General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you guys play LC?

How do you guys play LC? in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I usually play jungle LC which i think in my mmr range is very effective


      Max Q, safe or off lane, rape enemy into submission. Convince enemy Rubick he stands a better chance at winning duel if he uses it on me instead of vice versa.


        Hard support.


          I don't. LC is a trashcan hero after her passive nerf.


            LC is a pretty dick hero unless people are happy to let you farm and get duels without shutting you down. I do like playing her in a dual offlane with a support getting some levels in Q to help harass the living shit out of people.

            Not quite as much farm but a little bit more effective and with a bigger mid/early game impact.

            Junglers are always slow this is why heroes like NP / AXE / DOOM are played in the offlane or safelane solo or not at all cause the jungle is just too damn slow and if you get ganked once or twice that's it, you're fucked the whole game pretty much unless your team is prepared to buy you some time later on.


              Why the fuck would play solo offlane/easy axe? Rather farm fast tranquils and wand in the jungle and then start roaming.


                Cause I can outlane most people offlane with Axe though jungle is just as really depends what you want to do.

                I think I do about 50/50 axe offlane/safelane.


                  ^^^ jungle got nerfed a few patches ago. There is no point jungling early on unless the lane is taking every last hit. Pretty much all "junglers" are better in lane. I hate seeing a lifestealer go into the jungle. Any decent opposition will ward jungle and smoke gank easy. Free kills for other team.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    in the higher brackets people actuallyt take the Abandon 5 games low prio just to skip the loss if people pick it and say jungle ;D


                      "Why the fuck would play solo offlane/easy axe? Rather farm fast tranquils and wand in the jungle and then start roaming."
                      Axe in offlane is best Axe. Unless the enemy has some way to escape you(i.e. they need a real snare or stun that's ready every time you go on them) or it's a tri-lane, you're guaranteed first blood, even if you kamikaze, there's your tranquils right there.


                        max level odds playing mid and always pushing the lane


                          My eyes hurt from posts i see here.

                          Sup m8

                            Are SEA servers down atm?

                            Miku Plays

                              How can u guys maintain LCs mana btw? cause im trying to practice laning LC with bots and mana is just too short for her.. not to mention the press the attack mana cost as well


                                Soul Ring/Drums.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Don't jungle her. Get blink over shadow blade. Those are the biggest mistakes I see people make. I personally don't play lc ever.

                                  Von Darkmoor

                                    I dont understand how can you go jungle if they go aggro tri your duo +you jungle wont be able to do shit+the incredible ammount of flame you would recieve.

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