General Discussion

General DiscussionYou ever get the feeling you're being watched?

You ever get the feeling you're being watched? in General Discussion

    are you 5k?

    i left her

      Did u ask him, "Was it easy"? cuz 2Ez4Rtz

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        He said something like "Requesting a real support player and two tangos"

        Lol'ed so hard because Im not a "real" support player, but I do play support lol.


          Yes but arteezy has just been doing morphling mid and doesnt need much support except when mutiple people pile in on mid. Ive been watching his morphling games for a little bit now. I don't know why he picked it up recently though. Imma watch this one now.

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            inb4 monkey makes him cry

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              The game was over like at three minutes. First blood and double kill stopping early rosh > then kills mid.


                im concerned how a 4000 player is purple in a 6k team


                  So you didn't support. he got a double kill with first blood included while having haste and then killed mid again cause he didn't go back to heal. Its fucked up how the rating system really works that high up. I'm not as good as artery and I'm usually second matched up against him. I'm not even close to his rating but the matchmaking is weird.

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                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    A, your color theory is just a theory


                    B, I stack with goods.

                    @ Hael : Yea totally I didnt support or anything. Hold up while I show you the HoD I had on CM, for maximum jungling.

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                      im concerned that u think MMR matches r even watsoever lol i had a 2k mmr in my game the other day lol

                      Ples Mercy

                        Melody is acually lower 3k if i remember correcly.

                        Prolly stacked or matchmaking went full yolo that time. Would explains why arteezy ended it in 3min.

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          I don't even care about mmr lol. I still think player KDA/Winrate is a more reputable statistic than mmr, I was just laughing that 19/1 morph and my friend is saying shit like "I LIKE DICKS"

                          @ Blunt, I'm 2.5, get it right.

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                            melody u really 2.5?

                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                              Yes, of course. I think its actually like 2.4 or something

                              Ples Mercy

                                well u do, but when i get matched with low end players i get pissed. Usually when a party is going on it just goes full retard. I once played with a 4,9k player and a 2,8k player.

                                It was the most annoying match i've ever had. usually i lose bcause of parties and since i checked some of em i know for a fact that you can basicly play with a guy which has 1,5-2k less mmr than urself and lose so hard bcause some fucking faggot with a decent mmr decided to play with him.

                                inb4 fuzzy:
                                fuzzy does the same, annoys the living shit out of other players with his rL friends :'D

                                @ Melody:
                                wow you dropped to 2,5k?
                                U were once 3,4k if i remember correcly. Last time i saw ur solo rating it was 3,1k

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                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  Not saying that I'm better than anyone else, or that Im trapped in an ELO hell or something, more along the lines of, I am way to fuckin lazy to grind myself out of whatever sub 2k bracket I play in.

                                  @ Blunt,

                                  Everytime someone asks, Im going to keep dropping it lower as I have been. Clearly I am a 1.9 player. As you can tell my CM feeding skills.

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                                  Ples Mercy

                                    nah the issue is more that you kinda are stuck in a very low level. Last time i acually played with you was a very long time ago. I remember you doing very basic things as a support but lacked advanced stuff.

                                    You stacked and pulled when the lane was pushed towards the own tower for example, you never knew howto roam properly, warded awkwardly, sometimes forgot that, never bought sentries to deward etc.

                                    I remember sampson flaming the living shit out of you bcause you never dewarded a blocked camp, which led you to simply quit the game. That was also the last game i played with you since i don't play with leavers.

                                    I'm pretty sure you're still stuck at that level. Thats the reason why you're 2k and nothing else.
                                    You don't have to grind in order to have a proper mmr, there people like me who have the time ti play and 'grind' then ther're people who rarely play and still are top tier players.

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                                      Well you and sampson are a bunch of retarded niggers. You just troll and care about superficial things like mmr rating.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        aren't you the faggot who wanted to look for mates because he couldn't get out of trench 3k tier bracket and made a smurf which u are using now?

                                        You are so adorable.


                                        much skill, wow, very player, new strong

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                                        King of Low Prio

                                          This made my day

                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            You're talking about games that are about 6-8 months ago. Hold up let me hand you a shovel bro while you dig up the past. Again, I don't care about MMR.

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              well i said it was long time ago and seing that u are 2kish means that you prob. didn't change.


                                                oh goodness a 2k player is purple in 6k

                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                  2k? LOL I wish, I play 1.4k bracket.


                                                    You guys make me want to feed in normal matchmaking to where my winrate is 20% and then ill boost my ranked up to 6k just to show how retarded you guys are. Even in my 48% winrate account i had higher ranked rating than sampson or Ruski. Some of us enjoy playing with friends and people who are learning. If you want to play to win invite me to a private captains mode match.

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                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                      "Had" ...

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        when you buy a dota 2 account you lose your main dota 2 account.

                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          U never had a higher rating. U suck 2 much bro.


                                                            Yes, I don't use it anymore and i abandoned it For multiple reasons. Once again I didnt buy this account, but it seems like you are mad about it all the time. Do you want to buy my account if it will make you happy? And yes, I know for a fact my 48% winrate account was higher than Sampsons account right now.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Yup we trust the honesty of a person who got caught buying a dota 2 account


                                                                haha, I am one of the most honest people I know because I'm a cynical bastard that doesn't even like people who blindy do thing and I can tell you that I actually did not buy this account. Also, Ive been maintaining my rating ever since I got out of normal matchmaking and it goes up and down but I haven't lost it completely.


                                                                  "haha, I am one of the most honest people I know" HǣL 03/06/14

                                                                  Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                    It's funny cause last I saw blunt said he was 3.7k and he's acting like such a fucking good player. Do you get Internet erections when you call someone else bad blunt? Cause if you don't I don't see how you get such a thrill out of being a cunt

                                                                    Ples Mercy


                                                                      Oh Shit Waddup


                                                                        Sorry got you mixed up with the guy above you on that thread. But still you never post anything positive or anything nice to help people get better and the times you do post a tiny bit of constructive criticism it's followed by immediate shut downs

                                                                        Edit: fixed up words, big fingers on iPhones don't work together

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                                                                          how can some1 here still take blunt seriously


                                                                            yeah of course blunt isn't 3.7k lol did anyone believe that??
                                                                            he's way less than that


                                                                              melody confirmed for 5k support


                                                                                cmon, with over 3000 matches per year ? B-god must have much mmr,,


                                                                                  I still beleive that Blunt is actually 3 different people.

                                                                                  Ples Mercy


                                                                                    wut. Damn u clever.


                                                                                      LOLLLLLL so all this time Blunt is only 3.7k, he kept cocktalking me about how I only managed to get 4.2k and that I'm a shit player...Oh well

                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                        how exacly did you not read

                                                                                        'Sorry got you mixed up with the guy above you on that thread.'

                                                                                        You stupid - nyx assassin 2014


                                                                                          Only one dotabuff profile on the other team :| What is this? 1k MMR?


                                                                                            @blunt it was on another thread, you probably flamed on so many you cna't remember

                                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                                              LoL, so basicly you write something from an other thread in this thread? interesting. Also 3,7k information is simply false but also for you:


                                                                                                Then I don't get you just don't post your MMR, lol so many people have asked you to do it but you just pussy out everytime

                                                                                                Ples Mercy


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                                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                                    are there any verified players on Australia ;w;

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!