General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked Match Making - Gang of couriers, intentional deaths... (PLEASE...

Ranked Match Making - Gang of couriers, intentional deaths... (PLEASE READ NEED HELP) in General Discussion

    Ok guys, now imagine if you are trying to get your rank better at that new steam RANKED MATCH MAKING. Suddenly 2 of your teammates start sell their items to get a gang of couriers and send them at the enemy. They start to suicide and absolutely ruin the game which we were going to win....

    Just tell me, how come those kind of people join in the same game as me??? How come that they have the same MMR than me?? If that RMM is balanced, those guys should be alot below, iknow my RMM is still not good, i have 3100 only, but i don't deserve playing with those kind of people. It was a complete hour of my day wasted.

    Please, just tell me if this is fair.

    I joined a ranked match to try to raise my rank. Then some random guys start to completely ruin the game, at this point, i'm F O R C E D TO STAY IN THE GAME, because IF I LEAVE I'LL GET LOW PRIORITY. Ok enough??? No. There is MORE: AFTER THAT WHOLE HOUR OF TORTURE I'LL WATCH MY MATCH HISTORY AND WILL CHECK A RANKED MATCH WITH -25 POINTS.... WOW .... BEST DAY EVER....

    Because of those kind of things i'm already MUTED.....
    Steam needs some change...
    Please comment below what you think about this....

    Please help me....

    DATE: 03/05/2014

    Also when you are muted the team start to blame you for the things that go wrong. Please remove this mute feature or diminish it's penalty, 1 week is too much time...


      They are called "throwers" and you should report them whenever you can, because they belong to Low Priority.


        Yes that's for sure, but why i'm forced to stay in the game until it ends?? I'm forced to watch all that bullshit to the end, and when it's done i get -25 mmr wow nice... it's very easy to fix that. those guys on steam are so dumb, and they are bad at programming... ffs...

        and also some voices on heros are horrible, not good work, and obviously same person just changing voice tone...

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          another brazilian in the forums
          beware the br domination guys


            you can't run from the hue


              Um yes only thing you can do obviously is report them, mute them.

              I agree if someone throws the game right away like that there needs to be some type of "gg" functionality like there was in team captains mode when you put together a team and if you typed "gg" it would blow up your ancient in 10 seconds unless someone hit the cancel button.


                most game ruiners have a reason to do so, what did u tell them during the game? did u called them retards or something on those lines?

                Dire Wolf

                  Since he's been muted for a whole week he probably raged on someone, then that someone threw the game in reaction.


                    and yes i agree mute system is retarded

                    AMEBA DESCEREBRADA

                      no i did'nt call them anything , because i was muted. i was doing my best. BTW. This guy picks bloodseeker. and then i remember bloodseerker is good with invoker, and after i pick invoker he callls he's going mid... wtf... well i went mid for awhile expecting he was going another lane and letting me farm, but did'nt happen. Then i went top everything was going ok, sunstrikes near enemy fountain and kills...

                      And this is the other point of what i was talking about.

                      This mute issue, if you are muted your team thinks you are retarded or from another nationality for not saying anything and then anything bad that happens they blame you. And then they start thinking like, "well we got a retarded this one we cannot win". Also if on a teamfight like, everyone is dead and only you and another teammate have left alive vs 2 enemies. They go back because they think that you cannot help them just because you are muted...

                      I think the mute button on the score tab is more than enough...

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                          For all you that dont know yet just because u have say 4k mmr doesnt mean u wont be paird with some1 say 3k mmr as long as the total mmr of both teams adds up to somewhat close enough number there will always be worse/better players then u in everygame stop expecting every1 to be exact same mmr as u and also there will continue to be people who troll/destroy ur games so as long as humans walk this earth :)

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!