General Discussion

General DiscussionSo .. uh .. looking for a team?

So .. uh .. looking for a team? in General Discussion


    So, I'm not quite sure how to do that, so bear with me. Put in a simple way - I'm looking for a team. I will post some stuff that I think would be helpful below, but if anyone is interested and has any questions, feel free to ask.

    Server: Europe
    Age: Nearly 23 (oldie gaming, best gaming ... too bad girls don't fall for that)
    Are you really 23? Yea, but I have the mind of a 12 years old, noob, ez.
    Teamspeak, Skype, ICQ, mIRC, Omegle, Chatroulette - Nein. I use in-game mic only. Otherwise my Pc dies like crap.
    Language - totali ingrish, mai ingrish best ingrish. Also Bulgarian and some insults in Russian.
    Positions: Courier and I still get lost every now and then.
    DBPR: Dendi.

    Okay, seriously. I have a couple of friends that I play Dota with every now and then but I'd like to try out a team. I've been playing Dota for a bit over an year now and I'm kinda used to it now. I still have more to learn, but I think I surpassed the high learning curve by now.

    Since I don't know much about the 5 positions thingy, I'd just say that I'm comfortable being a support, mid up to some point and carrying every now and then. You can check out my mostly played heroes and do your own evaluation.

    I'm generally funny (at least that's what people tell me) but I tend to get pissed off if the enemy is playing one of the following heroes - Natures Prophet, (rat) Lycan, Sniper, Broodmother; If you do that, you suck. Don't add me. I hate you and you're my eternal enemy now.

    Favourite heroes:
    Mid - Storm, TA (can work on that, I know), Puck (need a bit of training);
    Carry - Spectre, Luna, lately I've been doing AM too, PA, DK, Troll;
    Support - Rubick, Bane, Lich (but I don't like him lately), Veng, Enigma (jungle), DAZZUL, Nyx, Lina, Pugna, Leshrac, Earthshaker (rarely play him), Chen and Visage (need to work on my micro);
    Offlaner - Bounty Hunter, Dark Seer, Mirana, Windranger;
    Jungler - Lone Druid, Enigma, Dark Seer;

    Since I've never posted such threads before, feel free to ask any questions. And last but not least - I suck at Dota.

    Edit: And just because I know that this is important for my e-peen:

    I mostly play solo queue. My win rate went under 53% because I haven't been playing for almost a month and I'm super rusty.

    Solo ranked: 3.5K (If I remember correctly)
    Party ranked: 3.3K

    Edit 2 (I'm not bumping, I'm just effin stupid): I like pwetty teams names c:

    Ова тема је измењена

      I would love to play with you, my availability would be low most of the time, due to my young age. I play on US west because that is where i am.

      I speak english, and my spanish is really bad.

      RolesL I like playing mid (TA, Storm, Pudge, Necrophos)
      support (CM, earth shaker, tide, lesh, lina, visage)
      Jungle (Life stealer, LC, enigma)
      carry (Alch, BH (i play a mean carry BH/rat doto BH), most carries)
      solo offlnae (Wind ranger, Timbersaw, Dark seer)

      3K solo MMT
      2.8K party MMR


        Hey man! I'd love to play with you, but we're playing on different servers and sadly my lag to the US is insane, making the game completely unplayable. :( And don't think that I'm better than you or anything, the DBPR thingy is just a joke :)


          Go apply to ESP, there you'll find players on your skill-level and you'll improve eventually. They host inhouses and they will most likely help you. Rather improve as a player before you start making a team at 3,5k. Just my opinion :P

          ESP Teamspeak IP:

          <12:10:28> Trying to connect to server on
          <12:10:29> You are banned permanently.


            I'm not making a team. I'm looking for a team. Plus - Oops! Google Chrome could not find Plus I'm happy with my 3.5 K considering I mostly play support :3


              Wheh, just my opinion. Playing support or not doesn't do anything with ur mmr lolz lols. Support just has an imporant role as the carry or mid or w/e. If you play bad that can cost the game even doe carry, mid, w/e plays good. This blame on carries is just stupid as fuck.


                agreed with dangdang, should improve your mmr at least at 4k if you want to form a little bit serious team. But if you want have fun team, whatever your mmr is its okay.


                  I'd try to improve my mmr to 4k once Random Draft is introduced to it, until then I don't feel like playing AP, just not really my thing and in most of the cases in CD it's just awful.


                    you have 3 supports out of 7 most played, how come you use this as an excuse for your mmr o.o


                      because support players gets lower mmr xDdd
                      because carry players sucks)))

                      Овај коментар је измењен

                        Yea, and one of them surpassed my second most played hero games twice :o Go figure. Anyway, thank you for your advice, I'd appreciate it if you don't spam the thread in case you can't contribute to it.


                          What makes you think support players get less mmr?


                            Your playing eu west. I regularly form try hard stacks. Play with us and see if you can keep up. If you cant, youre not ready for a team. Ive lost 2 of my last 38 games. Thats how tryhard we are.


                              dangdang, I've never said support players get less mmr, this is your own interpretation, it's just that in most of the cases you get something like this -

                              Guiri, sure, you can add me up and probably we can go for a game or two tonight.


                                what do you mean by "in most of the case you get something like this".
                                What you actually mean is that you think you're better than what your mmr says? As you get those "shit nubs cancel black hole buff thing tdang"


                                  What I actually mean and tried to imply is that you should get off my thread because I see no particular reason why a random guy should try to preach what I have to achieve in order to get a team. Did I set requirements for anyone who might possibly try to recruit me? No. Did I say I want the team to be highly skilled? No. Did I already thank you for your advice and asked you to stop spamming? Yes. Did you do that? No. Should I be annoyed that just another regular player who has riki, spirit breaker and ursa among his top heroes is trying to teach me Dota? I guess so, yes. So, now, please leave this topic.


                                    Sure, go 1v1 mid and I will point out all mistakes you do and what you could of done better. What does my top heroes have to do with my individual skills? Cmon. I would say sorry and that I've missunderstood you. I'd respect you, but your last sentence was very stupid. But hey, lets be friends :DDDd


                                      @winterhillz, you may not bale to connect to US, but i can try to connect to EU (private lobby first) and see if I can connect.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!