General Discussion


HOW DO I BREAK THIS LOSS SPREE in General Discussion



      Well that happens to all of us too


        Look at my match history...I doubt this shit happens to everyone


          Pick Mid, mid heroes r most impactful


            Nothing is impactful in the matches I've played today haha


              If your problem is Russians, then there is no problem to begin with. You are playing against Russians as well.


                :O logic


                  Yeah, I know.


                    You support the anarchy of the helix fossil. If you want better dota games just change religion to something more orderly, like the DOME


                      WHERE IS YOUR HELIX FOSSIL NOW!


                        i check US and only US with english and 8/10 of the people(seriously) are peruvian.

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                            Like other players are way better than peruvians.

                            You know the game is lost when sf losses mid to sniper and timber says huskar counters him


                              @Guiri no that wasn't an abandon, I just sold all my items and waited to go to the next match

                              Ples Mercy

                                u need to be more ruski


                                  I'll try


                                    play hard support in russian server.


                                      Best part is 2 russians carry pickers blaming each other via voicechat. Shit is priceless. No need to understand, the tone of voice says more than any word can express.

                                      Sugar Show

                                        Learn russian.


                                          ^^ What are you talking about? Russians sound angry all the time. They are actually praising each other's feeding abilities while you remain oblivious.

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            no when russians are realy mad they talk extremly fast and every 2nd word is blyad


                                              ^ Poor you, having spent so much time with russians that you can actually discern their feelings from how they speak :(


                                                I have given in to desperation and am reinstalling the game as it's all there is left that I can do


                                                  Focus on your gameplay, don't feed = win.



                                                    no item invoker indicates selling items and giving up. Dont give up man! I've had games where it looked impossible and we still won:

                                                    That one looked impossible, but we nabbed silly kunkka's double divine rapier... and steamrolled to victory. Just dont give up. If all else fails and communications break down just try and do your best not to die, and secure kills is all you can do.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      As i said, get the ruski factor. It helps


                                                        Pick Bristle, Sniper, Death Prophet. DP level 6 is a tower down. Go gank, get another tower, finish game. No one can get near you with that OP ulti.

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          contrary to what many ppl tell you today i picked void farmed my way to late game and won. Ha wheres your god now?


                                                            ^Nice 16,67% win rate on Void.

                                                            You better pick Crystal Maiden this hero is insanely overpowered.

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              Sniper did more dmg than void, yolo.

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                @soultrap my 2nd time playing seriously on void and btw yes cm is fucking op. Also void is either a rampage maker or useless piece o' crap
                                                                @ruski sniper participated in more teamfights than me :( i was just a chinese gold farmer

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                                                                Sir whiskers VONBONBON

                                                                  The better you are at Dota, the worst your teamates are gonna be. Cue yourself in a 5 stack party, it'll improve your win rate

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                                                                      Ah this game can just fuck off


                                                                        pray to lord gaben to get you people who dont suck at dota and know english and dont have russians and peruvians or chineese in their entire family tree

                                                                        if this fails pick slark

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          Look at my history and I'm in lpq again HOW AM I NOT MEANT TO ABANDON WHEN I LOSE EVERY GAME AND DON'T WANT TO WAIT 40 MINS WHEN IT'S A LOST CAUSE. I hope whoever made MM gets slashed


                                                                            I went from 3900 - 35XX ARRRGHHHHHHHHH and now I cant even do ranked cause of fucking LPQ



                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                you have over 1000 games and you still havent learn to control your anger? wow i was ragequitting when i was just a begginer. If the match is hopeless afk farm in jungle i guess


                                                                                  But it's so many man :p


                                                                                    A couple of things to note here..

                                                                                    None of your mids seem to go very well, maybe it's you or maybe its your team. Maybe it is maybelline, who knows. If it is you don't play mid, if it is your team then maybe give the mid to someone else and ensure that the safe/off lane goes the way of your team.

                                                                                    > how did you lose 4v5 and how did your team farm so much less than the enemies. Also are you sure the cash you spent on the dagon was worth it?

                                                                                    > Blink dagger and Shadowblade doesn't seem wise either.

                                                                                    > out-played by a pudge as invoker? Also mobility on invoker (Force/Blink before drums) especially vs that team. Terrorblade didn't do well though to your credit.

                                                                                    > Looks like an abandon but also looks like that team would have totally had it if you had stayed. Luna > than any carry imo.

                                                                                    Having a good memory and dotabuff plus I see that once upon a time I played a game with you I went offlane to support you.

                                                                                    >Your last hitting was poor at best
                                                                                    >Decision making was bad on your part though again to your credit at least you were roaming with me.
                                                                                    >I think you lack the confidence or lack knowledge of hero limitations and there were times you would go in or not go in when you should/shouldn't have.
                                                                                    >90 LH Riki / 83 LH CM and I wasn't even farming. Always maximize on time, clear the jungle on the way through, clear a wave when walking through a lane. ALWAYS be doing something to gain you the advantage over the enemy, don't waste time.

                                                                                    Aside from this I am unsure of what to suggest apart from taking the offlane more, as it looks like the heroes that are the most successful for you are offlaners. Namely, Nyx/Clock/Elder/Mirana/Barathrum/Bounty Hunter.

                                                                                    This is again in no way meaning to criticize but just to help you pin out where you might be falling over. Granted you will have bad games but improving your game helps eliminate the number of errors your team will experience.

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                                                                                      You just lost five in a row chill out, that's completely normal specially if you're playing normal games, russians and stuffs, one time I lost a entire page of games not only because of me, but some fucking uneducated spaniards refusing communicating with anyone who doens't speak their language (only the russians are worse than they), when I realized it was too late. had to search help from friends.


                                                                                        Gonna have to compliment you on your good memory that's insane haha. That ES abandon was my impatience after constant losses :( we were losing every fight. I now must serve my punishment, my friend will be joining me though haha.


                                                                                          1.Don't play so many game at a sitting. You WILL get tired and frustrated fast.
                                                                                          2.Chill after such bad games.
                                                                                          3.Hear some inspirational music and then go into dota again!
                                                                                          cheers! :)

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!