General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussion: What could I have done better in this game?

Discussion: What could I have done better in this game? in General Discussion

    I think I have the answer, but I wanted to get a community poll. How could I have won this game? What item build should I have changed to secure the win in this case?

    I'm curious what you guys think and after the game I face palmed hard and said "why didn't I do that instead???"

    waku waku

      why sny


        For health/maim/dmg/16% movement speed. why not?


          looks like an awful lineup for bloodseeker to play against

          waku waku

            well i think you could have gotten assault cuirass so that wraith king, spirits, and serpent wards did less damage to your team

            King of Low Prio

              going s/y and radiance are kind of counter productive

              s/y means you want to focus on early game while radiance you are focusing on a later game


                Well hold on guys just throw out one item that I should of got rid of and one item I should of bought to turn the game in my favor.

                I'll give you a hint. My biggest troubles was Wraith king.........

                P.S. @ Sampson

                I bought SnY early, radiance I bought mid game so I was pushing lanes like a boss since it dragged into the late game and we didn't really have any lane pushers, and they had DP/SS so I had to do something over that was the point of the radiance. Was it at the time the best choice? Probably not since they were the least of my problems and I should of built to take out wraith king.

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                waku waku

                  you wanted to replace sny with diffusal blade? nah, it would not work so well with his bkb

                  King of Low Prio

                    If you wanted to deal with WK you could have gotten a satanic or a abyssal blade. Pushing lanes with no follow up can hurt your team in the long run sometimes because it gives the other team a safe place to farm(under their tower). If you wanted to push buy a necro book and have them kill buildings


                      I like sampsons idea with the basher/abyssal blade but I think I could of split out the S/Y, got a heavens halberd to disable wk's right click. I think we could of shut him down more if i disabled his right clicks with sampsons idea or mine, which would of been a bit more cost effective, and yielded some more evasion, and greater maim. Thoughts on this?

                      King of Low Prio

                        he has MKB all that evasion does nothing to him....

                        some random trashcan

                          you guys have one or two heroes that can somewhat counterpush, problem is AA cant do anything to wards and your autoattack carries arent designed for countering pushes

                          game goes late -> no way to stop push basically

                          unless you were able to feed off the dp/ss early on (with team support) seekers somewhat useless as they dont need anything to push besides putting down wards/dp ult, so yeah the hero isnt great this game


                            Well what about the right click disable when I cast it on him?

                            In retrospect this was my build:

                            1. Phase boots <3 min
                            2. SnY<10 min
                            3. Blade Mail.< 15 min
                            4. Butterfly <28 min
                            5. Radiance.<38 min
                            6. MKB<50 min

                            I would of done it this way in my mind after this game:

                            1. Phase boots
                            2. SnY.
                            3. Blade mail.
                            4. Break apart SnY and created heavens halberd
                            5. Manta style
                            6. Basher to abyssal blade.
                            7. No BKB since there wasn't enough magic dmg to justify it.

                            No I agree the evasion did nothing to him, but his right clicks were so out of control past the 30 min mark that taking that away from him would of allowed my team to survive longer + me not having him right click for 4 seconds and bashing me all to hell. Good bad? I feel the butterfly was not needed and did some dmg, but as you pointed out he had MKB which I was unaware once I purchased the butterfly and was like "oh shit that sucks".

                            So either way how you guys feel about this afterthought on my game the point of this post is that I see a lot of people on here crying that their team sucks, but really the only thing you can change or learn from is the mistakes you made, and what impact you can make by keeping an open mind, and maybe doing something differently with your build.

                            King of Low Prio

                              shadow shaman alone requires a BKB not buying it would have been the worst choice you could have ever made.


                                ^ true

                                I bought it way too late. I bought it for the disables, i bought it way too late. I went dmg/evasion first instead of guard type. I did handle the SS pretty well and silenced him or rubick when engaging though, but that left me without a silence to boost my dmg, but then again I don't think bkb and my silence work together and it debuffs it on me (i think)

                                So several mistakes here.


                                  Well, you usually get Radiance on heroes that can splitpush with Illusions or units such as Spirit Bear. Going radiance on Bloodseeker that late is kinda waste as you also get radiance to farm faster.

                                  The damage output of Radiance gets less and less "important" as the game goes since the damage is pretty low compared to heroes HP pool, also teams will get Pipe.

                                  AKA, dont get radiance as a last item or beyond last. :P SnY+Radiance is neither good. However I like SnY on Bloodseeker myself.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    You were playing bloodseeker, if you dont snowball hard late game is a problem



                                      I think you were doing fine.
                                      The problem is wraith king is a better late game carry then bs. IIRC, wk is 2 star carry in game, while bs is 1 star.
                                      slark + bs should > wraith king late game. but slark was not well farmed and level'ed.

                                      Also, your team lacks those item that will benefit the whole team. mek, vlad are the most cost effective items in game. You also need ac. shiva and bloodstone will be great


                                        I dont think there's anything you could do better except snowball faster and win game before WK got really fat. He's one of the best carries in the game and if he gets good farm he's almost unkillable except for some good counters like EMP, mass diffusalls or mass necronomicons so he doesnt have second life.


                                          @ dang dang,

                                          Yeah radiance was a dumb move for sure, i am dissapointed with my pick on that, if it was earlier in the game yes, but i got it really late so not as effective.

                                          @ Dorkly

                                          You needed 6 vanguards was the problem. J/k of course...... idk man make another thread to see what could of turned that game around of what you could do differently beats me.

                                          @ Whoji.

                                          Thx, yeah I get it the blade mail actually was very effective against him. IDK about bloodstone that gives me more HP/Mana regen and a bigger pool but one of WK's right clicks past the 30 min mark if he landed crit would do over 600 dmg to me which doesn't make a bloodstone really that effective of a buy. I think the AC or Shivas would of helped, yes slark + me should of taken him ez, but I can't really help slark land pounces, or secure a last kill when they are visible on the map to go run and gank when my bloodlust is seeing them. I was just looking for more what could i do things since I can't help what slark does.

                                          Funny thing is, he was like "pick me slark safe lane slark slark slark slark" so I picked him slark and was sorely dissapointed. Safe laner shouldve been a harder carry IMO i was wanting silencer really badly or AM, but he didn't know how to play either of those, and no one knew how to play bloodseeker for some reason.

                                          @ Huricane,

                                          Yeah looking back i could of asked slark to build a diffusal blade for him, i could of built one too would of been a good tradeout. Hence why I wanted silencer or AM instead of slark in the first place. BUT either way....... I rather pick a char. someone knows how to play or doesnt bitch me into the ground when playing captains mode since I was choosing for him. Mana drain wouldve been a good alternative here too agreed.


                                            What was the dust for? Blind dusts on NA? By the time he pops, there's no need for it.


                                              @ Frosty

                                              Yeah i didn't know my team bought two bags of dust. Gem or wards were needed. Again I can't control poor picks on items or use of them on other people :(

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