General Discussion

General DiscussionHow too Catchup

How too Catchup in General Discussion

    I don't like playing safe lane carry, but sometimes I have too. What is the best way to catch up gpm wise as a carry. Should I abandon lane and leave the support who takes last hits and doesn't harass and just try and jungle?
    Which carries can bounce back from for a rocky start? I like ember, but if I get shut down early I just can't catch up.
    It is not that i am bad at last hits, just the combined harass by the opponents and the support just sitting there taking last hits makes it really hard.

    King of Low Prio

      -buy a quel blade so that you get the extra dmg to make sure the retarded support does not get any last hits
      -stack and pull small camps yourself
      -try and get into the jungle as fast as you can (with ember this means get as may points into flame guard as possible)


        Bloodseeker fit the role he can stand decent harass.

        harvard graduate

          SF comes to mind. He is really strong in a safe-trilane IF he gets almost solo exp due to his amazing damage with razes (which you are going to hit on a stunned target).
          He farms ridicolously fast as you can just ask your supports to stack camps in the jungle, then you push out the wave and farm camps - rotate back to lane and repeat. He can also participate in somewhat early fights once he has his BKB.
          If you need a really trench-proof carry though, pick viper. Noone wants to trade with you at any point in lane and even if you get behind, you can still solo most heroes in the game because of your skillset (and because they will underestimate you). Get a mek and just start snowballing and pushing.
          The most ridicolous carry at the moment is Mirana though, if you can land those arrows you can literally be down 2k gold in 10 minutes compared to the enemy carry and still kill him with ease. She farms well too and it becomes even better once you get your Maelstrom.

          2014 devaslaytion

            Medusa, buy power threads drums, then go jungle to get your divine. There was this game where in 20mins i only farmed up a pt and drums. Enemy kills to my team kills were abt 15-5. I left lane at 20mins to farm in jungle+lane a bit. At 30+mins got my divine and proceed to turn the game around. 5/5 game won with medusa divine rush in my main account(not in this acc, this is my meepo training acc so i dont screw my main stats).


              5 man with team and try to pick off hero after hero until they start grouping up.

              Push towers.


                many of my 6k+ friends get midas like 25 min + into the game...

                My dawg


                  King of Low Prio

                    yea I never understood peoples obsession with 5min midas. You could be against a aggro trilane and your team will flip out if your midas is past that 5min mark -_-


                      when i play certain heros who can get helm(luna,dk,gyro....) i take a creep and stack the ancients.. do it continusly and you will have massive farm, not applyable to all heros but can do good


                        Ive had the same problem lately it really is a crappy way to start. One way is to ask your support not too, its worth the try sometimes you will be surprised and they will back off. If that fails, which it more than likely will, get what farm you can until eventually support starts to roam. At that point maintain creep equilibrium at your t1 tower and afk farm. To be really safe from ganks ward the jungle entrances but otherwise good map awareness (i.e. checking mini map for missings every few seconds) will suffice. Keep a tp scroll with you at all times if you are needed in a team fight or escape. If your T1 tower falls try to freeze the lane at your T2 tower instead (by means of pulling, denying and last hitting). Rinse and repeat until you get your core and then hopefully as long as your other 4 have not completely fed the enemy you can begin snowballing.

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