General Discussion

General Discussionu can see everyones MMR at end of the game

u can see everyones MMR at end of the game in General Discussion

    • Ranked matches will now show all calibrated player MMRs on the scoreboard at the end of a game that completes normally.


      • Added Ukrainian language text localization.
      wtf LOL

      King of Low Prio

        good now I know who to blame


          game that completes, if a random guy dodges the game you won't see his MMR?

          King of Low Prio

            u wont see anyones MM



              waku waku

                dota 2 supports ukrainian fascists ;-;
                also what's with "added cooldown to re-enter matchmaking if you leave before everyone loads", was not there always one?

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  decline > 1 minute added to cooldown



                    odd choice to show it at the end. Its not bad, but very much unlike valve.

                    Regardless, I expect a lot of people posting comments crying about peoples MMR on dotabuff match pages.



                      ^ I'm expecting more "OMG HOW CAN THIS PIECE OF SHIT BE X.Yk, PLAYED LIKE A MORONIC -127912312893 MMR, FAT GABE MAKE VOLVO FIX!" topics.

                      King of Low Prio

                        Yea I made a post about how making MM visible would only make people bitch and moan harder, Relentless argued against me on this issue. Once he saw his MM he bitched and moaned for a couple weeks then quit


                          I'm glad people know what their MMR is. I think it helps people track progress, is far better than win rate, and help provide goals. I also think people should be able to decide to make their MMR public or not, as it avoids crying and rage like that.

                          Lastly, I think people sometimes incorrectly connect their dota knowledge with their dota skill. For example, I feel like I am more knowledgeable about dota than I am skilled and able to execute that knowledge. I don't know if relentless actually quit or not, but w/e his MMR was, there is no reason to quit. Its not like their aren't plenty of games filled with frustrating players at 4.5k vs 3.5k. I hear things can get kinda nice around 5.3k... but again, there will always be players that screw up, screw off, or just play bad in any game, regardless of rank mmr.

                          then again, many dota players are incredibly rude and insulting, even to each others "friends".

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Inb4 mm randoms a number in +-100 from your mmr and shows infront of players unless they are your friend

                            King of Low Prio

                              I doubt valve is dumb enough to do that because it is too easy to get caught :P


                                took only 4 months very impressive


                                  I wish MMR were shown in the beginning. I just believe that higher MMR players should get first dibs on middle and carry. I'm fine with conceding it to such players.


                                    The issue is people would dodge. Frankly though, i'm ok with that.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I highly doubt that people will abandon at the end of a game purely to hide their MM and even if they do why the fuck does it matter?


                                        i was responding to visible mmr show @ the beginning which vandal mentioned.

                                        King of Low Prio



                                            That's an interesting problem.

                                            Is there something wrong with this solution:
                                            1.) MMR is hidden until everyone loads and the hero picking starts. If someone lags out before this, things continue as usual (game ends, people return to queue, etc.).
                                            2.) Once the game starts, if someone abandons early, he also gets the -MMR associated with the loss of that match. Everyone else gets the same treatment of the game not counting as happens now.
                                            3.) As is now, after certain events, the game always counts.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I do not think anything good can come out of people having visible MM during the match with how toxic the Dota community is. I dont think I will ever in my life say 'Well Satelizer is higher MM than me I guess I will play CM and support him'.


                                                Imo the problem with revealing MMR before the game has ended.. Or, at the start of the match, is that the lowest mmr would usually be forced into playing support.. And if they simply are not good at it, you've already lost.. For example, someone who's good with mainly Mid/Offlane might be utter trash in support (In comparison to his Mid/offlane heros ofc..)
                                                It also pressures the highest mmr into playing a higher impact role, such as Mid or Carry, and if the player is someone who is used to maining supports, that could again cost them the game, as they may be sub par with mid/carry..

                                                Another issue is the flaming.. A Jungle Axe who's 0/9 would be more inclined to rage and put the blame on the 1/4/6 CM, who is 10 mmr below him "DIS CM SO NUB SUCH LOW MMR GG FF".. Or someone whos the highest mmr on his team, after feeding and sucking all game would be like "Valve always matches me with these trash mmr nubs, fuck volvo"
                                                Yet another one would be people calling gg ff when someone who's not the highest mmr takes mid/carry.. If the 3.9k mmr guy took mid instead of the 4.1k mmr It'd be "Lol this scrub took mid. gg pls end fast"

                                                Iirc there was something like this in HoN? Not too sure though, but I think there was, and it was screwed up..

                                                As it is now, it lets you see the MMR at the end screen, so that you can see the difference in mmr range, and for people to totally disregard the "Highest mmr = blue/pink" theory..
                                                It doesn't really help anyone but a lot of people asked for it. So valve found a way to implement it without screwing up the game, since its only shown at the end screen.. And not too many are pathetic enough to add the lowest mmr in their game just to flame him..

                                                Just my opinion though :3


                                                  "• Added Ukrainian language text localization."


                                                    "Imo the problem with revealing MMR before the game has ended.. Or, at the start of the match, is that the lowest mmr would usually be forced into playing support.. "

                                                    The reason that perspective is wrong is that players are not always placed at the bottom or always placed at the top... except for the extreme players who ARE the top or who ARE the bottom. Most players have their mix of being the top dog in a game as well as being the bottom dog, assuming they have MMR in the range of maybe 2k-5k.


