General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade

Terrorblade in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    Can someone give me some really good replay or some guide or something about splitpushing with terrorblade ? Usually when i am pushing someone tps to defend the tower, and when i use my illusions to split push i just feel that they die too fast.

    I only have 2 games with this hero This one was just a stomp by my team this one i had free farm since the beggining and still my gpm was terrible for a terrorblade.

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      The entire point is to force tps, it fucks up the enemy economy. if you splitpush during a big teamfight though, you could take racks at the risk of losing the teamfight


        Always keep spawning illusions, it has a low CD and cost very little mana. I have played a number of games as terror and won a lot by last minute tp's and pushes. Keeping in mind I play a support/roaming terror so if you are going for carry I would just look at the top list and grab a couple of those games.


 - some replay of mine from a today game with terror , be sure to use ur range form right when you near the tower and get max of illusion , even if 1 guy comme to defend don't really should a problem to kill him even if you have to dive the tower.

          Ples Mercy

            Ask bogi, he's TB pro


              illusions ... people run from tb's illusions lol


                Splitpush when shit is going downhill I say. Terrorblade kills buildings fast, but if you fight with teammates he kills players fast too. Then you get things done so much faster.


                  Refuse to leave lane and farm/push one lane the whole game, when an enemy comes, back to your tower, then repeat.

                  kalz | 永遠の領主

                    Check matrice's TB replays he's the best TB imo.
                    Go mid or safe lane, rush drums and BoT's.
                    TP to fights directly when the team takes them, if not, keep pushing. You can destroy their t2's + t3's + rax in under 2 mins if they dont glyph. Some people make Treads but then they go heavy push and try to avoid teamfights. That's how Demon plays.
                    I see a nerf incoming on TB, I'm 15-1 as TB on my smurf.

                    no incoming chat

                      When someone TP u can just kill him, lol. If u're not behind in most cases they need 3 heroes to kill u, when u have meta on + enough mana for ulti. In most cases u don't want to fight 5v5 till manta & skadi. Your team should defend as 4 & u push the other lane. Enemy need to TP back or they lose tower. Always use Meta when u're near the tower to push faster. My favorite build is PT, Aquilla, Drums, Yasha in early-mid game. He doesn't need any dmg items, just items to survive. In mid-late game go for Manta (S&Y is shit imo), Skadi & Butterfly/Satanic. You can also buy Midas, but on him it needs to be pretty fast midas (7min max imo). Boots of travel are also really good, but I don't like to rush it - u need hp & with PT, drums, Yasha u can farm any jungle camp with 1 illusion.

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