.


                                                                                    He does but at lower levels it helps even more, thats how it will be even easier to take roshan down with bashes when his ult is down after using it once.

                                                                                    And yes id take a bf void over midas cause it allows him to take more harass and if your supports stack the jungle for you gg you win. most voids go mask of madness so why would you need the midas speed. you could maybe go midas into a different build. But id feel better if a void got a 13-14 min BF with multiple jungle stacks beside him.


                                                                                      I will also probably take bf over midas on void.

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