                                                      Concede - they do that in CS GO too. At the end of the match people's rank is shown. Now I kind of wish that, instead of selecting what server we want to play on - we could select what is our lowest acceptable ping.


                                                        no, they should just specify the location of the servers

                                                        russia is actually hosted in sweden
                                                        us east used to be hosted in two different states but i think they changed it to virginia for now
                                                        south africa got like 9 different servers across the region but they dont want to admit it even though you can check the ip
                                                        europe west and europe east is hosted in luxembourg and austria

                                                        europe west/east should be changed to just Europe and russia should be renamed to Scandinavia


                                                          Umm, i know that. ._.
                                                          Im saying, Lets take an example, Umm lets say I am someone who is good at Playing Mid and Carry, But Im absolute trash with support.. So I que for solo ranked, and My MMR is shown as lets say 3000. And Im the highest mmr, in that game. I take Mid, and my teammates are fine with it, since Im the highest mmr on team. I proceed to play Mid, and stomp the game. gg ez mmr ez lyf.

                                                          Next match, I go in, Im 3k, and everyone else is 3.1k-3.3k... I'm forced to support as no one wants the "Lol nub" to go mid.
                                                          The 3.3k guy goes mid, And Im playing support.. I proceed to fail hard as Im the worst support player since Robin the boy wonder. And we lose the game, due to me being totally useless..

                                                          This can happen the other way too, as i stated in my previous post, If Im a 4k MMR support who cant do shit as a mid/carry, and Im the lowest in team, Id proceed to win the game, by playing support and being awesome at it.. At the same time, If Im the highest in the team in the next match, being forced to play Mid/carry, I end up losing a game that could have easily been won by me playing support..


                                                            so the spamming "EZ" part will be changed to "lol you lost with those MMRs????"

                                                            btw this would be intersting in party matches, especially when u play with random ppl who have 2k while you have 4,6k


                                                              Sweet? Just another reason to bait people in raging :D



                                                                I don't understand how this impacts anything. First, it smooths itself out over time since by playing support, you will learn it. Second, in the 3-3.3 range example, there is no clear reason to prefer one player over another based only on MMR. Determinations based solely on MMR start happening when someone is clearly better than everyone (like +500 and beyond compared to everyone). In that situation, it's best to let that guy do as he wants.



                                                                  I guess, but there are a lot of people who prefer maining in one or two positions, as opposed to being a jack of all trades.
                                                                  And its not so much as not knowing how to support, as much as it is being much better at their main position.
                                                                  For example, someone who's a 4k mmr player when he plays carry, might only have the skill level of a 3.5k mmr player when he plays support.. This puts the whole team at a huge disadvantage.
                                                                  And even if it does smooth out eventually, It will cause a lot of chaos initially, not to mention the fact that it would cause a lot of hate to come from the majority of players who would rather not be jacks of all trades :3

                                                                  And at the 2nd part, majority of the players would still prefer the best on team to take the main roles, even if he's only 30 mmr above the rest..
                                                                  Another effect this would have, which I didn't mention earlier (Frankly cuz it just hit me :D) is that the highest mmr, would be a lot more cocky, if he knew he was the highest MMR (even if he is like 2 mmr above the rest..) And this would again cause issues b/w teammates..

                                                                  Also, Assuming the opponents can see your mmr, they would try to feed on the lowest mmr on your team.. This can also be used in a positive way, as to use the lowest mmr to bait.. But the point is, It'd affect the gameplay in a way that imo, majority of the community wouldn't appreciate..

                                                                  Again, these are all just my opinions :D ^^


                                                                    >odd choice to show it at the end. Its not bad, but very much unlike valve.

                                                                    it's not odd, CS GO uses the exact same system and i was wondering myself why it's not in dota 2

                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                      can't wait to see how a guy with 2k mmr feeds the whole game and somehow got into the match bcause of a retarded party.


                                                                        I'm hurry to see mmr of players, especially those in 2-3 party that usually have way less mmr than players who solo the game.

                                                                        Shinzou wo sasageyo

                                                                          Good. So people who faked their mmr in this forum can't hide under their private profile anymore.

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Well this is totally useless. You seeing anyone's MMR at the end of the game means nothing as the game already ended and there is nothing you can do about it. Blame him, flame him, mute him. Doesn't matter. Game is over and you lost.


                                                                              and when is this implemented?

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Dota is far to complex a game to end up blaming 1 or 2 people based on their mmr. Picks and team comp matter far too much, even guys with great mmr make shitty picks to lose games. I'd be hesitant to blame people solely on mmr knowing that I have crap games now and then too that aren't indicative of my ranking, just like I faceroll other games on the other extreme end. I guess it will be interesting to see the mmr spread but honestly won't mean much.


                                                                                  Added Ukrainian language text localization.
                                                                                  what does that mean? i dont really get it


                                                                                    It means, kids in Ukraine can now understand text in Dota2

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                      cs:go and dota 2 are very different games.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        It's cus ukraine is under revolution and making ukrainian the only official language when previous russian was accepted as well.


                                                                                          Player A: fu noob
                                                                                          Player B: fu retard
                                                                                          "we will see who's the noob here"

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            yes because if we followed what everyone who had a high MM said the Russian LPQ servers would would be the most populated servers in Dota 2.........


                                                                                              Now you REALLY have to tryhard