General Discussion

General DiscussionComments & advice

Comments & advice in General Discussion

    I m looking for pro players comments and advice. Please help my dota's improve . This is not smurf , ım only looking experienced players advice..


      Pro players don't really come round these parts too often, though we did have a nice little visit from @wagamama. I don't mind giving you a hand with improving but you would need to be more specific about what it is you want to improve.

      Simply "I want to get better" is too general you need to segment these things and work on them a piece at a time.

      Any particular game you would like to draw attention to for comments?


        ı want to improve my mmr but if there is a any noobs in team we would lose and ı still lose mmr :(

        and secondly ı want to improve my team working and skill oranization. And finally ı want to improve my item buildings in which depends on the games, heroes


          Ok, let me go home and get cozy and I will write something up for you. Could you give me a single game which you would like me to evaluate? if not i can just pick one.

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Watch your own replays. Be aware of what the enemy is doing. Always keep a positive outlook.


              thank you all pro's :) ı dont have single example , can u add me in dota 2?


                I don't think you should improve your MMR, but your gameplay. While improving your gameplay leads you into a higher MMR, having a higher MMR doesn't necessarily mean you are a better player (you can stack abuse, play the same hero over and over which will improve you on that hero but not in the whole game)

                make a list of what do you think you need to improve the most
                you suck at last hitting? positioning? map awareness? etc

                once you spotted your flaws, you can start working to getting better on those points

                but in a pratical way: watch your replays (when you win or when you lose, doesnt really matter) and see what you did wrong, if that mistake occured because of you or if the other team did put pressure on you, forcing that mistake, etc

                pay attention to the map always when you are playing.. if you are carry and you are farming jungle, start to attack a creep and then look across the map, watch out for missing opponents; if everybody is missing and you are far away from your base and/or from your teammates, then you'll get ganked most of the times (if the opp team has brainz)

                things like that eventhough they look silly and you watch pros and you say "oh i could do that", they are harder than you think. mechanics you will get from playing often, but awareness of the game you will only get if you study the game

                also you can watch higher level games (not pro's though).. watch the games from first patch on the Watch menu... try to figure out what they are doing and why they are doing it

                well i think thats pretty much it, it will take time to improve cause dota is a very complex game, but you can do it

                King of Low Prio

                  If you have noobs on your team they will have noobs on their team


                  is a good example of dealing with people you are much better than. The SF on my team got wrecked in mid to a easy lane and had 0 map awareness. The other team tried to capitalize on this alot and I made sure watch SF like a hawk so when he fucked up I could snag a counter kill or even multiple kills (even at the expense of my own personal farm). I also made sure to punish the other team hardcore for putting the achemist in the solo offlane (I think I killed him like 3x before he abandoned the lane).

                  TLDR: If you are a better player than the people you are playing with you have to play like ARE better than the people you are playing with.


                    play more


                      the best advice ever :)))


                        Step 1- Stop putting blame on team. Its up to you to increase your mmr, not them.
                        Step 2- Watch some replays of you playing, see how bad you are, realize that you suck, and try to improve obvious mistakes.
                        Step 3- Climb ladder.

                        (No offense saying u suck btw, this is the process that I put myself through aswell, in my oppinion every single player is still capable of improving so much, nobody is "complete" as a player)

                        That's about as general as it gets, good luck!

                        King of Low Prio

                          you must really suck when Waga comes to tell you that you suck :)


                            Wow, you know you suck when Waga himself says you suck o.o


                              lol sam you beat me to it

                              King of Low Prio



                                  Every player sucks, nobody is perfect, Perfect Is Shit was indeed shit, come at me haters! :D
                                  (maybe not shit, but you shoudl always fear getting comfortable. Feel like a noob, play like a tryhard, win doto)


                                    WagaGaming your opinion over Yaphets "being a not so impressive player" will have value after you have accomplished even the half he has and you participate and win in several, prestigious tournaments. Till then keep your big mouth shut and keep playing your Ember Spirit because that's the only way you seem to be winning lately.

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      Waga, ignore Snik, he is confirmed as #2 most retarded troll on DOTABUFF forums, he even changed his name so people don't recognize him.


                                        waga can u add me in the game ? im absouletly need this :)

                                        Thx for all advice :)

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!